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Themes paint sets: Opinions?

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This topic contains 8 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  angelicdespot 6 years, 6 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    I was watching a video on Monday and the guy was talking about the themed Scale75 paint sets, like Wood and Leather, or Flesh Tones, and it came up that they don’t just contain the paints, but a guide to their use.  I’ve seen these types of sets in my FLGS before and never given them much thought as I have lots of paints already, however I love guides and instructions.  I learn new things and achieve effects I wouldn’t have otherwise, and grow as a painter.  I know this isn’t an exclusively Scale75 thing and other companies make them so I’m looking for opinions.  Has anyone used any of these before from any company?  Are their instructions helpful?  Do they ask for paints not included (Beyond black, white, varnish etc)?  Do you prefer the instructions or sets of a particular company?  Has anyone got a set of these instructions they could scan in and send me so I can see if I’d get along with them?

    Thoughts, opinions and advice appreciated, and if anyone can suggest one that might be useful for painting the 5-different-shades-of-black Morticians Guild for Guildball I have to deal with soon, that’d be great.



    I picked up the Scale 75 Flesh set a few months ago and having bought it will never use anything else. Only done a couple of marine heads so far but much better than any other range I’ve used. Whilst the instruction leaflet isn’t what I would class as extensive (White Skin and Indian Skin), it does give you some very good pointers on painting faces, which even after 25yrs of being in this hobby I still struggle with a face I’m happy with! 😀


    Cult of Games Member

    The flesh set was the example used in the video.  It did look like it gave examples of 5 different flesh schemes, but only instructions for 2 (both of which looked white on camera).  I was hoping there were more guides on the back.  It sounds like there aren’t.


    Cult of Games Member

    Wargames Foundry do a similar range of  themed paints


    Cult of Games Member

    When I got back into the hobby I did up a WWII US Army for Bolt Action.  Having no paints and limited skill and ability a paint set got me on the right road and helped me begin my hobby.  Now after years of being in the hobby I have more paints and a better idea what they do.  It does make a new area of the hobby easier to jump into.


    Cult of Games Member

    I have the Vallejo NMM set and am finding it a great starting point and the guide is useful. The only problem I see with these sets is that you often end op with a black or white or both meaning you may end up with a lot of double colours.

    @olliep I’ll have to look into that flesh set, something I have trouble with.


    Cult of Games Member

    It’s not quite the same thing, but I subscribe to the Asset Drop monthly ‘discovery’ box.

    You don’t know what you’re getting each month, but each box comes with a pretty good booklet with guidance on using the contents to try usually two or three new ‘tricks’.   That might be painting crystals, doing snow bases, etc.   The booklets are aimed at people who want to improve their painting (9 times out of 10 they’re telling you to thin your paints with thinner and/or water and to use up to 5 coats) rather than those trying to finish an army in 3 weeks, but I’d say they’re pretty good.

    They’re also very easy in the sense that – if you accept that you don’t know what you’re getting – each set gives you the opportunity to learn a new skill as well as try a new paint / ink / powder, etc.

    If you’re interseted in exploring new products and trying new skills, I’d say it’s worth it.


    Cult of Games Member

    I’ve got all their Discovery boxes.  That’s one of the things that’s nudging me towards this way of thinking.  They’ve already handed me some Scale75 paints and I can see their quality, and I really love their instruction sets.  I love that they are a painting lesson in a box. I buy them for that.  If they were just paints I probably wouldn’t bother.


    Cult of Games Member

    Likewise. It’s the booklet that made me think I might actually get some value and use out of the paints.

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