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This topic contains 86 replies, has 56 voices, and was last updated by oriskany 6 years, 1 month ago.
January 25, 2019 at 3:25 pm #1337234
@blipvertus – Thanks very much. We should have a new Podcast going up on Beasts of War this afternoon. 😀
@darkdanegan – Thanks for the kind words. Glad you’re looking into historical now. Apologies in advance for the lifetime of medication and counseling that now lies before you. FLY! FLY, YOU FOOLS! 😀
@torros – no worries, sir. See you around.
January 25, 2019 at 3:33 pm #1337242@caledor2 – Thanks very much. I’ll definitely be around and as always, posting new content in the Projects site and also participating in Sitrep. We’ll be handling SOME historical there, pretty much anything that takes place after 1945, through to the near future (so between WW2 and sci-fi).
@koraski – Thanks so much and so glad you’ve subscribed to Sitrep! 😀 😀 😀 Hopefully we should have a new podcast uploaded here in half an hour or so. Meanwhile it’s already up on YouTube.
@wesadie1969 – Absolutely, sir. Glad you liked the content and I’ll still be here on the site on the projects, commenting, and of course always be around for anyone has questions, needs a little historical / military pointers to start a new project.
January 25, 2019 at 3:50 pm #1337262So I hear there is a crack team being set up to kidnap @oriskany and take him to an undisclosed location to ensure that quality historical content is continued. I approve of this team…
I have immensely enjoyed your content Jim, you’ve given me insights into conflicts I previously didn’t know or care about so thanks for that.
I wish you the best for your future content. But seriously, there is a team, and they will get you…
January 25, 2019 at 5:08 pm #1337318@hairybrains – Thanks very much, sir. Actually, the next podcast is now up and ready to view here on OnTableTop. 😀
Future Projects, Rule Systems and Our Wish List. Oh and Give Away Winners!
gladesrunner – Oh come on, now. I’ve never gone anywhere. 😀 And I hope to be working hard for the Sitrep team and and of course everything we’re still doing on the weekend gaming and of course Darkstar. 😀
@redvers – Hold on, I have to “accept some built” for helping to sharpen your interest in historical wargaming? Ha ha, I regret nothing! Especially with those great Monte Cassino projects you’ve been running!
January 25, 2019 at 5:41 pm #1337326“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” – A.E.
^^this always helps me to accept change as a good thing and don’t be sad about it. So I won’t go too much into detail how much I always enjoyed your content @oriskany , or how much I will miss your articles, BatReps or rusty voice, when they need some historical input on the weekend. I’d rather check out that podcast you are talking about. Sounds interesting.
I haven’t been as active on the site as I used to (new job and everything), but as you said, you will stay here, I’ll stay here and we stay in touch. Good luck with the podcast.
January 25, 2019 at 9:03 pm #1337361Thanks for all your great work. Not only was your coverage of historical events thorough and enlightening, your choice of games of different genres introduced me to many products I was not aware of before. I had not looked at Sitrep before, but am going to … right now.
Thanks James.
January 25, 2019 at 9:38 pm #1337400Thank you for all the fantastic article series, I’ve really enjoyed them.
Good to hear you’ll stay part the community. I guess we can still count on you to correct the OTT/BoW crew when their “historical facts” aren’t.
And best of luck with Sitrep!
January 25, 2019 at 10:43 pm #1337442Aw ‘eck. Shame to see you step down as a bastion of historical gaming these days. I must admit I was waiting to see who would start a Renegade Legion Centurion project first 😀
Historical games may have stepped down from the limelight in it’s heyday in the 80’s and early 90’s (and fantasy/sci-fi come into it’s golden age). But it’s still rumbling on with many small companies still bringing out excellent products, they just don’t seem to hit the gaming newsites as headlines these days. So your input has kept the historical aspect of miniature gaming’s head bobbing above the surface.
Your articles provided both inspiration, and education (education on the internet?????) to many of us here 🙂
January 26, 2019 at 12:36 am #1337467@brucelea – No worries sir, I look forward to finishing that “Manstein’s Backhand Blow” PanzerBlitz game. And of course any new games we might do in the future. The new Podcast is up here on the site, give it a listen while you’re painting or drop a comment if you like. 😀
@tacticalgenius – Thanks very much! I hope your Firestorm Stalingrad campaign goes awesome, I’ll definitely be checking this out in the projects page. We need more big campaigns and battle reports! As far as Sitrep goes, give it a like on YouTube, a comment on OTT, or a follow on Facebook so we know where our biggest audience is, what’s working, and what can be improved (besides my sound quality, I mean). 😀
@m30wm1x – thanks very much, I still remember the great infantry squad you had in that “Post Apocalypse RPG” we ran in the forums that time. Man, we gotta do another one of those soon.
Sitrep podcast:
Future Projects, Rule Systems and Our Wish List. Oh and Give Away Winners!
January 26, 2019 at 12:46 am #1337488Thanks very much, @warworksdk – although to answer your question I don’t know if anyone’s really going to hit the historical as hard as we used to. @avernos is certainly qualified in some eras (Rorke’s Drift, for one), and of course you’ll always have @johnlyons and tanks.
But on a broader historical view, I just don’t know how much of a thing that’s ever really been here, or will be in the future. It’s always been one of those things people talk about supporting, but not many people really do. I’m guilty as well, focusing more on a post 1945 angle with the the Sitrep.
I’ll say this much, the Projects feature has plenty of great historical projects, where people are doing some great stuff. I have the feeling it’s going to be up to the community now, but maybe that’s not a bad thing?
@jjgrubb – Thanks very much for your very kind words, and kudos for your interest in the Pacific. 😀 That’s definitely a theater that needs a lot more attention.
@collins – your intelligence is not wrong, sir, there totally is a crack team which has grabbed me “SEAL Team Six” style to keep me around – it is called the Sitrep. Seriously, give it a listen either on OTT, Facebook, Podbean, or Youtube, drop a comment somewhere to encourage these platforms to support our ongoing content!
The longer the Sitrep is around and the better supported it is, the longer I’ll be around. 😀 😀 😀
Future Projects, Rule Systems and Our Wish List. Oh and Give Away Winners!
January 26, 2019 at 6:00 am #1337523Good luck with the new endeavor Jim and thanks for the great collaboration! I’ll see you around on the site! ^^
January 26, 2019 at 10:16 am #1337616@oriskany : thanks for all the articles and the bootcamp campaigns.
I’d say it raised the bar for content at this site and it definitely helped to give the historical side of things a boost 🙂
January 26, 2019 at 3:40 pm #1337770@bothi – wow, an Albert Einstein quote! 😀 I know I sometimes call my scenario-driven historical wargames “thought experiments” but that was half-jokingly. Yeah, I’ve noticed you haven’t been on the site as much, the same will probably go here in the near future (depending on how Sitrep and the new Operations Center series picks up), but please don’t leave altogether. Too many of the historical “old guard” have been fading away. We have to fight against the rising tide!
@dodgyfarmer – Thanks very much, I really hope you like the Podcast. We also have new series “Breach and Clear” – “Close Quarters Combat” – and the new Oriskany’s “Operations Center” video series coming out soon. Please either leave a comment on the Podcast on OTT, or YouTube, or follow the team and I on Facebook or Podbean. We’re really trying to get this thing off the ground, so any kind of support would be eternally appreciated. 😀
@guillotine – Thanks very much, sir. I’ll try not to get too “grognard-y” with the comments. One, there’d just be too much to fix (I’m only one man, for the love of God!) – and more importantly, nobody likes the guy who’s always nitpicking and correcting.
I tried for four years to put out my own material, it worked well at first, then it started to feel like I was competing against the rest of the team for less and less bandwidth. I just needed to bail before there were any hard feelings, is all.
@phaidknott – thanks very much. If even a few people got a little something out of a more serious, grounded approach to historical wargaming, then it was all worth it. 😀
January 26, 2019 at 6:22 pm #1337910Sorry to hear this @oriskany as you’ll be a big loss to the BoW site as I’ve known it. But it sounds like it’s been an awful lot of work and in what is clearly a more fantasy and SF focussed community I can see that it may have felt that your work wasn’t making the impact it deserved.
That said, it’s always felt to me that there were a lot of people who did really appreciate your articles. I’ve been super busy over the last couple of years, so I drift in and out and certainly haven’t managed to follow all of the historical series’ from start to finish, but the ones I’ve managed to keep up with have been absolutely fantastic. Still remember the Ukraine series which managed to tackle an interesting but difficult subject with a great deal of care and integrity.
I’m not much of a podcast person, but I’ll try to check out Sitrep at some point. In any case, i guess you’ll have more control over what, when and how it works so I hope it works out well. With such a good team doing it, I have every confidence in its success!
January 26, 2019 at 11:14 pm #1338005Thanks, @neves1789 – those World War I series were indeed some epic collaborations and definitely a high point for my time on the staff.
Thanks, @limburger – I kept it going as long as I could. Gotta go with what the team wants, and more importantly, what the community wants.
@angelicdespot – I think you hit the nail on the head. Fort w awhile we seemed to tap into a vein of people on the site, admittedly always the minority but there nonetheless, who were more interested in a slightly more serious, grounded look at wargaming. Many of those people have left the community, however (I can list 20 off the top of my head), as focus has shifted into another areas, which has caused the team to (correctly) shift focus to accommodate their viewers, which causes the community to change direction, rinse repeat, you get the idea.
I especially appreciate the kind words regarding the Ukraine series. That’s still one of my favorite series. If there are any regrets over leaving, it’s ever rolling out with the 1991 Desert Storm series, the War of Terror series, and specifically the War on ISIS series. I mean if Modern War can do it for their Strategy & Tactics wargaming magazine, why can’t we here on BoW?
Well, the good news is we can do it now through Sitrep. And even as a community member, the “muzzle is off,” so to speak.
Totally understand about the podcast format, which is why we’re also rolling out Twitch hobby streams, modern-war themed product reviews, and the Oriskany “Operations Center” video series on modern warfare (historical / wargaming retrospectives running from 1945-near future). We’re trying a little bit of everything, and seeing what works best.
I’ve always enjoyed our conversations, even when we didn’t agree. I certainly look forward to talking again soon. 😀
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