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The Walking Dead: All out War

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    Just a quick post to see if anyone else is playing or collecting this game at the moment?

    Have the starter set and a few boosters and have to say am really enjoying it – brilliant minis (which are great fun to paint), the setting is cool regardless of whether you’re a comic or TV show fan, and the game mechanics of Player vs. Player vs. Environment is such a great design.

    How are people playing the game and getting on with it so far?


    Cult of Games Member

    I have the Kickstarter set, keep wanting to go and add more to the collection but other games keep stealing my cash.

    I really love how easy the game is to pick up and play, the rules don’t bog you down and it’s a great little tabletop game!

    Actually working on my own campaign for it at the moment.


    Cult of Games Member

    Playing it and loving it.I picked up a KS bundle from Mantic to start with, plan is to buy the Retail Wave bundles when hobby cash is available and pick up stuff like the neoprene mats and MDF terrain as and when.We’ve been playing through the scenario’s first ( and loving it ),but i look forward to some player vs player in the future as that’s when you can break out the bigger guns.



    I have everything they’ve dropped so far, and I’ve even been picking up minis from the likes of Hasslefree and making rules up using the character generation system, so I can include people like Jack Burton, Ash, The Winchester brothers, Buffy… you get the idea. The game is so easy to play and mess about with that it really is a joy. I’m even working on a World War 2 game based on a film you probably all know and love. But more on that when I start the project log for it.


    Cult of Games Member

    Loved the Beasts of War Boot Camp.

    Made great friends at the time and the game has been really enjoyed at my gaming club too.

    On the new game rating Functionality on BoW 2.0, I have done my review of the game.

    I had the boot camp Kickstarter version of the game and have since got the recent peg leg Dale exclusive at Salute, Glen and Michone boosters and a host of other expansions. The solo version with the young Governor is a very cool expansion.

    Seeing as I have painted an absolute ton of poxwalkers lately, I was thinking of ways to use tweaked Walking Dead rules to have an inquisitor and a small team hunt loot for an artifact, using poxwalkers as walkers.

    I will eventually get into the comic book series, because some of the expansion minis are characters that don’t appear in the TV series.

    I still haven’t got my head around making your own characters to play in the game yet, but a have a Darryl miniature and others I would like to add.

    Sophie lives!



    … I sculpted about 30% of the range, if that counts 😛 ha ha

    I’m glad to see people are enjoying the game 😉 would love to see some of your painted minis 😉



    I did the Kickstarter and picked up a few of the odd minis at some shows. Have not played a great deal but I do enjoy the game and look forward to getting more games under my belt.



    @Motion in Poetry – wow have to say you have done a cracking job! I’ve painted zombies for all kinds of games and settings and think these are some of my favourites, they are all so characterful and just the right detail level. The human characters are brilliant representations of the comic book as well, it’s uncanny how similar some of them are.

    @stainless001 – That sounds interesting with the scenarios, would definitely be interested in seeing what you come up with.



    @pacific – thanks for the kind words 🙂 yeah I did a mix of different humans and zombies, I think my favorite one I did was the 1 armed zombie with the baseball hat and beard 🙂

    … I even still have all the unused ones, where they were based on the first few issues, and the tv show, before they had to be changed to match the main art style of the comic after issue 7 (I think), for license reasons 😛  … they’ve still only been seen by a few people 😛 ha ha … I have secret things 😛 😛 😛 ha ha


    Cult of Games Member


    Sorry if you’ve seen them before. Will do my own project page at some point as i try to complete my collection.



    @dugthefug1644 –  very cool 🙂 I like the Hawaiian shirt painting 🙂



    I play this a fair bit. Demoing it for a friend today who bought Negan and Eanie Meenie Minie Mo. He’s an exceptional painter so I’m looking forward to seeing his stuff.

    My fat well zombie isn’t finished but I’m painting him as dressed like the classic Hulk. Zombie Smash!



    @woldenspoons – nice 😉 remember to give Zombie Hulk his purple trousers 😛 ha ha

    would be nice to see the finished results, he was one of my sculpts too 🙂



    I own the “Walking Dead: All Out War” and love playing it and also playing around with it.

    My start was the purchase of WDAOW collector´s edition, with a lot of survivors and many many roamers. Later on I bought three booster packs, Morgan distraught father, Andrea and Carol. I like the sculpts of all mins very much. Painting was a joy, too, however I´m not a helluva good painter, such as our mate further above, so I´m reluctant to show off my stuff, let alone from close quarters.

    The edition I bought includes the “Prelude to Woodbury”, so there are Brian, solo rules and some more things to enjoy.

    There is a a lot of solo play for me, because I´m a bit “far off” where I live, a kind of gaming no-man´s-land.

    I was a bit disappointed after I had tried the scenarios in the books, because there are so few of them. And furthermore, by far not all the many miniatures of the box were included in the scenarios. That´s why I made up scenarios of my own including all the miniatures from the collector´s edition set and linked them together to make a story.

    In order to make it possible to replay that stuff I wrote everything down, alas only in my own language, so posting will be a problem should anyone be interested. I could translate it, though. Anyway, making up the scenarios, twisting and adding rules, inventing the story, and using all the contents of my box was really highestly enjoyable. One nice thing was to include events from the TV series. And playtesting one´s own scenarios is yet another hobby aspect.

    Next thing I´ll try to do is to create scenarios with my booster packs and including them all into the story that allready exists.

    I promise, it is fun to do and the sky is the limit. Next thing I´ll buy will be “Days Gone By” (hard to come by here) , because then I´ll be able to invent my own survivors. The new survivors I have made up so far are derived from the ones that allready exist, which works, but I believe the creation will be better and easier with the rules from “Days Gone By”.

    Good to read that people like WDOAW. Thank you for the post.



    @Motion in Poetry That was the first thing I did. He has a few stages to go, he’s still flesh coloured (will be glazing green obviously) and I need to tidy up his ripped shirt.

    My demo worked as my student bought the core game. One of us, one of us.

    My favourite thing with Zombie Hulk Smash model is that I save it for when a survivor dies ?

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