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[SW:L] Downed AT-ST Battlefield Expansion

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 5 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #1347383

    Cult of Games Member

    So FFG just released news about a new Battlefield Expansion. A downed AT-ST as a terrain piece with 6 special battle cards. The piece looks nice, the idea of a 2 act scenario is cool too… but… 50 USD? That’s a bit far of what I am willing to pay :S

    What are your thoughts?

    Source: FFG



    Nice but too expensive for what it is. Just the card pack would be nice and I can make my own downed ‘insert sw vehicle here’ model.


    Cult of Games Member

    My thoughts exactly. Either they should have gone for “a box of cards” for 10 – 15 USD or the box for 30 – 40. 50 is just somehow really much. At least in my guts.



    Cult of Games Member

    Too expensive totally. I can buy a cheap model, and cut it up and make it look to fit scale wise.

    FFG were not going to be doing specific cards in packs, but seems they have started to. Hopefully they will produce card packs in the future.


    Cult of Games Member

    To be fair they had cards in the “priority supplies” expansion. And those could be used in tournaments. These here are for storyplay. (Sort of)

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