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TerrainFest 2023: Week 3 Half way through. How are you progressing ?

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    TerrainFest 2023: Week 3 Half way through. How are you progressing ?

    Believe it or not but we well over half way through the month just 12 hobby days left of TerrainFest. !!!

    It is worth pointing out this is a hobby so there is no pressure to complete any project or task in a given time frame you dont have to finish the project by the end month. In fact most of us are fully aware this is a longer term project than just the month will allow.

    That said personally I do like to set timed goals in a project normally just on a weekly schedule just to keep myself focused as I am to easy to distract on to other projects. If I am honest at times I need a little kick up the bottom like a TerrainFest month to get into gear with actually doing something.

    My Project

    On my own project things are going okay. I am a little slow in updating the projects element on this site. I managed to lose at least two updates I tried to post I think maybe the image size caused the issue with the website. I am now putting the updates into word and copying them into the project so I dont lose it.

    Things dont always go to plan. A few items I ordered the post system managed to lose so I am a little late on building those. The wonderful company have sent them this week so that is good. So I am about 70% built, the items built have all been primed ready for painting. It is just a growing back log of buildings to paint at this point. The aim is really going to be basic table top standard and if I have time go back and add more detail.

    I have managed to get some what side tracked as is my nature going down a rabbit hole of trying to find some suitable city guards. I dont need to have them for the game but once my brain has an idea it tends to keep thinking about it until I do something or I have another one of my idea to replace it. So I now have a side project which I have built 10 guard and primed them ready to paint.

    So how are you getting on with your project ? Are you where you expected this to be ? Do to aim to complete it in the month or is this a long term project ?


    Cult of Games Member

    My project came to a complete grinding halt. The hassle with my airbrush pretty much sucked all the enjoyment out of the project and now I’m just focussing on the Secret Santa to get that out the door in time!

    Sorry for being a downer but I really hate it when plans don’t go the way I want them to.


    Cult of Games Member

    I have made pretty good progress so far, although I know I only have 3 days to get stuff done before the end of the month now.  Ah, the joys of having seven 12-hour shifts coming up.

    Some stuff I ordered failed to arrive and due to printer issues, one of my projects got a little neglected in preference to the other.  A few other annoyances along the way but seriously nothing to get upset about.

    So far, I have enjoyed having the mindset to get things done on these two projects and although I am normally pretty motivated when it comes to hobby stuff, it was equally nice to have a sense of purpose beyond just my amusement.

    Having said that though, I can feel the pull of some of the campaign board games I have and can’t wait to put some time aside for those and hang up the paintbrush for a couple of weeks s I detox from ‘brickwork’.




    Cult of Games Member

    I think I have broken the back of the building.

    The Nice Inn – Bringing DnD to the Tabletop

    That said I am at a point where after two weeks of solid work on it I need to do something else. Will I finish this project I doubt it, will I win anything for my build I doubt it, but the aim is to get the building completed so I can use it in my games of Barons War and possibly DnD ( probably one of the reasons that I won’t win Gerry hates RPGs on the table top???)

    Anyway I hope people like what I have done.


    Cult of Games Member

    I’m reasonably certain I’ll finish but I’ve already ordered another building and stagecoach to round out the current project.



    I’m at a bit of stand still. I have everything from the core box of Star Wars Shatterpoint primed and what not (still need to make that update on my project), but I’m struggling on the actual painting portion. I am torn on rather or not to follow the traditional paint scheme or try something different? Then there is the whole brush vs airbrush angle.


    Cult of Games Member

    @senjimakoto why not both? Traditional for the ordinary troops and Airbrush for the heroes? Or combine methods on both? Less thinking helps to. Just pick one up and run with it.


    Cult of Games Member

    @senjimakoto it’s quite a bit of stuff in the core set so I feel your pain. I was fortunate enough to have a deadline for a tournament I’d signed up for so that helped to motivate and prioritize things for me.

    As for traditional or alternative schemes, purely a matter of personal preference. But as far as airbrushing, seems like a good way to knock out that terrain but I lack the skills to actually airbrush a minis.


    Cult of Games Member

    I’ve had to call my project done as I am away to Scotland next week

    An Ewok Transformed




    It is interesting to read other peoples progress and struggles to remain focused. I feel a little better knowing I am not the only one it affects. It is like being a school and finding out everyone else struggled to get the homework done in time 🙂


    Cult of Games Member

    There was homework?! *panic*



    I’m still waiting on Lloyd starting Rome, I don’t feel confident that he’s going to finish in time.


    Cult of Games Member

    What a shame. Although he only needs to start as it was said multiple times “it doesn’t need to be finished!”



    @sundancer That is what I’m doing, reluctantly, at the last possible moment lol. I stopped by a game shop, picked up some proper airbrush paints and put down the first pass on the terrain. It needs some cleaning up and I need to post pictures, but I’m relatively happy to just go with it.



    @blipvertus It definitely helped (airbrushing) earlier today. I have some overspray I have to manually clean up but I was relatively happy with it.

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