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This topic contains 160 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 5 years, 5 months ago.

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    I will try and get back, but if you go to bed before I do…sleep tight. D.xx



    Stone giants got some love. I finished off the bases with some much needed foliage:

    IMG_0718 (2)

    I don’t know why, but after 30 years these are still among my favourite mini’s, old Grenadier models from the 80’s. Unfortunately, these are from my ‘shiny phase’, when I was sealing mini’s with a gloss finish. Argh. Only some got flocked and I’ll be correcting that as well. They’re due for a makeover, but not a substantial one… maybe a bit of zenithal highlighting and shading.

    IMG_0727 (2)




    “Nice river features. 100pts. Very impressive, but is it repressive to native people?”

    It may be an unfair representation of a river they claim to own, so I may need to pay them royalties, as they’re running out of ways to wring money out of our federal government.

    Antifa lol. They should really decide who they want to hate or beat up – they need direction and purpose. It would be easy to turn them into an instrument of revenge, as they’re not overly bright.

    Did I get anything back from Veterans Affairs? No… because that would be an admission of wrongdoing. All they’ve done is stop picking at my disability scab, which they have already peeled to the tune of $30,000. My lawyer isn’t finished… it’s the end of the beginning, as Winston once said.

    Harpoon? Epic fail. I’m sure @oriskany could come up with a more detailed and accurate rules set that was 90% smaller, and devoid of all the dogshit that makes Harpoon unplayable.

    My commute hasn’t changed, still an hour. It’s becoming so routine that I could probably run over half a dozen people and not even realize it… totally zoned out. If I paid attention I could probably be more selective about the people I splatter – the list is growing as we speak.

    You’re welcome here any time. Lots of room for a caravan/trailer! I would rent one for you and Heather if you were committed. Not much room in the house. Still seriously contemplating the 2021 visit for the wedding.

    Good night brothers.


    Cult of Games Member

    well … I was wrong. Tripods & Triplanes will probably arrive at a later date.

    This time it was one of those hex&counter thingies I backed “Nights of Fire” + the ‘Days of Ire” and an expansion pack of sorts:


    Yeah … it gots minis, but it’s not that kind of game. Consider it an upgrade as the campaign included allows you to play both games as part of a campaign.


    So that’s modern war sorted … 😀


    Cult of Games Member

    Regarding “Days and Nights” and “Nights of Fire” – I can vouch for Brian Train as a designer.  I actually got to talk to him a few times after I featured his “Desert Leader” Panzer Leader expansion in our two Desert War article series a while back.  As early as 2000 he fully embraced the adoption of Arab-Israeli Wars rules engine into the WW2 Panzer Leader model in a published expansion – Some of his rules I still use in my own Panzer Leader games, campaigns, and publications.

    Used to (still does) work at the US State Department, I believe, and has his own game design website.

    BTR Games

    This is the kind of designer that needs more attention, IMO.



    Oh, the woe…

    @oriskany – maybe this was a really bad idea after all! Soy makes you into a girl. Discuss. It’s true, Alex Jones told me. It also makes the frogs gay.

    You know that you are not required to make a pledge. Everyone here knows you are a busy guy! 100pts.

    You are lucky…if I leave a flake of polystyrene anywhere then I am doomed. Last week I was clearning out a cabnet and got rid of an old hill that I never finished, but takes up a fair bit of space. I put it in the wrong bin and the collectors saw it and put a sticker on the bin and didn’t empty it.

    When it comes to ‘modern warfare’ you have actually been there and done it. Maybe you ought to stick to Buck-a-roo? 50pts.

    @cpauls1 – ages ago Dave’s dad asked us to do some painting at his model train show. We should have charged a fee! Weird when you consider they were ‘train’ people. Weirdos. There are a few unpainted buildings, but that might not be for long. It is hard trying to work with just one hand/arm…it makes doing stuff a bit slow.

    Nice lizard things with the riders on. 50pts.

    @woldenspoons – you had a week to settle in, but you still missed the point. Try again. Last warning. All you missed was some kiddies pretending to be grown-ups. Any fool knows that we don’t put up with that sort of nonsense here! 100pts.

    @limburger – and what time do you call this? Ok, I am behind due to techincal issues, but you have no excuse. Did you make it to work uncooked? It pissed down all last night here and the Puggies love it this morning.

    Independance from Spain…is that why you don’t play Infinity? 50pts.

    That is a decent pledge! 50pts. Let’s see how much more you can get done. Did you pick up your package?

    1. We had those tiles too. They must have got a job-lot from China. It is like all the parents driving their children to school. I mean, who wants a confident child?

    2. Getting paid is always good. Then you see the deductions! Tax blows. We have ‘downsized’ a fair bit over the last 14 months. The last few properties we rent out have been sold as it was just a pain in the arse. Nobody had to leave either. How much have you spent already? Confess.

    3. I get it! 50pts. Does your mind automatically tell you where that will fit in later on in the plot? That can suck, but is great when talking to people. Do you easily spot bullshit?

    4. Rules lawyers really boil my urine. 100pts. What is the point? I just like using my models…winning or losing doesn’t even factor into it.

    @brennon – no politics, please! If it is ‘political’ than it is boring and, hence, we don’t chat about it. It is in the rules.

    What is difficult to understand…it is a title! If anyone wants to make something more of it then that is awesome, but start your own thread and bleet to each other about your imaginary hurt feelings. To quote Sassy the Sasquatch, “Take a teapoon of cement and harden up”.

    It is also clear that some people do not want to just get along. 100pts.

    @mecha82 – no I didn’t! However, some dicks don’t seem to be able to understand instructions and just want to be dicks. What is difficult for you to undersatnd about something being a title? There you go…I changed it. Not for you, but for Warren. Now that you have got your way and ruined things for everyone else could youplease not return any more. Start your own version…I don’t mind, but please don’t post here unless you want to play and not moan.

    If this is running next weekend then we will have to make the title about holocaust denial or pro-slavery. Make it easy for people to act like idiots. 10000000pts.

    @khusrau – Yeah, I am tough as f**k. Well proved too. However, I am retired now! I don’t know what Scottish pubs you go into, but it must be in Edinburgh somewhere. It is a title. Sometimes they are lyrics or just nonsense…like this one, but the world is too full of people with nothing better to do than illustrate their total lack of IQ by opeing their mouths.

    Do you mean I have to be nice to white folk? I am black you racist dick. Now I am really insulted and OTT is to blame for it. Can I be in your gang now? Just as a little aside, I am no online warrior. I am a real warrior. I don’t use social media other than this and to show thanks on the Steam workshop.

    I love everyone too. It’s part of the job. When they show they are a dick then I tend to ignore them.

    @jacook – sorry, this is the wrong room! For some this could be the “getting hit on the head” lessons! 100pts.

    @doctorether – finally, someone with more qualifications than me! 100pts. Impressive stuff. Oh, you also missed the bit about the word ‘basically’ too! Keep going…you are winning me over with the science stuff. 100pts.

    I used to really enjoy playing WW games. It has been a while, but the Sabbat rule. We even dug graves for the initiation!

    Who the fu** are you calling grouchy?



    I was thinking sharing my favorite song from Sabaton’s album The Great. This song Attack of the Dead Men follows same theme as The Last Dying Breath from they previous album The Last Stand. It’s about soldiers in WWI that have been poisoned by poison gas and are pretty much already dead so they have nothing to lose and they counter attack in defiance as they last final act.





    Right, now I can actually do some stuff! No more bollocks about nothing. If anyone has a problem then take it elsewhere. Final warning too.

    Mooziks to soothe the soul…

    If possible, play nice until  I get back.



    @mecha82 – does that mean you are going to join-up?



    @unclejimmy Yes it does. At least little bit between everything else.



    @limburger that looks an interesting game!

    Anyway I just saw a ghost or two…


    The blueish one I am not sure about but the green one fits the bill for me.

    @cpauls1 those are some lovely old school minis!  Thumbs up from here!


    Cult of Games Member

    Got my Paras to the final stage before they’re based. Just need a wash and the Camo before I can go any further.

    Flames of War: Paratroopers at Arnhem


    I also got sick of actually doing research for my YouTube Channel so I just finished recording a 50 Minute video of me randomly flipping through “Napoleon’s Campaign’s in Miniature” and talking off the cuff about the period. Although I did go on a few tangents (at one point I bought up Darkstar and it was 100% relevant). It’ll go up during the week so subscribe to “Grizzly Cave” if that sounds cool. After that a video about the OTHER Battle of Thermopylae is coming out later, trying to go a bit outside the box and not just repeat things other people have already covered.

    Teaching a friend Sharp Practice tomorrow which should be fun especially since he’s French.

    @cpauls1 it was the in thing to do back in the day, it seems almost every mini pre 2000 had a very thick gloss varnish coat. A DONGA is an African word that the Aussies picked up during the Boer War and brought home, now it’s a portable building that you se on construction site. It’s 6mx4m and perfect for me. They’re starting to catch on here in Australia since our construction industry is far bigger per capita than Europe and the US so we have a lot more old ones floating around.

    @unclejimmy Without getting political Ayn Rand is the Father (Mother?) of Modern Libertarianism, she created the “Voluntarism” ideology where the idea that “Taxation is Theft” comes from and of course ANCAP’s gave us the “Recreational McNukes” meme which we can all agree is a great contribution to online culture. They’re also easily the most self deprecating/laugh at themselves group in the world which makes them pretty good memer’s.

    You should defiantly give weekend wargaming a go @oriskany and his games are always great and open to anyone who wants a go. No pressure or anything and a lot of fun. I mean you can literally play a wargame with it’s creator on a weekly basis (Darkstar) or anything else that Jim can run via Excel. Our game on Sunday will probably be live streamed (9pm GMT, 6am AEST, 4pm Florida Time on Sitrep’s Twitch) but most of the time it’s just you and Jim or maybe one or two other people watching.

    On the Music Front Forlorn Hope just launched their Debut Album today and it’s fantastic you can check it out on Spotify. Napoleonic Historical metal, my favourite so far is “War in the Shadow’s” about the Guerrilleros. It’s got a great Chorus “Fight for God and Ferdinand! Fight the War that no one knows War in the Shadows”. Die Hard is also great, about the Battle of Albuera which was a total slaughter fest, focuses on the 57th and their Colonel’s famous words as he lay wounded “Die Hard 57th” and they did taking about 80% Casualties, that’s what happens when an under strength Brigade tries to take on an entire Corps (and succeeds).


    Cult of Games Member


    @unclejimmy:  Yep, fashionably late.  That’s what happens when you live on this side of the water and have to go to work at an office making other people rich.  🙁

    I have joined Twitch – my condolences. 😀

    Do I have to do anything else.  – Actually, no.  So there are two things you can do …

    1)  I run these games via a web conference tool. All you really have to do is hit the link in that group e-mail that says “MEETING” – we’re aiming for 9PM (might be a little late) tomorrow your time.

    2) Twitch works too.  Same time.  Just hit Sitrep Twitch Channel .

    What bothers you?  – I’d better not say.  Just in a shitty mood.  Hence the apology in advance.

    If it isn’t original then it can’t be worthy of attention? I get it.  – Nothing is original.  Cracks me up when someone thinks something is.

    Maybe that is why the “youth” are so useless? – Well, to their credit, they make me laugh.  So they admittedly serve some purpose. 😀   And wistful nostalgia.  *sigh …* I remember when I was that naive …

    You are so autistic I can smell it! – Ha!  Only about certain things, in my defense.  For example, anything fantasy or sci-fi … I have no issues.  Have fun, go for it.  Historical, however, has an additional hurdle to clear, which most gamers don’t realize is even there.  If they do, they’re don’t understand it.  If they understand it, it intimidates them.  It’s all fine.

    And again, it’s not just “grognard preference” or “rivet counting.”  The games … are broken.

    Generic example:  Tank platoon “A” has a range of 1000 yards.  Infantry platoon “B” moves at 200 yards a turn (1 minute turns, and this is being generous).  A bazooka / PIAT / panzerschreck has a range of 100-200 yards.  So that infantry platoon has to cross through 5-6 fire phases of the tank platoon (once within 300 yards or so they’re also dealing with the tank’s MGs).  That infantry platoon trying to assault that tank platoon is dog meat.

    But in most recent “games” (and I use that term loosely) Tank A has something like a range of 24, Infantry has a range of 12, and a move of 6.  So the Infantry Platoon moves once, maybe twice, and as the tank under fire.

    No tactics.  You can just walk up to a tank and blast it.  No need for cover, suppressive fire, off-board support assets, smoke, terrain, fire and maneuver, triangulation …

    BROKEN game.  It fails to recreate the conditions and tactics it’s using as a cheap marketing gimmick, cloaking itself as “historical” in a sad, vain attempt to “culturally appropriate” the additional reality and gravitas that genre embodies (or is supposed to embody, in any event).

    Now, INFANTRY-based games like FoF you mention (I assume Infinity as well, but I’m not familiar and in any event, it’s sci fi so it gets the carte blanche) I have no issue with, because just as most heavy weapons cover much MORE range than most people realize, infantry weapons and small arms are much SHORTER ranged than most people realize, at least in real combat conditions.  So I find they “fit” on the table quite well.

    Card Games  – the only “real” card game I like is poker, mostly because I play it with my Dad.

    Grouchy – in @doctorether ‘s defense, I think I was calling us grouchy, or at least myself. 😀

    @cpauls1 – I like the LED mini.  Is that a water elemental or blue magical flame?  Objective marker? Hey, I know those other minis!  Aren’t those some of the heavy infantry that shattered my right wing one time? 😀 😀 😀

    Harpoon – Eh … I have mixed feelings on this game.  I honestly see what you mean, and agree in large extent.  I think the game found its footing when it moved to PC.  As a table top game, or miniatures game, I agree it was very hard work to the point of being basically unplayable.

    First of all, and I know we use this phrase to kid around a lot, but in Harpoon it was a literal truth … I have LITERALLY had to play that game on a tennis court.  Not kidding about that.  My Dad had a tennis court in our back yard growing up, and I seriously lost the USS Iowa out there once.

    Harpoon gets a lot of things right.  It drives home the point that weapons are nothing … SENSORS are all.  And helicopters.  I’ll trade in a squadron of Tomcats for one decent ASW SH-60 Seahawk launched off a humble frigate.  Games that teach the TRUTH about military operations – never mind the “rool of kool” and “cinematic moments” – are the ones for me – at least for historical and moderns.  Again, sci fi and fantasy … this totally doesn’t apply.  😀

    Coming up with a better system … well, its is far </i>from perfect, but Rory Crabb’s Naval Command that I featured in the Falklands Series wasn’t bad.  I feel the game needs a real “come to Jesus” moment with a copy editor and a serious fact-check with a copy of Janes, but the ground work is solid and it the game runs smooth.  @elessar2590 and I ran a 20-ship game in five hours.  Would have taken five days in Harpoon.




    Sowed some grass this afternoon


    The ammo crates don’t look too bad, I might just stick a couple of branches over them to camo them anyway.



    Good Morning All!

    1000hrs and the grass is cut, front and back, house maintenance done. Going out to take some pics, then have some matte sealer to lay down on those orc/raptor mini’s. Pics to follow.

    Good to see this has become a snowflake free zone (graphic required). They’re probably clenching their tiny fists with rage and guzzling Shirley Temples at some phytoestrogen café.

    Back soon.

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