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The new total war add is out.

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This topic contains 14 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  limburger 3 years, 11 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    The new Warhammer total war III looks great CoGs


    Cult of Games Member

    Gave this a watch early. I’ve never been as deep into Warhammer FB as I have 40K but it’s certainly interesting to see they still care to flesh out the world, even beyond the range of the tabletop (I hear that Carthay has never had a model range/rules on the tabletop?)

    That being said, a prerendered trailer is what it is. Can’t say I can get that excited without some concrete information. With the Steam page listing it as “Late 2021” there is time but I’ll reserve judgement for now.

    If anything, it will be interesting to see if there will be any influence from the historical Total War games. I’ve not played any of them myself since TW:WII but I have a friend who talks my ear off about them periodically. Some of the faction mechanics sounds like they would be an interesting for some of the more organised imperial factions.

    Will watch this space.


    Cult of Games Member

    Yes it’s looking really interesting this one.


    Cult of Games Member

    Another video of the new game


    Cult of Games Member

    Is this going to add to the existing map/world like the previous version did ?

    Because it is an absolutely massive game … not quite Crusader Kings massive, but definitely heading in that direction.


    I think Cathay was mentioned in the original Warhammer Fantasy Battles / Warhammer Armies collection.
    I would have to dig into my collection to see if it got an army list.

    It looks like it had an unofficial army list :



    Cult of Games Member

    looks like its concentrating in the north by the kingdoms mentioned no mention of the chaos dwarfs or ogres but?


    Cult of Games Member

    CA put out an FAQ through and they state that there will be a Mortal Empires-esque world map but it will be released as a free DLC, sometime after launch presumably. Seems you will need to own all three games through the same storefront to be able to get it though.

    The FAQ (see above) also mentions an as of yet unannounced race that will be the preorder bonus then coming to everyone else later again so it reasonable to assume that there will be more in the pipeline. How many more is the question though.


    Cult of Games Member

    Seams reasonable the ogres an chaos dwarfs will be added as they are two of the larger force’s in the area @kiranamida ?


    Cult of Games Member

    if the previous Total War versions are any indication then you get the bare minimum of factions in the core game.
    Any faction you really want to have is likely to be DLC, because why sell a complete product when you can make the punters pay more ?

    — edit —

    the FAQ states that there will be ‘more’ factions than any previous (GW)Total War … but that wasn’t a high bar to begin with.
    It never compared to the historical versions of Total War.


    Cult of Games Member

    Seems a reasonable guess. I’ve always been more of 40K fan than WFB but I can’t think of much else up that end of the old world that they could add as a new race.



    Really looking forward to this.

    Yeah, Chaos Dwarves would be great!


    Cult of Games Member

    The best thing about adding Cathay is that it allows the addition of Nippon, Ind, Hobgoblin Khanate, Ogre Kingdoms, Chaos Dwarves and everything on that side of the Worlds Edge Mountains. WH3TW is now the most prepurchased game on the planet thanks to massive interest from China!


    Cult of Games Member

    Total War games and expansions of all flavours on sale on Steam at the moment!


    Cult of Games Member

    Nice is the new game out there?


    Cult of Games Member

    Late 2021 according to Steam store page:


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