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[unofficial weekender] Almost February

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This topic contains 24 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 3 years, 11 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    ### Start of shameless copy & paste ###

    Read all of this before you start as it will save any trouble later.

    First thing you must do is make your “pledge”. It can be anything gaming related, big or small, and you don’t even have to finish it. No, in here, happiness is the road. Have fun doing whatever it is, but it is not a race. Accompany your work with pictures or we might think you are do something sinister and just using us for cover.

    You are also presented with a few questions. It is to get the conversation started. Try and keep your answers ‘conversational’, no text speak, and certainly no “basically”. This is how we all get to know each other better. While you are here feel free to tell us a story, show a picture, joke, tales of love or woe, or just add your own little bit. This is the whole point…in here it is just us.

    If you have never taken part before we may bark and bite, but we also like a cuddle! It is all done in the best possible taste and it is character building. feel free to give as good as you get.

    A few other things to note: NO RELIGION & NO POLITICS! Glasgow pub rules are in effect. If you need to make a better point then it is fine, but don’t take the piss. And always keep it civil.

    Play plenty of music to go with your work. Loud and through proper speakers. Write us a playlist of things we might not have heard before.

    Now, after all of that there is only one ‘real’ rule in here and it cannot be broken: NO DICKS! (Exceptions may be made for little fighting men with little plastic/resin/metal wieners)

    And don’t forget the highlights of the weekend: The Weekender on Friday and XLBS on Sunday. And the little show that is the unofficial Hobby Hangout over at

    ### End of shameless copy & paste ###


    • Why is G’Wullu so reluctant in releasing new Orc models?
    • How much did you order from brigade models?
    • Will we ever get a really new game or will everything in the future be a rehash from what is already there?



    Cult of Games Member

    No pledge this week from me… too much on my plate.

    • Wish I knew!
    • Nothing. Still pretty well stocked up on Celtos… may take them out of their box this year…
    • Depending on how detailed you break it up it’ll always be a rehash. I just hope for some real new shit



    Cult of Games Member

    This weeks pledge is to paint up more Dweghom, but if I can’t get them undercoated because of the weather I’ll paint up some bolt action terrain.


    1. Why is G’Wullu so reluctant in releasing new Orc models? – If someone suggested orks in power armour they might get made.
    2. How much did you order from brigade models? – Nothing, yet…
    3. Will we ever get a really new game or will everything in the future be a rehash from what is already there? – Humans are actually really bad at coming up with new stuff. Almost everything is an iteration on what has come before. I’m sure there will still be the occasional “new” game.

    Cult of Games Member

    This week I pledge to write up what I’ve done on my first ever OTT project. Oh, and add pictures. Really small ones, hosted on a different site, just to wind Lloyd up 8)


    • Because they know Orks is da best an’ Space Marines is poopy pants.
    • Far more than I should, but way less than I wanted too!
    • New games are always cool, but it’s great when old ones get ‘fixed’ or shown some love. It’s not always better to reinvent the wheel. Sometimes wheels just work.

    I’m worried about just how ‘PC’ modern games are becoming. I remember when a game was just a game and rules were really just guidelines after the number one table rule of “Don’t be a dick”.


    Cult of Games Member

    see … I made you remember 😉

    next time : drink more coffee so you won’t forget 😀

    • Why is G’Wullu so reluctant in releasing new Orc models?

    They’re not spacemarines …
    It is weird to see them announcing more AoS stuff that isn’t Sigmarine, but the 40k releases so far have been spacemarine or spacemarine-adjacent.

    • How much did you order from brigade models?

    nothing … but that’s only because I haven’t found anything in there that triggers my need for shiny

    • Will we ever get a really new game or will everything in the future be a rehash from what is already there?

    I’d argue that existing companies will only ever re-hash whatever is popular or ‘update’ their current ranges. Taking risks is for people who have nothing to lose.

    And it’s not like there are any actual ‘new’ ideas out there. Pretty much everything has been done already.
    The only thing missing is a combination of luck, timing and marketing.

    Frostgrave for example is more or less D&D in its initial hobbyist format : an attempt at making a fantasy skirmish game with roleplaying elements. Replace the ‘dungeon filled with monsters and traps’ with an ‘ancient city filled with monsters and traps’ and you’re effectively back to early D&D dungeon delving adventures. Once they add rules for interacting with NPC’s we’re full circle.

    Note : this doesn’t mean it is a ‘bad’ game …it just isn’t anything ‘new’ as a concept.
    Other games have built onto that same format, because the core concept is solid and adaptable.
    And as with any concept that strikes gold there will be companies that will copy/clone the format in the hope of getting some of that success. Some will match that success … and others won’t.

    And so the cycle continues.

    Pledge ?
    Now that I have my Scale75 Instant colour sets, all of the primer paint variants (there were 3 colours) I shall attempt to paint a mini.
    I also will need to figure out if the instant colour range can be used for my WW2 Soviets.



    Cult of Games Member
    • Why is G’Wullu so reluctant in releasing new Orc models? I wonder whether they are busy trying to work out some new direction for Orks and associated lore. I suspect that is more likely than a refreshing of the current ork range.
    • How much did you order from brigade models? Nothing as if yet, but they are firmly on my radar if I decide to grab A Billion Suns.
    • Will we ever get a really new game or will everything in the future be a rehash from what is already there? I think that there is a limited space for a truly original game design, especially if you encompass board games and RPGs. But I think that there is still some scope for implementing/ combining mechanics in new ways.

    I finished painting up my Napoleonic light infantry this morning, hoping to find a bit of spare time to base them tonight. Pledge is get started on the next batch and keep cranking the handle.

    @sundancer When are you going to share some photos of your Y-wing? Even some WIP would be great to see.


    Cult of Games Member

    @scribbs Y-Wing? YT-1300, Corellian freighter…. most famous one Millennium Falcon 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    Ha, shows that I apparently need to read more carefully! Regardless, be great to see what you’ve been up to even if it isn’t finished.


    Cult of Games Member

    Evening all

    Quick answers

    1. Maybe they don’t sell

    2. You mean how much did I order this time?  Just some spaceships

    3. Mechanics wise I dont think there’s been anything truly new in rules since the early 80’s


    Cult of Games Member

    I’d argue that there are two reasons Orks why wouldn’t sell :
    (1) the models date back to last century … GW has made much better kits since that time

    (2) they are horde armies (when the army list matches the fluff) … and not everyone has the time and money to  invest in such a thing. Especially when that means handling decades old kits that lack the features of the modern ones

    Imperial Guard share the same problems, but at least Orks used to have some seriously crazy (and funny) things you could do with them to make it feel less like work.
    Heck … if anything the lack of crazy may be why Orks don’t sell. They’re just the Xenos variant of the Imperial Guard.


    Finally found something about the Scale75 Instant colours out there on the interwebz :

    Lots of negative experiences in there and some hints (paint light to dark instead of dark to light, watercolour like behaviour).
    I guess it is hard to market a new paint if you don’t tell people how to use them or if said people ignore the videos in the kickstarter.

    The colours on that page look very bright … which isn’t exactly how they looked in the official videos.

    oh well …
    I remember the contrast paints also getting a lot of mixed reviews at launch.



    This week I shall pledge to do…SOMETHING! Seriously, I haven’t really got many plans. I only just got Cypher on a base (see below and on project)… I MIGHT do a Lannister Guard Captain…or maybe on of the banners for them, but who knows? Got a few school assignments this week alongside a whole bunch of things I should have been doing, but haven’t. I do take exception with the ‘Almost February’ title…that basically translates to ‘Almost 30’ for me… 😛 Anyway, some questions…

    Why is G’Wullu so reluctant in releasing new Orc models?

    Simple, Orks need VAST numbers of minis so people who play them will either buy what is on offer, or not play Orks. They probably think they max their profits by not bothering to change the basic unit and only throw out some of the ‘cooler’ stuff every now and then. I also suspect that Ork players are the most likely to buy any kind of vehicles and make them Orky; that’s what my sister-in-law does. It’s a shame, but places like Kromlech are obviously not digging into their profits enough to warrant a fundamental change.

    How much did you order from brigade models?

    Nothing. Not even sure what they make. I may have missed something by not watching the Weekender yet…

    Will we ever get a really new game or will everything in the future be a rehash from what is already there?

    There’s only so many ways you can make a tabletop game, really. At a fundamental level, they are all copies of two or three basic concepts with extra stuff put on. I think setting and style are the things that draw people in. One of the reasons I still play GW games; I like the settings. Very much against the grain here, but I prefer AoS to Fantasy. It’s just more fun. More wacky. More fox spirits. More diverse. Less obnoxious ‘I have already won’ players. Which is another thing that makes or breaks a game; player base. I hate competitive games… Oh and I don’t mean diverse in a ‘political correctness gone mad’ sort of way. I just like the idea of throwing the book away and thinking ‘why can’t elves ride kangaroos?’ and so on. Slightly off topic there…

    Anyway, Cypher!


    Now with 100% more base!


    Cult of Games Member

    I hear all your “orks are to many minis” arguments and I agree if you only think in the 40k scale… but there are other games they could make this work for. Kill Team for example.



    That’s true, but I think GW only thinks about the ‘grand scale’. They probably think that anyone playing Kill Team as their primary game are likely converting their team from all sorts of pieces…and maybe 3rd party companies… Those Ork Boyz do really need an upgrade, though… I’d like them to get a slight re-scale when they get done too.


    Cult of Games Member

    It’s about time I got on with the ever increasing pile of Space Marines i have, so this weekend I’ll have at least a Knights of the Raven test paint done.

    1. I could ask the same about the Guards.
    2. I have enough to be getting on with, the pile of shame is already embarrassing.
    3. There’s always something refreshing waiting around the corner, but truly new we’ll have to wait for. I for one am confident we haven’t seen it all yet.

    Cult of Games Member

    pfff … almost 30. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt … well no t-shirt.

    yeah, orks do have the advantage/disadvantage that you can take any vehicle and make it more Orky.
    I think the Eldar are the only ones that don’t have vehicles that would work though.
    That spacemarine walker thingy that looks like it is straight from the Alien movies … that’s perfect. I just haven’t gotten around to do it yet. I think I need some plasticard or something.

    @sundancer the problem with Killteam is that GW never made any special models for that game.  And as per usual the spacemarines got all the glory. At best there were re-packaged boxed sets of existing kits (with a few pieces of terrain). Excellent value for money, but I think a missed opportunity to do for that game what they’re doing for that AoS boardgame thing (Beastwars ? Direwars ? Underworld? … it keeps changing names) where every team gets a unique team.

    A more detailed review of the Scale75 Instantcolors

    You can see why some people would think that the colours are too weak.
    Now if only I can avoid getting sucked into playing videogames or watching tv I may get something done. 😀

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