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Suicide Prevention Day

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This topic contains 22 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  blipvertus 5 years, 4 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Hello dear reader,

    Today, 10.09.2019 (September 10th) is World Suicide Prevention Day. If you feel down, depressed or just “shit out of luck” talk to someone. My DMs are open and I would like to collect national hotline numbers. Please add you countries numbers if you know them. Take a look around you and pat some people on the back. We’re all here for each other.

    Thank you for reading.

    Germany: +49 (0)800 1110111



    Give yourself a pat on the back for starting this thread.

    Northern Ireland –

    If you or someone you know needs help, you can telephone Lifeline free at any time. Lifeline is a crisis response helpline available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to people in Northern Ireland. It offers immediate help over the telephone if you, or someone you know, is in distress or despair.

    telephone: 0808 808 8000

    The Samaritans
    The Samaritans offer a 24-hour telephone helpline:

    telephone: 028 9066 4422 (local call charges apply)
    National telephone:116 123 (this number is free to call)
    textphone: 08457 90 91 92

    If you’re under 19, you can contact Childline:

    telephone: 0800 1111


    Cult of Games Member

    Good job guys. And I know I’m okay to talk to anyone who needs me. I’m sure everyone on this thread is.


    Us Cultists have got to stick together


    Cult of Games Member

    The Netherlands :

    = telefoon : 113  of 0900 0113


    I think the TerrainTutors’ video needs posting too :




    Good all this support

    remember that depresion it´s an illness and must be treated, you are born to live and be happy everything else must be overcomed.



    These days are very important, and I believe that it is important to spend the days of combating suicide more than once a year.
    I also recommend you a useful source to read about assisted suicide, which is a very controversial topic in modern medicine, because a variety of arguments are suggested for and against.


    Cult of Games Member

    It might be tough getting an appointment in the UK right now but it’s worth doing. I genuinely probably wouldn’t still be around without reaching out to my GP five years ago. My biggest regret was I’d not done that 30 years previously.

    Help is there, a better life is possible. Please don’t check out alone. My DMs are open, I’ve been there, I’m climbing out of that hole, and I will listen.


    Cult of Games Member

    Help is there, a better life is possible. Please don’t check out alone. My DMs are open, I’ve been there, I’m climbing out of that hole, and I will listen.

    Same here. And, speaking from personal experience, even if you don’t get help immediately, just the act of trying to get help gets things in motion for yourself.

    You are not alone.


    Cult of Games Member

    That’s true. A lot happened in a short time but there was a definite weight off walking away from that first appointment.


    Cult of Games Member

    Spam on this topic. Classy.

    (Edit: spam removed, ta)


    Cult of Games Member

    as a sufferer of depression all i can say is thank you for starting this thread guys , like some other of the commenters on this thread i have been minutes away from doing a very silly thing because of my depression.


    i have been able to pull through and find some light at the end of the long dark tunnel but only by talking.


    we all need to feel that there is someone there to talk to even if its to get the days frustrations of our chest.


    I am always available for a DM if you need to talk and i can share some experiences that might be able to help.






    In the UK (and I guess the stats are similar innother countries) around 80% of male suicides are ex service members or emergency workers. Something like 90% maybe higher of female suicides are ex service members or emergency workers.


    These people see and experience horrific things and need support. If you know someone who fits that category and is struggling with their mental health it is very important you take note and do as much as you can to help if possible. The rate of suicide for these people is extremely high compared to others.


    Cult of Games Member

    Well done mate. 🙂



    While I appreciate the sentiment, I’m still fully ready to blow my brains out one of these days…Can’t afford anything with prices constantly going up, even basic commodities, much less hobby stuff, so I’m just taking the nuclear option since things aren’t going to get better. I know I definitely won’t be missed here.


    Cult of Games Member

    Holy shit man please don’t do this. There is no situation in which this is a better world without you, regardless of what your brain is telling you.

    I’ve likened depression to your brain gaslighting you and this is exactly what I’m reading here.

    I don’t mean to say “it’s not real” in a patronising manner. I’ve been there and I know how real it is.

    Please hang on, please get professional help. Wherever you are in the world the help is there and you will be taken seriously (maybe speaking for myself here but that put me off for a long time, thanks anxiety).

    You are loved and this world is a better place for your being in it.

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