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Hobby Weekender 03/05/19 A chilled out affair.

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This topic contains 96 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  mage 5 years, 10 months ago.

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    Another 12 of overnight work. I’m still plugging along with getting my sleep schedule under control. I’ve spoken with the area management about the situation so it might get resolved soon. In the meantime I’ll keep at hobby with base crafting. I am guilty of ordering a couple of figures from Brother Vinni before this upcoming move. I already own a trio of the bunny girls from the Kickstarter he did. The one lying down will work on the base I’m sculpting now that will feature a bearskin rug. The others will likely be used for something like 7TV but I might set them aside for the yearly gift bombing.

    @mage all the basing stuff from GW takes a bit for the medium they use to cure. Look into art supplies from Golden, the aggregates are best, as you get so much more than a small pot.

    @woldenspoons I’m thinking that the wrestling theme was better suited for Rubleslam! (writing this down for future reference). Good to hear that the game is coming along for you as well. I’d really like to just hobby from here on out and game as I could. Alas, even if I were to get a store it would be for selling the plastic crack to others. As for the pants, I say clown pants are best. Homer had it right.

    @limburger You think that it was under the radar? In the tradition of Looney Tunes it was well within the humor arena of the animators and producers. As far as the Pole I think that he might be addressing “aggressive negotiations” a la Star Wars (if Google Translate be believed, which, really anything that we do on tabletop gaming is).

    As far as Neon Beats I agree that there is no need for 4K resolution. West of Loathing and Guild of Dungeoneering are definitely something else that needs minimal requirements.

    @grumpygraeme You will definitely need that if you have the Labyrinth boardgame. The same thing went for the fireys when their expansion came out.

    @crazyredcoat Get hobby when you can get hobby. As long as we see the goodness you get to we all support the play with mini people and other assorted gaming stuff. I’m working on a project right now in the background but I keep putting the teasers up here. This place is support for game fun.

    @dawfydd Wow… quite a few figures there even in the background. Quite a bit of work there by my eyes. Agreed that the figure has almost a Mace Windu vibe going on. Good stuff I say.

    @sundancer I believe that the trailer for Sonic the hedgehog was bad enough, but to be buzzed by a mad German? Here’s some audio goodness to calm my frazzled nerves over the whole ordeal.



    Bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh I did not sleep til two am and woke at four for some reason. Then the alarm went off at six… Only eight more hours of work and a commute home to go now…




    Seems we are in a similar boat with sleep. Minis before which movie?


    Yeah, you seem to be right about the curing of the basing material. Ill check those out.


    Haha, love the Simpsons reference. 5 points.


    20 points for feedback to others



    There, nice and easy: page six done. Now going back through the thread. Doing hobby with a friend after work and finishing up the bulk of her Moria Goblin army. Just some varnish and basing. I’ll work away on my own hobby too



    Page 4 replies (part 1):




    @robert  <10 points>


    Interesting with the knitting, take pics when you kind of lay it out to see how it looks and feels. Assuming your going to do that. Its an idea that has me curious.


    Would you not worry about the pasta bio degrading at some point?



    @horati0nosebl0wer <20 points?


    20 points for responses to others.


    Thanks for the compliment on the progress. They are quick enough to do to be fair, but once I finish this little force Ill be taking a break from either painting or medium-large projects for a while. Do the odd character mini here and there and focus more on assembly, terrain and warbands.


    Ah yes, the monkey life: no rent or taxes to pay.


    How did the horse skin come out?


    @sundancer I have a witty retort to make about your drying comment, but I’m afraid it might be too politically incorrect and I might get in trouble. Haha.


    @robert Ah suddenly you are a pot expert! Kudos! Hahaha.


    @woldenspoons What makes the game so enjoyable?


    @limburger <10 points>


    Those are World Eaters Crusade/Heresy era helmets. As for the flight stand it looks good at the time with the taler one and I see what you mean. Its to late to snap him off and to be honest Id like to think he is shooting at something airborne as he lands.


    I think I saw someone do a Minion Warhammer Fantasy Battle army years ago. Was not sure if they were Skaven or Chaos Dwarves rules/weapons.


    I miss the cartoons from the 90s. Cow and Chicken was bonkers too.



    @mage nowt wrong with a lazy day 😉

    @horati0nosebl0wer ouch! hope your not doing too many of those 12 hour days mate.

    And yeah, I dug the idea of taking the very Sith-looking Umbra and trying to make them look heroic. The Legate worked fairly well, but the Samaritan could be more of a challenge….

    Also, do you think I might have an Infinity addiction problem?

    2016-04-14 17.21.13

    2016-08-13 17.15.28

    2017-02-27 16.50.05

    2017-02-18 16.34.232017-02-18 16.24.44

    2016-03-13 13.41.45



    Page 4 replies (part 2):





    I will check out the links later, I cannot put anything on with sound at the moment





    The original version of the Minotaurs are, but then they mention in the current fluff how their history is somethings contradictory and overlapping in a couple of odd ways. They may or may not be the Minotaurs of the cursed founding either but I like to think they are. The fluff from the original badab war forces got retconned somewhat.


    As for Charcharadons they are also another army I really wanna do. Man I think doing a Badab War Collection would be sweet.


    10 points for responses to others.


    I think the problem with some of the fiction now is that it is implemented with the ethos that ‘we need to make the character, setting and story as AWESOME as possible’ which kind of turns them into the paperback equivalent of pulpy comic books.


    @crazyredcoat <10 points>


    10 points anyway even if you did not do them this weekend. Not sure Im too crazy about them being on bases but everyone is different. Always good to be hobby positive.


    @dawfydd <5 points>


    The Aleph’s background is pretty cool. Bloom and Bean, what? Whats with Perseus and the rogue myrmasomething.


    Nice minis.


    Interesting paint job on the Umbra, when did you paint him? Still looks sinister, the red is a no-no imho (shoes and robes), and the armour could have more white, too much black (between armour plates and the black robes as well).


    Ah you found a treasure trove of transfers



    @dawfydd I am having too many lazy days!



    Page 4 replies (part 3):





    Did you paint all those frogmen and other hellboy stuff over the weekend.


    Joined up wargaming? Pants? What?!?



    @dawfydd Infinity Problem? No. You still have more space marines than infinity minis. You have a grand sized infinity collection though.



    @mage – given CB used Brad Pitt’s face circa Troy for Achilles 2.0, I thought it’d be cool if they ever did Paris or Odysseus for Infinity they used their respective actors for the faces – Orlando Bloom and Sean Bean 😉
    And Perseus (according to the fluff) is a Myrmidon who was captured by the Combined Army. As they are Aspects of Aleph and could be a vector for the EI to attempt to infect, subvert or takeover the Aleph AI it’s OP for the link  to their Cube 2.0 to be immediately severed, personality backup deleted, and for the Aspect to initiate a suicide switch. Perseus did not follow through on this last part, and is now considered a rogue AI within the Human Sphere, which means he found sanctuary amongst the Nomad Nations flotilla.

    I take your point ref the Umbra – funnily enough the reds you mention are deep browns that I washed with Chestnut Ink. And I was debating just doing the armour as solid white, but wanted to break it up and a slightly greyish black (FW’s old Corvus Black) seemed the trick. I might experiment with the other Umbra when I come to them….

    And I take it you’ve seen this vid that 40k Theories posted up overnight ref the Minotaurs?




    (note to self, don’t post up a picture of my Ariadnan horde…)



    @dawfydd haha I noticed there was no Ariadna. Have you bought into the TAK? I like them but they are firmly on my back list. I do think if I added a faction it would be Steel Phalanx. I love Greek Mythology so they are right up my street.

    @mage it’s a dungeon explorer with Hellboy. The mechanics, the smoothness of the play, the feel and the great figures. The interchangeable scenarios and missions makes repeat play through a joy. And yup, I did that in a weekend.

    No love for my music?


    Cult of Games Member

    @mage if your comment had something to do with oversized ovens and the history of Germany… yeah, best to remember the pub rules. No politics.

    I did some hobby yesterday. Love this model.




    @woldenspoons …..yes?
    2015-09-06 14.32.06

    2018-09-08 19.44.442018-12-22 10.45.51

    I picked up Coldfront last year but havn’t painted any of it yet, and have Verogin on the table to get finished up. Amusingly I had already converted up some extra Spetsnaz to fill out the HMG & Rifle options, as well as a Vet Kazak with Boarding Shotgun, so I have options for TAK (and Caledonians. And MRRF. And USARF)….

    @sundancer very nice. Question – do you reckon with the Clone Wars inbound FFG might dip into things like the two hover tanks that were introduced in the old Clone Wars game on the GC/PS2/XBox? I know there’s a lot of other stuff we are likely to see first (you know the LAART/I gunship must be coming down the pipe, and there is a huge swath of GAR and CIS armour to draw on), but one can hope?





    Truth be told I have not had time to listen to any music and I am at work now, so can’t exaclty listen. But its on my to do list! Just, after work.


    Cult of Games Member

    @dawfydd two? I can only remember the one from Episode I and would see that one as a safe bet. Also the Spider Droids as Trade federation heavy support because they are painted on the new core box.

    Edit: Clone trooper hover tank. Yeah, can see that too. But not this year. After the core set there will be troops and specialists I think.

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