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SPQR – Warlord Games

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This topic contains 62 replies, has 23 voices, and was last updated by  avernos 5 years, 7 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    It looks like they’ve made the handlers generic but if I had to say I’d say from left to right they’re meant to be a Briton, a German and a Gaul. Very nice minis



    Footsore do a better set of wolf hounds which I think are cheaper as well. If you’re in the market for dags



    @avernos Funny you should say that, but I bought some of the Footsore hounds back in May.  Still in the baggies though!


    Cult of Games Member

    @soulman posted a link to a playthrough video

    Shock and horror – A SPQR DEMO..!!!!

    I will be playing this game in fact I just rebased all my minis for it but come on guys enough with Testudo. I cringe whenever I hear that word now. This is a skirmish game with a 16 man unit and they’re forming a Testudo? Just because it sounds Roman doesn’t mean it has to be crammed into every single game no matter the size or scope.



    What other skirmish/warband games with Romans are currently around and worth looking at? I wouldn’t mind painting a few Imperial legionaries.

    Clash of Spears – out later on in 2019 with the initial focus on the early Republic and Punic wars.

    Mortal Gods – having watched the unboxing and design commentary on youtube I really like the look of the system, just don’t particularly want to branch out in Greek hoplites for this. Footsore has said Romans and much more is in the pipeline but realistically that’s way off.

    What else is around?



    Just watched goblin tv demo spqr with Charlie from Warlord.

    Disclaimer – I know this is only the intro from the starter box.

    I have to say that this gameplay looked very basic ( not my cup of tea), something that that I hadn’t really expected from Warlord Games. As I said I know there will be more to the game, but when I compare the basic concepts to Mortal Gods then I’m glad I went for Mortal Gods.

    If you are interested in seeing the video then the link is below.


    Cult of Games Member

    I haven’t played but I am curious how Dux Britanniarum plays compared to SPQR.

    I do have Mortal Gods but I would really like to see some cavalry and Romans included.


    Cult of Games Member

    My knowledge of the era is negligible. In one of annual / biannual Warlord Games sprue sales I got carried away and purchased 2 Imperial Roman Pretorian Guard command sprues and 2 Imperial Roman veteran sprues. I had intended to use them in a diorama, but I have since bought Mortal Gods and now SPQR rules book. Seeing the guide video and the rough points costs, I imagine that Praetorian guards would be weighty on the points cost. The minis in the box set are Caesarean Romans. (Not sure why they separated these men out from those spat into being through the traditional birthing route)

    Would Mortal Gods Peloponnesian era Greeks have fought the Imperial Roman era Legionaries on the sprues I have?

    I am thinking about getting a few Victrix Celtic warriors. Would they ever have come to blows with Peloponnesian Greeks in any fashion?


    Cult of Games Member

    Neither on the Romans I’m afraid. The correct “period” would be Republican Romans (Hastari, Triari etc), although Victric still do those massive 60 figure boxes for that period. They never really fought each other historically,

    Enemies of the Greeks during this period are “other” Greeks, Persians, and finally Macedonians. But “other” troops acting as mercenaries in Greek armies are Thracians and Cretan Archers (but that’s about it). The Peloponnesian wars were more of a Greek civil war (well two groups of Alliances really) than anything else. Lasting roughly 50 years until Philip of Macedon came in and knocked out most of the Northern Greek City states.

    BUT at the end of the day, it’s a warband/Skirmish set of rules, so just go with the “rule of cool” and build the armies you want and then scrap it out. It’s not going to be a “serious” set of rules for doing things like refights (Mortal Gods has a fair bit of fantasy elements thrown in as well). So no need to take things too seriously over a handful of figures 🙂

    On the Celtic thing with using the minis, they acted as Mercenaries again (but more towards the end of the period).

    BTW Thracians WIN on the “rule of cool” 😀





    Cult of Games Member

    The Roman’s at the time of the Pelponesian war  would more than likely be fighting as Hopolites in the Etruscan  style


    The Celrs for want of a better word attacked Greece quite a lot



    Celtic mercenaries were used by the Spartans against Thebes to great effect.


    Cult of Games Member

    Yup, but I wasn’t going to go into the Roman Kingdom stuff, and as it’s Warband gameplay the tactics of the Republican army doesn’t feature. So you’ve got Hastari with Jav (ok I know it’s a pilum on the model). and the Triaei with LTS (which isn’t that far off a Etruscan/Samnite army anyway).

    It’s more getting an “warband” of figures you could also use for other rules, and I don’t know anyone who’s bothered to collect a Roman Kingdom army (but it could be nice to do one vs Etruscans for a demo game to really be a change from the usual fare for an Ancients game featuring “Romans”).

    But either way the Cesarian Legions and Early Imperial are just too late for the Greeks with the Mortal Gods range. Which is why you’ve just got to go with the “rule of cool”. Not that in my time playing WRG that we didn’t have lots of battles where the armies were not only out of time period, but also half an world away at the time (talk about us grognards always getting things right and rivet counting 😀 )


    Cult of Games Member

    Aventine miniatures do some lovely Late Etruscan and Italian tribes figures



    “The correct “period” would be Republican Romans (Hastari, Triari etc), although Victrix still do those massive 60 figure boxes for that period.”

    I guess we’ll have to do something about that eventually 🙂 …

    “Aventine miniatures do some lovely Late Etruscan and Italian tribes figures”

    Awesome figures… love Aventine …




    Cult of Games Member


    Got my rules and my battlefield sacrifice mini.

    How will any of you encompass this mini into your games?

    I think I will take a photo with him caught between some Romans and some barbarians and have the caption “come one step closer and the goat gets it”

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