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UK Games Expo 2020 crowds per day question

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This topic contains 9 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  lawnor 4 years, 11 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    My friends and I went to UKGE for the first time last year, on the Saturday only.  We took a 2 year old with us.  While everyone survived the day (There was drama when I got separated from the toddler at a key moment while I was carrying the potty.  Apologies to anyone in the courtyard for anything that may have happened before I got there), but we did not get to play much of anything.

    This year we are considering taking time off work and going on the Friday under the assumption the crowds will be less, it’ll be harder to lose a rampant 3 year old, and he will have less distractions/stimulation.  We will also have a new born in tow.  What are peoples past experiences with the crowds/noise levels etc over the three days in past years?  What would be your suggested best day for navigating with a push chair and/or carrying a baby seat while hoping to not lose a toddler and actually be able to keep one still long enough to demo a few games?


    As a side question, he currently cannot read, count (1, 2, 3, 4, 6! is what he can manage.  I don’t know what he has against 5), and probably can’t yet understand the concept of game rules.  What would be peoples suggestions for the very first game you could get a toddler to understand and play?  We tried a haba game with snails last year but he wasn’t ready.  I think we are getting close to him joining us for a game of something.  I just don’t know what.



    I would certainly suggest that you go on either Friday or Sunday as the crowds are distinctly less pressed and you’d be able to find your way around much easier. Friday benefits from the fact that a lot of people are still at work so it’s good for wandering about, especially earlier in the day.

    In terms of games, I would still suggest going to look at the HABA zone and trying some of their games. They have some which are much more suited to MUCH younger gamers so maybe ask the people there what they would suggest. Animal Upon Animal is a really fun game for a small child as it’s just stacking animals. I would also recommend the basic Rhino Hero as that’s stacking up a big tower of card and it’s a lot of fun for youngsters – I’ve played it with a bunch of 5/6-year-olds and they loved it (obviously that is still a big difference).

    But yeah – Friday (early) or Sunday if you want a (more) relaxed experience!


    Cult of Games Member

    Thank you.  Rhino Hero Super Battle has been on my shopping list since I saw OTT demo it at UKGE 2 years ago.  Is there a significant difference between the original and super battle?  We went to the HABA BG library zone last year but the didn’t have a copy.  We tried a couple of their games but he couldn’t engage.  Hopefully this year.  I’ll look out for Animal upon animal.  he does love stacking things just to knock them down (Or rather he likes other people to do the actual stacking as that’s not the interesting bit).

    I wasn’t sure if Friday might be busier as people flock to be first in and first to demos and get all the bargains.  I also thought perhaps that’s the day the industry guys favour for doing their wanders around the halls so might be busier for those reasons.  You say Friday early.  Does Friday late get super busy, or just comparable to Saturday?  We will likely be looking to be out and home by 7 at the latest I’d guess.  Little people need their sleep, and the big people may well have little people induced headaches!


    Cult of Games Member

    We’ve done Friday and Saturday for the last 5 years, and Brennon is right, definitely easier to move around on Friday. Doesn’t get a lot busier later I don’t think, it’s fairly steady throughout the day. I’d agree with the Haba zone. They have those massive oversized versions little’un might be able to play too. Still tricky at 3 though, and harder with a new born to look after too. But I saw quite a few families with little babies so it can be done. Just hard to have sit down demoes for ‘proper’ games for you guys, looking after the kids. Hope it goes well and you all have fun!


    Cult of Games Member

    The new born might be fine.  She can’t move around yet so we can sit her in her baby seat and not worry too much.  Its the 3 year old who need occupying/nailing to the floor.  He coped very well last year, but we couldn’t really engage with the con.  he has his perks though.  We took him to ChillCon last year and he spotted some young girls he wanted to make friends with.  He ran up to them and stood awkwardly near them not really sure what do do next.  Meanwhile their supervising adult chose to chat with us.  It was James M Hewitt.  Who knows who he might introduce us to next time?



    Super Battle is more gamified so it’s a bit more for big kids and those who are kids at heart. But, it can still be pretty much played as the base game. I would also suggest trying to find Ice Cool if you can – it’s a flicking game which I think a youngster might enjoy quite a lot.

    Friday late afternoon can get a little busier as people try and get in more time to snap things up before the weekend begins proper. It’s not super busy, just might be a bit much if you’re looking to try and still keep it relaxed. The press/business stuff is done in a different room from the main event so there’s no worry about running into too many press folk.


    Cult of Games Member

    I’ve always gone on a Friday and while there are still significant numbers it’s not been overbearing. I can get quite anxious in crowds and I’ve spent all day without a problem.


    Cult of Games Member

    Well, its looking like Friday is the best day for us.  Thanks for the help.  Now I need to figure out how I’m going to get out of work.  Do I really need to spend one of my precious leave days, and see about pairing the remainder up with a bank holiday?  Do I book the whole week off work?  Can I find another way?


    Cult of Games Member

    I got my niece a Dragon’s Breath from Haba when she was 3 and she still plays it 2 years later although I got her Valley of the Vikings also from Haba for Christmas, not sure she understands the strategy yet but she likes knocking over the barrels in it.

    Friday was the best for me too, got to book the day off soon before I forget.


    Cult of Games Member

    I think I’m going to have to bookmark this thread and and see if these games are in the haba free play library when we get there.  Thanks

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