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This topic contains 15 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  guillotine 1 year, 3 months ago.

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  • #1839467

    Cult of Games Member

    Much as @solar wrote, I can think of examples of this sort of tribalism in all hobbies and professional activities I’ve been involved in. PC vs Mac, bikes vs ebikes, Nikon vs Canon… and let’s not forget sports fandom which quite insanely spills into physical violence at worst!


    Few years ago there was a thread in these forums about the negativity in the hobby and how to block that out. I’ll try to find, it has wise words. Given how much negative shit there is in the world and in our lives, why does anyone want to dwell in that in the hobby that is supposed to be the counter to all that.

    EDIT: found the thread

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