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This topic contains 160 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 5 years, 5 months ago.

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    I have hairsprayed my container and it is drying as we speak. Stinks too. When I was a young goth I prefered Harmony! The inside of the dumpster now has ‘stuff’ in it.


    See, I still have the shakes! With just under 24hrs to get it all out of your system until closing time. What do we do for next weekend…does someone want to take over and i’ll go and play somewhere else or do we wipe the slate clean and start again? It should be a simple task getting things going again. I remember getting 20+ pages on a slow weekend and there was a lot of people taking part. That is the bit I liked. At the moment it almost feels like I am talking to myself.





    All finished on the Space Hulk box using contrast paints. Only whites, purple skin, claws, and dark blue chitin has been highlighted. Everything else is contrast paint as it is.



    @doctorether – those Stealers rule. Very tasty indeed. However, do I spy an undrilled storm-bolter barrel? Oh, the horror!




    …and a great news story for you all: some “dog-walker” down south who was looking after 6 dogs has killed them all! What the fuck is wrong with people?



    Well given the point was to test speed painting with contrast paints an undrilled barrel is a minor quibble.


    Looking forward to painting up Conquest but the weather has screwed over priming those models.


    All prepped for GenCon now with docs printed for my GM team.


    Cult of Games Member

    Replies when I get home from work …


    Cult of Games Member

    @unclejimmy thanks for the offer but I’m self-employed and sometimes deadlines have to be met 😉 But no worries. I’m having another short vacation next week.



    @unclejimmy thanks for the link.  1/35 might look a bit odd on 1/100.

    This video might be of interest to you – i’d go the DIY route or Javis 1mm netting with leaves but the nets look plastic.

    Plastic Soldier Company do 4 Pak 40s for £20, but the bonus is you get 4 Raupenschlepper Tractors as well.  Will probably be my next purchase, an army needs something to get it into position.  I have a load of trucks to do as well.

    Your bin and bits and pieces look good.  If this was TV the murder weapon would be at the bottom of that bin and the rookie detective would be the one going into it.  With hairspray, I have never used it to chip, only to act as a sealer for terrain.  I’m no help here.


    Cult of Games Member

    Sitting Down to do some Hobby now. Just got home from work which was interesting. We had a store manager send us a “Broken” Printer which I as the unofficial IT Guy in the office spent thirty minutes setting up and testing before we realised it just needed new ink (even though the manager swore she had changed the ink).

    Painting some Osgiliath Veterans for my LOTR SBG Faramir’s Ithilien Rangers List. These are the Warriors and Two Captains, everyone else will be a ranger so I’ll do them all together. PHOTO_20190731_172207PHOTO_20190731_172215PHOTO_20190731_172220


    Cult of Games Member


    @unclejimmy – I like the SAS in “Taliban cosplay.”  You know, as long as we’re supporting each other’s threads you might post that as well in the Sitrep Modern Warfare Community forum as well.  😀

    Hope you like the AirWar C21 video if you ever get a chance to look at it.  if not, no worries.  Already working on the next two (Australians with TANKS in Vietnam – game between myself and @elessar2590 ).  And of course Ops Center Season Three premiere drops later this week as well.

    I’ve also re-pinged your PM regarding those tanks.  No worries if we’re not doing it.

    @limburger – speaking for the rest of Sitrep, we regret NOTHING when it comes to starting you down the path of Modern Warfare.  From what it sounds like, Something like Ghost Recon/Rainbow 6 vs drug boss … Might I suggest Plausible Deniability expansion for Skirmish Sangin …

    Skirmish Sangin – Plausible Deniability

    Or from the Historicon Coverage that’s back on the front page (thanks @warzan and Tom!) …

    @unclejimmy – I wouldn’t get discouraged if I were you.  140+ posts on a weekender thread was never a bad score, even back in the day.  I would take over and run 200+ and 302 I think was my record, but this was with an online RPG in progress and before the advent of the Project system.  The Project system draws a lot of the posting, especially for people featuring their own hobby craft in their own mini-space.

    Also, you know, other people have threads, too.  Historicon alone has 83 threads I’m actually watching.  Sitrep Moderns I’m also watching and posting on.  Plus Twitch streams.  Plus YouTube Channel.  Plus Ops Center.  Plus PodBean.

    @doctorether – I love the purple creatures.  This is the kind of effect we’ve tried to replicate with high gloss, high contrast acrylics from the craft store, but with only limited success.

    @elessar2590 – can’t wait to see the LOTR minis completed.  😀


    Cult of Games Member

    So in preparation for an imminent project launched by myself and @yavasa – we’re going to be doing wargames commemorating the upcoming 80th Anniversary of the “official” start of World War II.

    September 1, 2019 will mark the 80th Anniversary of Germany’s invasion of Poland.

    Accordingly, I’ve been building counters for Panzer Leader so these games can start being run through August and into early September.

    The Polish I had to start more or less from scratch.  The German counters I’ve had by and large for years, but they included a mid-war German camo scheme in their graphics … so wasn’t really appropriate for 1939.  Also, they needed a facelift anyway.  Also also, some game values had to be tweaked to mesh with new updates (some of which are more or less universally adopted from the Arab-Israeli Wars rules engine, and some of them I wrote myself as part of the PanzerBlitz: Liberation update).

    But anyway, this counter set should do us good service.  Now just to draw some maps.  @yavasa , meanwhile, is researching many of the battles and picking out the historical touch-points we feel will make the best scenarios.1939 Counters Oriskany Yavasa (1)
    1939 Counters Oriskany Yavasa (2)
    1939 Counters Oriskany Yavasa (3)
    1939 Counters Oriskany Yavasa (4)
    1939 Counters Oriskany Yavasa (5)



    Cult of Games Member

    @oriskany I only have myself to blame 😀
    Thanks for reminding me of ‘Ultracombat’ … as if my list of stuff isn’t long enough already 😀

    And speaking of the start of WW 2 … we’ve got this beauty of a Dutch propaganda song (dated october ’39).
    I’m assuming the footage is around that time too. It shows the type of equipment we had.

    The title (“Rats, kuch en Bonen’) is a reference to the meal the soldiers used to eat in those days.
    ‘kuch’ is the bread that the army used to bake for soldiers (low quality, minimal basic ingredients).
    ‘Bonen’ is beans and ‘rats’ is a vegetable mash.
    Not exactly fine dining, but then that’s army food everywhere ;-).

    The music was based on this little song :

    Our German friends might know it as this :

    And the American version :

    (and people say modern artists copy a lot ;-))



    Good evening everybody. I hope you have all had a nice day. Much planning and plotting has been happening today.

    @doctorether – I am expencting a bit more from you! Would you have said that if it was comment from your Ph.D board? No, and it is not acceptable here either. 50pts. You should also be standing to attention while writing your replies too. I don’t “hate” anything.

    Nobody should as it is not good for the soul. By ‘soul’ I don’t mean anything spiritual or new age, but just what makes you feel good inside. You know what I mean. Anyway, one of the few things that might make it into the ‘hate’ club is undrilled barrels. Mould lines too. There is no excuse for either!

    When you get to GC don’t spend too much money! Who am I kidding. If there are any Infinity special editions for GenCon could you get me one?

    @oriskany – we will have to do a seance next time! Oh, I didn’t know I should do that. I have a lot of other stuff just getting sorted out for some FoF games if any of that would be of any use.

    Just replied. It is fine with me if you are happy.

    @sundance – what do you do? Apart from work long hours…it has been a while since I have done any long days like yours. The longest I can remember was 10 days with less than 2 hours sleep a day, no going home either. Nice scenery though.

    It can’t be that bad if you are having another break. You must have loads of green-queens too. Unless your time off is payed for by some 79 year-old Japanese busness man who pays to see you dressed like Bo-Peep and riding about on a Space-hopper. I am just too old for that Space-hopper now!

    If you are ever in, or near, Durham then please feel free to pop-in for a brew.

    @robert – there are loads of different versions of the PE stuff. That was just the first example than I saw.

    Since I only plan to play ‘Kursk’ style games then anything that can’t be moved by hand will have to be pulled by a 251! Have you every played ‘Men of War: Assault Squad 2’?

    As for getting to the bottom of the bin…it would need some bum-dung and at least one mouldy foetus. That sounds like the punchline to a very vile joke about Courtney Love.

    I am only trying the hairspray thing because Dave made me promise to try it. I also needed an excust to try my spraying booth!

    @elessar2590 – I liked your comments about the young lad having the Po-Po called on him because he plays wargames. Who needs jesters with a world full of fools?

    It seems wherever you go there are just dicks everywhere. Nobody seems capable of doing a job right. Another symptom of becoming the 3rd mall from the Sun.

    @limburger – you need to have a look through the Force-on-Force rules. PM me an email and i’ll see if I can set you up.

    When I saw the b&w thumbnail I thought it was from Steptoe & Son!

    The Andrews Sister were clearly copying Christina Aguilera. However, that look is very sexy. Red lipstick rules.




    I have just fired-up HAL to get some music going. No music = no fun! It is not a bad selection either, starting off with some X-Ray Spex. Good one. Here are some tunes for you:

    (duck you see him with a starter-motor)

    Best intro ever…is the lead singer ‘Olive’ from On the Buses? At 1.15 does the bass player hurl an air-buscuit and drummer gets a lungful – like a bongrip.


    Cult of Games Member

    @unclejimmy I’m making sure other companies IT stays running 😉 Durham? Well that’s a bit of my route… last time I was over in the UK ws…. 26ish years ago? We were in London and Edinburgh. 2 and 3 years before that I spent my summer holidays in Eastbourne. My wife and I really want to get over there again but that’s a whole other story. :S

    Let’s end this day with some more fine music

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