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This topic contains 160 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 5 years, 5 months ago.

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    @doctorether I just went and found them on WAYPN. 🙂 Nice work! I see what you mean about them still needing a highlight though. I saw some people using them at my LGS and one thing I noticed was they weren’t consistently transparent. I also agree that if you have large flat areas they can end up ‘blotchy’.

    Still, I think it’s a great way to get an army tabletop ready in a hurry.


    Cult of Games Member

    Good afternoon, all ~

    Okay time to jump in.   I suppose I should lead off with a proactive apology and disclaimer, I’m not in the best of moods.  I’m hoping  the rough, casual, politically incorrect irreverence on this thread will cheer me up a little.

    1.  What Happened? Not sure what happened.  I agree something has.  If I had to guess, and I’m no sociologist … but to a certain extent this is a byproduct of telecommunication technology.  I say this  with full awareness of the irony of where I’m putting this (i.e., on a “specialist” internet site).   The internet and smart phones are wonderful things.  They allow people no matter where they are to connect with like-minded people.  The flip side of this is that this is ALL many people look at.   News, commerce, shopping, TV content, social media … the specialized and custom-feed nature of everyone’s awareness ecosystem quickly leads to many people believing their worldview is the ONLY worldview and anyone who doesn’t subscribe is “crazy.”  This leads to a sense of entitlement, self-importance, social justice, righteousness, and other maladies.  Hence, people start acting up.  We see it in this community, we see it in Twitter, we see it in politics, the courts, the streets, and everywhere else …

    Of course nothing I’m saying here is terribly original.

    2. High point of your week. That’s easy.  Last night’s SITREP PODCAST CHANNEL live stream, with @stvitusdancern .  Our summer break is over and Season Three is officially underway, with my stream on Sunday, Gianna’s Stream yesterday, Season Three Premiere of our Podcast now up on YouTube, Ops Center Season Three premiere in the can (rolls out next week), and first video battle report / highlights reply going live on YouTube tomorrow.   It’s been busy, but  we’re officially off and running.  Seriously, check out some of these podcasts and Twitch stream replays, if only while painting your minis.  😀

    3. What details always catch your eye? Not really in miniatures, not really a 100% miniatures guy.  But in game systems and rules.  Turn Sequence.  This is always a killer, the secret sauce that makes or breaks a game design.  Scale in games, specifically true LOS games and the scale interrelationships between the units and the table.  Mini games get this almost universally wrong, and wrong by several orders of magnitude.  To the point where it’s not just a matter of “preference” or “convenience” but also complete representation of the realities, geometries, and scope of the historical battlefield. It’s a soap box I’m been standing on and a drum I’ve been beating for years.  Honestly I’ve given up.

    4. Is there an aspect of ‘gaming’ that you just won’t/can’t do? – Card games, i.e., MtG, Yugi-Oh, etc.  Video games like Battlefield and Call of Duty.  99% or “real time strategy” – the vast majority of the titles which are of course neither real time, or strategy.



    @cpauls1 depends on the contrast paint with how transparent they are. That red is just “one thick coat”. So it works great and gives the shading. You could obviously enhance the shading with a darker colour used as a wash to enhance it. But to get smooth coverage of the ink component of the contrast paint, a slightly rougher, true primer, works better.

    Contrast paints on metallics – ohhhhh yes. The power sword is Leviadon Blue on a silver metallic paint. And also Basillicum Grey on grey primer is a good first pass for doing NMM steel. I guess the same with wraithbone primer and a yellow/brown contrast paint would work well (and people have done).



    Welcome to the new people in the thread.  Post your pictures of what hobby you are up to as well, anything I have done today has been rather boring like cleaning 10mm wraiths and tidying my shed.

    I didn’t know what a soy-boy was until now.  I think the scientific evidence for the effects of soy on the endocrine system of the human body is vastly over exaggerated, I don’t mind a bit of tofu, and my large chest is a result of playing rugby for years and drinking too much Guinness!

    @cpauls1 & @unclejimmy I always thought a feminist was someone who wanted to see equality amongst the sexes irrespective of their gender – the key point being equality of the sexes –  not my fault the word has been hijacked to mean something else!  It is like the word meme.  A beautiful word coined in the 70s by that wonderful biologist Richard Dawkins in his book The Selfish Gene, to describe the transmission of behaviour or culture by non-genetic means (it is amazing book, he is an amazing scientific communicator), now it is used to describe stupid pictures on the internet that are in the main, not funny.   Also my dissertation on Gender Inequality and economic growth has never got me laid, the opposite in fact 🙂

    @cpauls1 I remember in your hobby project that you used glycerine on lichen (or some sort of foliage), can I ask why?

    Anyway, I will post some pictures…


    You can just see my hobby shed to the left of the greenhouse, i rather enjoy walking up to it at this time of year – despite the fact it has hit 35C inside it this week.


    These are a couple more pictures of my garden and every time I look at it, I always think that it looks more sci-fi and fantasy than most vegetation we have on our sci-fi and fantasy tables… why is that?


    Cult of Games Member

    For YouTube “offering” – not exactly the music you guys enjoy, but might be fun:



    @cpauls1 that recipe sounds good as well.  Mine is sort of similar.  Spuds (or tatties if you are Scots),  onion, mayo, chives, parsley, mint, salt, pepper and some mustard.



    @robert You have a beautiful garden and yard, if I haven’t mentioned it! And some lovely alien vegetation. I think you may have grown a triffid in that barrel — tread carefully.

    I sprayed diluted (1:1 with water) glycerin on lichen as it tends to dry out and crumble if you don’t. If you’re using the shredded sponge stuff it’s not an issue, but I do like the look of lichen better. On the down side, lichen is not as robust as foam, and does require some care and feeding, and regardless of how well you take care of it, bits will eventually fall when the terrain is bumped, or brushes up against something.

    I think the term ‘feminist’ has strayed from its original meaning, and has come to define a woman who is radical about women’s rights, rather than any individual who advocates for equal rights, as most of us do. I could be wrong.




    I think the term ‘feminist’ has strayed from its original meaning, and has come to define a woman who is radical about women’s rights, rather than any individual who advocates for equal rights, as most of us do. I could be wrong.

    Errm… some people associate feminist in the negative all the time. Being a feminist is quite nuanced, even for women (such as my wife). If you want to be specific about negative actions, then the better term is “radical feminist”, or stating which wave of feminism you best align with. Likewise there are TERFs and SWERFs which also factor into how people express their opinion on being a feminist.

    So just as you get the classic line of “Not all men…” so to is there “Not all feminists”.

    Really the problem is polarisation of the discussion and the loss of the ability to talk and sit along that spectrum.



    OK. Rounds complete on the whole feminism thing. Time for more hobby.

    I’ve been looking for some cool artillery for my humanoid orc/troll/ogre army (something I do very well at work) and came upon this gem. Sold! Just bought two, would have bought more if they had more. I will when they restock.1049042543

    Your potato salad looks similar. Never tried mint, though. Also, I prefer salad dressing to mayo as it’s a bit sweeter. I would have put in ‘Miracle Whip’ but I don’t know if you have that over there. It’s been a while since I’ve been across the pond.



    We have salad cream, it is very tangy and wouldn’t even have a jar in the house.  Miracle Whip sounds familiar but usually I just make my own dressings or use a jar of mayo as it really is a hassle to make for yourself (though it is worth it if you are having guests).

    Mint is lovely with potatoes, especially new season potatoes with loads of butter.



    @cpauls1 That is one nice find. Lucky you for being able to get two before those were sold out. So when were you thinking painting those?


    Cult of Games Member

    Some additional responses:

    Words have been uttered about “the good old days” and that things were more ‘involved’ back then.

    Well, it’s true.  😀

    The dress suits you …

    As long as it’s a pretty color and the cut cups my man-boobs. They’re very sensitive at my age.

    First you must “pledge” – uh oh …  Not sure if I can.  So I guess I really will be wearing a dress.  😀  This week we’ve kicked off Season Three of Sitrep Podcast, Season Three of Ops Center, two Twitch Streams, an upcoming pair of video highlight battle reports … My girlfriend has been out of town all week and she’s coming back tonight.  So I might be … busy.  😀  In any event I am flat-out tired. We don’t really have anything lined up for our weekend games (exception – we might have something modern with @elessar2590 on Sunday).  So I don’t know if I’m going to be running anything serious this week ( @elessar2590 – we will talk ).  But if I don’t run anything serious, I will pledge …

    NUKE MY DINING ROOM TABLE.  It’s been covered in seven-month hobby crap that hasn’t been touched since a little after Christmas.   I’ve fallen into that hobby trap where your hobby area is a train wreck and whenever you feel like doing something you’re confronted with an hour of grunt work.  Time to BREACH AND CLEAR that little obstacle.

    This is a friendly place, but it is no ‘safe space’. No SJW, soy-boy, snowflake hee-haw allowed under any circumstances.

    That’s literally why I come here.  Some are saying this a contradiction of the “no politics” rule.  I would respectfully disagree, keeping discussions of culture separate from politics.  The very fact that some of these are regarded as “political” touchpoints … well, I just don’t agree in that classification is all.  Granted, these areas can overlap in the unfortunate era of identity politics in which we live.  But, and just an opinion here, I feel that “identity politics” are fundamentally part of the the problem.  But we’re smart folks.  I’m sure we can sort it.

    Modern warfare uncomfortable – as a presenter and team member of the Sitrep, I naturally disagree, but of course I’m biased.  😀

    @cpauls1 – those river boards are EPIC!  That’s always one of the tougher terrain features to build, of  no other reason that it naturally has to be built down INTO the table, it’s not a hill or a tree or a building that can be dropped ON TOP of the table.

    Hold on, you’re teaching at an anime convention?  F*** me, talk about an environment to test the patience and mettle …  Watch out for the tentacles and 12-year olds.

    @jacook – GURPS was awesome!  Actually, I shouldn’t say “was,” it’s still going strong to my knowledge.  But used this system for WW3 and post-apocalyptic gaming for years back in the early 1990s.

    The gaming victory @elessar2590 mentions was our game of AirWar C21 in Vietnam.  1968, Rolling Thunder.  The battlereport is below, and was also featured on last week’s “unclejimmy” thread and the Sitrep Podcast thread.  I’m hoping to get a two-part video highlight reel up on Sitrep YouTube in the coming days (Part One is done, I will post after our latest podcast episode has a day on the “top of the running order”).

    Elessar2590 Takes a Turn as Maverick’s Dad …

    I’ll just say this … Elessar, you’re LUCKY to get Phantom 02 home!  That thing was smokin’ with ONE DP left, no missiles, no guns, damaged control surfaces … half speed, hurtin’ fo’ certain!




    @oriskany Yup, they asked me to teach a paint class at the anime convention, Ai-kon. I’ll be in a corner of the craft room with my back to the wall and my paints under my chair. If I can dodge the 300 lb. female elves, or whatever other cosplay nonsense they have at those things, I should come through unscathed. Never been to one… but I’ve heard stories…

    And if I see people running around with ‘Magic’ decks I’m gone.

    GURPS! Yes, I saw that in @jacook ‘s post but forgot to comment. That was another time waster in my misspent youth, along with Gamma World. Funny how the crappy artwork from back then still stirs the blood more than the outstanding professional window dressing games these days have

    @mecha82 First, great to see you here!

    As far as painting those minotaurs goes, it may be a while. I have totes full of epic models like that, that I just don’t think I can do justice to yet. I want my paint job to be worthy of the sculpt, if that makes sense. Another kit I stare at often is GW’s amazing mortis engine. I don’t know if I’ll ever feel comfortable laying a brush to it, although it’s partially built and always within reach.

    I just checked in on the  Zealot site and there’s nine more minotaurs in stock… just waiting on pay day. Woot!

    @robert Mint potatoes! Yes! Sometimes fried with a bit of lemon juice as well.




    Soy boy SJW checking in. What did I miss? ?.

    I’ll answer questions later but for pledge I will be starting work on my Team Mermaid depending on the weather. See last thread for a team photo.

    I do love me some potato salad and I love mint sauce. Hmm minted potato salad and lamb sounds like it should be amazing.



    Lets forget about everything and just talk food – strangely baby sheep is the one meat I could live without for the rest of my life – but I do like it and am having lamb chops for Sunday Dinner.

    @cpauls1 that is an old whiskey barrel cut in half.  The smell when I drilled holes in the bottom of it for drainage was glorious.

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