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Time for a new hobby chair, what do you use?

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Time for a new hobby chair, what do you use?

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This topic contains 14 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  noyjatat 6 years, 3 months ago.

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    It’s been quite a while since I have been able to find any real time at home to hobby but the day is coming soon.

    With that in mind I have begun to sort out some hobby space. In doing so I thought it might be time to get a nice hobby chair.

    It would be great to get community feedback on what you use and what makes it a good hobby chair.

    Would also be great to see a pic and if possible where you bought yours. I will say I am in the UK but that doesn’t mean members overseas shouldn’t post.

    Thanks for your help 🙂

    My current hobby chair




    Cult of Games Member

    I’ve actually went through a few chairs, problem in asking for a recommendation is everyone’s body is different (so their no right answer). But the chair I settled on was a simple wooden garden chair like….äpplarö-chair-outdoor-foldable-brown-stained-art-10208537/

    So when things are hot, there’s ventilation at the back (although you tend to sit forwards while painting). Another (more radical)option might be a “kneeling chair”

    These take a little bit of getting used to at the start, but you soon get used to them (and are supposed to keep you back in good shape), although from experience you need to have the desk a couple of inches higher than with a normal chair).



    Cult of Games Member

    I use an office chair sometimes so I can raise and lower it. Sadly the cat had usually got to it first.


    Depending on what I’m doing I like painting while sitting cross-legged on the floor





    @phaidknott how do you find that after a few hours painting. I would struggle with it due to a habit of mine when I cross my feet under the chair and tuck them back as I lean forward. I reckon I would get hooked on the bottom support and faceplant into my workstation 🙂

    @torros this is more like what I was thinking about. I would never be able to paint sat on the floor unless I had a table to lean on. A key part of my painting being neat is to have lots of points of contact.


    Cult of Games Member

    I think I got that one on Freecycle for nothing or at a local auction for a £5. We had another that broke and can’t remember which was which


    I only sit on the floor when I’m block painting. I do have my painting desk right beside me for all my bits and bobs


    Cult of Games Member

    They take a bit of getting used too, and like I said you need the work surface raised. But they are actually quite comfortable, although the dismount from the chair takes a bit of getting used to. If you’ve never seen them before here’s a nice young lady to demo…..

    If you find that you are getting backache using an office chair after a couple of hours painting (usually I find you crunch up forwards while painting with your back not resting against the chair back) it might be something to try.




    Cult of Games Member

    I’ve got an office chair similar to @torros, but mine has arms. I find this useful when doing some ‘fiddly’ painting as I can rest my elbows on the chair arms and lean back into the chair so I’m not hunched up over the desk and end up with back/neck ache.

    If there’s an office furniture supply place like ‘Staples’ or ‘Office World’ that have a selection of chairs in the shop, go and have a ‘sit down test’ with a few different chairs to see if one takes your fancy.  Finding one with adjustable settings means you can get it ‘just right’ for comfort and cut out some of the aches and pains from sitting still for too long with a bad posture. As a place you will spend a lot of time, it’s worth a few extra quid to maximise comfort.


    Cult of Games Member

    I use a saddle chair, similar to this I found it helps me keep better posture and avoid back pain.



    Cult of Games Member

    Cult of Games Member

    I’ve got a kneeling chair too which I bought ages ago, because I wanted a good chair to use at my computer.
    Expensive as heck, but definitely worth it.

    The variant I’ve got also has a regular back (Varier Thatsit), so I can sort of switch between kneeling and sitting upright.

    I didn’t take long to get used to it, but then that’s been my experience.


    It’s not exactly recommended to sit for more than 2 hours at a desk anyway.
    I’d recommend any chair that has adjustable height, because it allows you to change your seating position while still being comfortable.



    Coming in thick and fast now. I didn’t even know some of these types of chair existed. I think I would need an instruction manual to even sit on some of them.

    Also I may need to check out the safe working load that they can manage 🙂



    I’ve recently found a very comfortable new way to paint my minis…
    In the sofa, with my feet up on the small table and a wet pallet on my lap. Paints I’m going to use are next to me in an empty ice-cream box and the clean-water cup on the lid of the wet pallet together with a tissue, also on my lap. I was very surprised this position felt so comfortable and I have less problems with back-aches now, so I can paint much longer then 1 single hour. It’s also nice not to have a wall in front of my nose.
    The only thing I still need to figure out is how to bring easy and good portable daylight to my lap-workspace.  Maybe I should build myself some sort of an Anglerfish-helmet 😀
    The missus also likes it a little more that I now sit in the sofa next to her instead of on a desk far away… and the fear of spilling paint in the sofa is weakening day by day… (I’m still a bit afraid to spill my beer though…).

    The distraction of the tv is sometimes a bit hard though, especially when I’ve been painting for more than an hour in the evening, my eyes are getting tired and it gets harder to focus again on a mini after looking at the tv-screen for a few seconds… The sharpness back on the mini comes slower and slower.

    But so far, I’m glad with this comfortable position so I can paint a little more again 🙂




    As Warren always seem to be referring to the Egyptians maybe your missus won’t notice all the mirrors.


    Cult of Games Member

    I swear by this chair.  It has solved a number of my sore back issues and is quite versatile.  When friends visit and paint at my table they often decide they need the same chair. Worth spend a little to keep my back and neck happy.



    @144artist they have something very similar to these at work which I find very comfy. Cheers for the link buddy and to all the others that have posted a comment too.

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