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Stomp, stomp, stomp…. making "footprints"… how?! HELP!

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This topic contains 10 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 5 years, 6 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    So, I’ve got an idea for a little terrain piece. I won’t get too much into details but I need some input since I’ve never done this kind of build before.

    What I want to do is a three dimensional terrain piece of an AT-AT footprint like they are seen on the Star Wars: Legion mat.


    My question now is: what kind of material could I use. If possible I would like to use more common (household) items and not wander of too far in hobby specialists materials because most of them I would have to order. The finish of the piece should match the before mentioned mat in colour and tone (so a bit sand’ish and yellow). Every idea, link to articles videos or advice is welcome.


    Cult of Games Member

    At about 10 mins in Mel puts in some hoofprints to a path/road. If you could find a bottletop of the same size as the AT-AT’s foot foor the round and then a matcg for the toes. Paint it with some cheap tester pots of house paint.

    Tl:Dr let filler set a bit and press it in.


    Cult of Games Member

    @m30wm1x thanks but the AT-AT is rather heavy and the filler would have to be way to thick for a deep imprint if I see this right. I was thinking about self drying clay but those seem to deform much in the drying process.


    Cult of Games Member

    I don’t think the depth would be too much of a problem. Looking at the mat shade/darken the inside edge and highlight the outside would make it appear deeper. I’m sure if you pinged @theterraintutor a message he could help a lot more than me. Mel has literally written the book on this terrain game.


    Cult of Games Member

    I think @theterraintutor has a bit on his hands right now with all that Kickstarter 😉 But maybe I’ll give that a go if I don’t find any other way. 🙂


    Cult of Games Member

    Cult of Games Member

    How big are you talking and what is the base going to be made of? If the case is foam then I would just cut out the footprints and pop out the waste. If the base was hard something like mdf you can get away with cutting a cardboard template cover in cling film then putting das clay all around to make the imprint then slide out your templates. This fakes it a little but would work. You could also cover the entire base with corrugated card board card cut out your prints and put filler over the whole base. Thats 3 ideas, don’t know if you have the stuff though and don’t have links (sorry). Sounds great though, your force will look great on it. They already look awsome!


    Cult of Games Member

    Well, the foot is 13,7cm from toe to toe and I think it should be 1cm deep. I had thought about using 5mm foamcore and do the cut out method. Still giving it thoughts…



    I’d start by layering some thick box card to around the depth you want it to be onto what will be the terrain base. cut down into the card with your footprint. Add in the circle that we see in your example above. Once thats done use cheap mastic to create your soil and earth effect but before its dry push in some sand and stones and whatever else (such as unfortunate rebels or storm troopers), then leave it for a few days to dry.



    I will copy this ideas !!!


    Cult of Games Member

    Ready build footprint looks like this:

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