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[unofficial Hobby Hangout] #220 Flocking hot.

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion [unofficial Hobby Hangout] #220 Flocking hot.

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  minigiant 5 months ago.

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  • #1889864

    Cult of Games Member

    A friendly short reminder for tomorrow’s today’s (August 13th) uHH (unofficial Hobby Hangout).

    Warning: since we’ll be having 34°C during the next two days there is a high probability that I will be a dried and shrivelled husk. In other words: I might cut the stream short. Depending on how much liquid I’m loosing.

    Here are the times:

    German Time 21:00
    UK Time 20:00

    [UTC/GMT 19:00]
    Join in here:

    The timezoneconversionthingy:,456


    Cult of Games Member

    I give you the sweaty VoDs


    Cult of Games Member

    Thanks for covering my Dwarf Slayer army, and interestingly I have not used any orange paint on these models. It is all browns with red glazes and inks. That was a very good spot on the Slayer Pirates, I have indeed swapped/updated all of their pistols, but you failed to see that those pistols went onto my Thunderers so they became a conversion out of necessity.

    I just want to correct one thing, Balkrag Grimgorson is not Cursed Company but a named slayer from Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: Karak Azgal – Adventures of the Dragon Crag

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