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Suicide Prevention Day

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This topic contains 22 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  blipvertus 5 years, 4 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    It does get better. It takes time (I’m about 4.5 years since reaching out and it’s a slow process).

    It really does get better.


    Cult of Games Member

    I fully support what @somegeezer says. Don’t do it. Time is your friend and if you reach out people will help



    Considering after looking at my comments history that all I do is complain or argue with people and that I can’t provide anything good in terms of content, this site will benefit greatly from me going bye-bye.

    But for things getting better, when? I’ve been told that over and over for several years and things have only gotten worse, personally and at large. I simply don’t have any more hope for the future and there’s nothing to look forward to to keep me going. I just plain can’t see the point in continuing to suffer and struggle forward….


    Cult of Games Member

    Are you taking anything currently? Antidepressants are often pretty horrific but if you find one that works it’s a life-saver. In my case literally.

    This site is definitely a better place for your being on board and I’m sure your meatspace friends will think the same of their lives.


    Cult of Games Member

    Crap guy all I can say it hold on there. I know it is hard, fuck it is very hard, but things do turn and you will feel different about this. I personally know what it is like, having nothing to live for, having no home, no money, nothing. I was wrong, so wrong and with help, things to do change and get better.

    Remember it is only the coldest and darkest before the dawn and tomorrow will be a new day and a new beginning.

    Find help my friend, talk to your doctor, friend or whatever but you WILL fight this and win.


    Cult of Games Member


    Never assume that what you’ve posted on this site doesn’t inspire people.
    It does.
    Maybe not yesterday, or today … but someday it will.

    I know I have seen things that have given me ideas by looking at random projects as they pop up.
    And one day I will have the time to do something similar and inspire others.


    I found myself in a similar situation years ago when my first marriage broke down. I was in a dark place, and a friend who works in mental health suggested getting back in shape. This gave me a purpose, also what I didn’t know at the time is exercise releases endorphins which help to make you feel better. I’d make a start by going out for a walk and build up from there. A change in diet will also help especially if you know you’re not eating a healthy diet.It’s a case of small steps, don’t expect things to change over night. Make small goals that can realistically met, every goal you meet will help to improve your self esteem.


    I would also suggest finding someone to talk to. Engage on the forums, maybe join Discord and join in the nonsense on there.

    It’s not going to be a quick road to recovery but a slow and at times a hard trek. Yet you can leave this dark place behind. I did, it wasn’t easy and the exercise helped greatly. I ended up becoming really fit, and eventually ran some half marathons. I’ve since buggered all that fitness up but then I am 50 now and slowly falling apart, feel like a knackered old classic car that needs a year in the garage being fixed.


    Cult of Games Member

    @kronosthetraveller the US National Suicide Lifeline is available 24 hours a day at 1-800-273-8255.

    It can help to talk to someone. I urge you to do so.

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