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The Heavy Gear Roleplaying Game Fourth Edition Kickstarter is Live!

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    It’s with great pride and pleasure that Dream Pod 9 launches our Heavy Gear RPG 4th Edition Kickstarter. Writing and basic layout of the Heavy Gear 4th Ed RPG Rulebook is complete with a massive 480 page count. But it still needs tons of new artwork, hence the reason for the Kickstarter. Our goal is to raise the money for new artwork, and pay for the work done so far. The new rulebook includes everything players and gamemasters need to play the game. The book also contains a detailed history of the Heavy Gear world, core game rules, character creation and a massive library of gears, vehicles, and equipment to use in the game. The new edition calls back to the beloved 2nd Edition, while also presenting Heavy Gear to a modern audience. It focuses heavily on roleplaying and storytelling while keeping its crunchy combat systems. The Silhouette d6 system has received an update too. Instead of extra 6’s giving you a +1, now other results can do so as well, like in Heavy Gear Blitz. Also, players can customize not only their character but their gear. Plus, a conversion system in 4th Edition will allow you to use your existing 1st or 2nd Edition sourcebooks or the new Revitalized ebook versions available on with the new edition.

    The Basic ebook reward level includes a digital copy of the rulebook. Reward levels for both physical soft and hardcover books are also available. Additionally, backers can select a reward level to include new adventure modules (includes 4 Adventure ebooks plus additional adventures with stretch goal unlocks). These adventure modules are grouped in bundles called “seasons” each with 2 adventures and they will cover major events of the Heavy Gear Universe . Events such as St. Vincent’s War or the first Black Talon operation on Caprice can be experienced first hand. Each adventure itself has over 80 pages of content such as new or historic vehicles, special rules, characters and even character options for use in that adventure.

    Our first stretch goal after the initial funding goal of $40,000.00 CAD (about $30,000.00 USD) is reached will give all backers with the Basic ebook as part of their rewards a copy of the Tempest Winds adventure as a thank you for supporting the new edition.

    With your support of the Kickstarter we will bring the Heavy Gear RPG back to life this year, with delivery complete before the holidays. The Heavy Gear Universe is waiting, click the Kickstarter link below and Gear Up.

    Heavy Gear Roleplaying Game Fourth Edition Kickstarter is Live





    Cult of Games Member

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    Looking forward to getting my copy of the Heavy Gear rpg book.  I hope run games for it next year even if its only at conventions.

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