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Tagged: Oriskany
This topic contains 86 replies, has 56 voices, and was last updated by oriskany 6 years, 1 month ago.
Shame, you will be greatly missed. Will certainly check out and support your new endeavours. Thanks for all your hard work and excellent articles and for taking the time to reply to all my comments.
Thanks for all the hard work and fascinating articles
Sad times, but exciting times. Thanks for all the content, James. Best of luck with the new venture and don’t be a stranger!
Half expecting to see you doing an (AJ) @oriskany ? Good luck with your many many projects.
Sorry to hear your stepping down . Although I didn’t comment on your various articles very often , I read them all with great interest . If Warren takes over till a suitable replacement editor can be found , we’ll be back in the zombie nazi , hover stug , dinosaur rider version of WW2 then , I can’t wait
Sorry to hear that… but not so much as leave but more like attacking from another angle. Looking forward to following your new endeavor!
Wow, such mixed news. I have really enjoyed your articles and presentations so will miss that with my BoW/OTT fix. On the other hand, now there will be a new channel for me to follow and learn from. Thanks for all work you’ve shared and best in all your future endeavors.
I’m sad for the community but happy for you. Best of luck and I hope to see many more posts from you in the future!
@oriskany consider yourself single-handedly responsible for opening my eyes to the possibility that historical gaming could be something I could get into. The desert war series and bootcamp in particular were inspiring. So yes, you leave your work in a good place!! Thanks, and good luck!
Thanks al lot for all the educational, fantastic content you worked on.
I always loved it when you were talking with the guys about the history of things.
I wish you all the best with the new things you are going to do and I hope I can follow some along.
Thank you for fantastistorical delivery of information, inspiration and fun to us from the position you leave and thank you for awesomical dispatch of information, inspiration and fun to us from the position you´re going to take.
Good luck for the new projects and ad multos annos.
Wow, thanks so much for all the support, everyone. It really means a lot. Again, I hope to remain active i the forums and topics, and of course Sitrep. If you really wanna keep me around, support the Sitrep. 😀
@tankkommander – That sounds like a great idea for an award. We could even have best historical release, best historical thread, best historical project (keep it in-house and community-focused – the guys already have their awards show). 😀
@warzan – no worries at all, thanks so much for all the opportunities to publish and present on such a great platform. And yeah, we play Darkstar on the web every weekend. If we wanted to Twitch it via OTT/BoW sometime, let’s just pick a date and get an opponent. We’ve worked most of the bugs out of the Darkstar system for gaming online and have run plenty of tests. The only remaining part for you and your team is to figure out the actual Twitch angle.
@wolfch – awesome, sir! Yeah, those podcasts are available here, on Podbean, YouTube and Facebook.
Thanks for all the great articles, series, and interviews. Hopefully the new project is an even bigger success. I already subscribed to sitrep but I have to confess I’ve not listened to it much yet.
Was always superb content from you sir. Just glad your knowledge and friendly manner will still be available to the community going forward.
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