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Somewhere over the rainbow…

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This topic contains 94 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  oriskany 5 years, 5 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Awesome!  Glad to hear, @ceppie !  I promise to reply more later, but at the moment I have a PANZER LEADER map to build for a game in 3 hours 17 mins.  I’m sure you understand.  😀


    Cult of Games Member

    One reason I’m short on time … my “hobby” for the morning:


    I’m making an effort to unplug a little.  The site, hobby, gaming, the internet in general. Sociologists aren’t kidding when they say this stuff can depress you.



    A picture is worth a thousand words. Thanks for the warning @oriskany !

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    Unfortunately they were so happy with me, and the event was so well attended, I’ve already been invited back for next year.


    Cult of Games Member

    My hobby for the afternoon: Poland – 1939 (80th Anniversary Prep)

    Panzer Leader run vs. @yavasa live on Twitch.

    Title Card 14

    Polish set up and German list construction:

    German approach.  Ah, the “mighty” German Panzerwaffe of 1939. We’re looking at about 40 tanks here, roughly one battalion, or about 1/8 of 1st Panzer Division’s armored fighting power.


    Yavasa gets bold, wiping out a platoon of “Pioniere” assault engineers while they were still in my trucks. The nearby platoon of SdKfz 231/6s tried to break up this tankette attack, but failed.


    The Germans invest Polish tanks, and set up for their set-piece assault on the second Polish objective hex.


    The German assault begins in earnest, with infantry guns, mortars, and 7.5cms on PzKpfw IVs. But Yavasa is feeding in reinforcements into the battle, and close-assaulting German PzKpfw IIs originally used to spot the Polish defenders. Yes, German tanks are burning, and Polish cavalry are involved. This DID happen (German armored recon if memory serves), and CAN be successful if done carefully under the right circumstances.


    We got as far as Turn 5. Yavasa has definitely picked up this game! And I’m pretty sure if this game had gone to completion we’d wind up with a 4-3 Polish win.


    Cult of Games Member

    Okay, more detailed replies:

    No worries @unclejimmy – 1973 Yom Kippur War it is! Sunday good with you?

    BTW, I haven’t forgotten about those PZ IVs. I will get that sorted tomorrow via Pay Pal.

    @ceppie – Epic minis. I especially like the Traveler MG-42 gunner and the off road vehicle in the background. Oh, and the rock troll as well. I love the little bits of flock on his back.

    Regarding the anime convention … hey, you know what? Any invitation is a compliment, I figure. And everyone needs a hobby. When Historicon was closing down our places were being taken by the next convention moving in … an antique Christmas decoration convention. Not a Christmas convention, not a Christmas DECORATION convention, but an ANTIQUE Christmas decoration convention.

    I’m not surprised people get into that, I could totally see an online store or some such for that … but a convention? As in vacation time, plane flights, hundreds of pounds of shipping, dealers, booths, tables, displays, media coverage CONVENTION?

    Hey, takes all sorts, I suppose. 😀



    @ceppie – i’ll get caught-up (again)! There are a few bits in the box I send that might be useful for your vehicle. I can see what it will look like after a bit of paint…under a £5 too! Bargains rule.

    The ‘Troll’ is amazing. 100pts. Very menacing. Have you seen the file “Troll Hunter”? If you haven’t then do…it is excellent. Iron Sky too.

    Are those shields freehand?

    1. A few years in a Convent should cure you! I have quite a few Merle Haggard tracks. Forgive me.

    2. That is such a nice way to treat students. We used to just get a slap! A kick in the shin was also common. Great days. I tend not to curse in public, but I did tell ‘our’ (Heather’s really) bank manager that if his IQ was any lower he wouldn’t be able to talk without shitting his pants.

    3. When I have said “wargames” in the past people have just looked at me blankly. When I explain they look a bit worried. So I just started saying “I play with toy soldiers” and they just nod and smile.

    4. Not even when you were far from home?

    Berry picking = Canadian slang for greasy stuff in the woods. Not unlike when my mother thought I had started that coven again. Speaking of Canadian things could you get your paws on some proper Mukluks?

    Nice picture…where were you? Looks like you were holding auditions for a Japanese idol band. Lucky you.

    @oriskany – the brightness would have me begging for mercy pretty quickly! I bet it has massive creepy-crawlies too.

    Sunday is very good for me. I have already checked with Heather and she is out until 2200hrs. One of the teachers from school is moving to Thailand to teach and they are having a ‘thing’.



    Adjustments had to be made “on-the-run” this week, but we should be running at full power by next weekend. From now on I will add (UJW) to the title so nobody makes any mistakes.

    Started painting that Infinity motorbike and built another Dog Soldier! I’ll show you it later after some white undercoat.


    Cult of Games Member

    Hails all,

    Didn’t get a chance to update yesterday but I did spend the entire day at the painting table. Finished up my guys bases at about 2:00 am. Overall, I’m pretty pleased with these guys as pale armour is something I struggle with. It’s still not at the level where I want it to be but they’ll look great on the board and that’s what counts.



    Gaming today with @mage and then I’ll make a start on the Riddler tomorrow. Hoping to get him done in one day and then do some terrain on Wednesday.


    Knight Models have a few different versions of Riddler available but my favourite slice of the Batman universe is the Arkham games so I tend to lean towards those.

    Those Infinity models are awesome looking. Infinity was a game that just fell the wrong side of the “I don’t have the time/can’t afford to start new games” line I had to draw for myself.

    I’ve tried chipping with the mediums available from AK,  never on HDF though. Great way to give some life to otherwise flat surfaces.



    My girlfriend does a lot of digital art and has a WACOM pad so I might try to rope her away her usual work.

    The level of detail in your campaigns is unbelievable. I was looking through the images in your Darkstar game and  it really seems quite intricate.

    I didn’t know you were into RPGs too. Werewolf is something that’s been on my radar for a while but the sheer amount of stuff for it is slightly overwhelming. I never know where to start with the World of Darkness range.

    Time away from the net is always a good thing. I had a weekend away recently and took a few walks along the coast in Sligo and through some heritage sites in Roscommon. The effect it has on your mood is genuinely noticeable, humans really weren’t built to sit inside walls and stare at screens.



    I love the rock troll! The colour transition on his skin is superb. I tried something similar years ago on the Nightbringer (Necron C’tan) but it came out way too dark. Still threatening to strip him down and start again…


    Painting day was done to the tune of Canada’s finest Devin Townsend. His new album took me a while to get my head around but is getting daily spins now.



    Good Morning All!

    A rare day off with no commitments. I can’t remember what the holiday is for; most just know it as “August Long.” For me, it’s Hobby Day… after I cut the grass and douse all the weeds in the driveway. It’s only going to 27c today, so survivable outside. I’m going to finish building stealth suits (3 done, 3 on the go), and maybe poke around in Fire, Fusion, and Steel to see if there’s any design rules for that sort of thing.

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    Then it’s on to battle boards. First tunes from HAL this morning:

    @unclejimmy great job on the Infinity terrain! I’d really like to see one of your bigger tables. Seems to me you have a ton of the stuff!

    Crud might be good on those crates. What about some tagging? Or vulgar ‘hate’ graffiti? Just be mindful of where you take the stuff if you’re gaming away from home!

    That’s quite the “massive hose” prosthetic. The end could use a trim. Consider scheduling a bris. My Egyptian History prof once asked why ancient Egyptians practised circumcision. I said, that in my experience, Arabs want 10% off everything. Bu-dum-bum.

    Love the tankhunters… especially the guy that looks like he’s toting some kind of nasty recoilless rifle. Reminds me of that nut busting B-10 I dragged around once on a kit familiarization exercise.

    Thirteen years ago I was considering retiring to a condo in Cancun… but then I found out the whole town was filled with Mexicans! Who knew? It was a near thing.

    Yes, those shields are freehand… a pain in the arse too. I’ve got the same design on a lot of stuff, variations of the Sun Empire banner from the novel. Did you get the first chapter of Book 2? If not, I’ll send it to your other e-mail account.

    As for question 1, I’ve tried to self-medicate with electric shock treatment from a light socket. I think it’s working, but now I have ‘Baby Shark’ playing on a loop while I clean my Ishapore .303.

    I was always single when I deployed, luckily. It was good not having loose ends back home, but I’ll admit it was tough coming home and seeing all the joyful family reunions, when the only thing waiting for me was a taxi.

    Mukluks: I can get you an authentic handmade pair of mukluks, deer hide and rabbit fur, with whatever design you want on them. I’m assuming you want the calf-high ones, and not just moccasin type shoes. There’s a lady in the Metis village two miles up the road that makes them to order. I think they’re about $150 Canadian. What size? We can discuss offline.

    @elpotof and @nogbadthebad welcome! Always room for a few more!

    HAL has moved on.

    @oriskany Fantastic job on those counters, as always! Am I the only one that considers a board full of Panzer Leader counters sexy? Do you think I need to see someone about that?

    Your table looks exactly like my garage table!


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    Thanks so much for the Darkstar battle report! Intriguing as always, and I really like the 2D/3D star map. I’ve never seen a representation like that before.

    @irredeemable so good to see you again! (cpauls1 here) Fabulous job on those mini’s! I think they will really stand out on the table.

    I really like that Riddler model. You must post WIP’s!

    The troll is one of the new Reaper Black Bones models. Better plastic than the old stuff, and still a great price. I tried to paint him cammed up as a snow covered rock. I have another that will get a variation on colour, but the same theme.

    @sundancer Glad you’re feeling better. It’s hard clawing your way out of a dark place.

    Someone learned a valuable lesson this weekend — don’t chase cats with white stripes on their back. She was pretty mogey till she got a scrub.

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    Didn’t stop her from trying to eat one of our cats again last night. If I can’t get her to stop she may have to go.



    @irredeemable – well, it looks like it was time well spent. 100pts. The bases are very nice too. Painting anything ‘pale’ is a massive pain. Getting depth to the finish sucks. However, you seem to have cracked it! That really is a very beautiful unit.

    @ceppie – some writing, ‘tags’, and posters will be next. I can’t do the tagging style writing – maybe there is a font? I have made posters for FoF, but I wanted some advertising and other clutter. Flyers for bands or venues, stuff for sale, and the usual things you get covering walls in “downtown” areas.

    I don’t game anywhere except maybe at Dave’s, but he is on some weird quest to “find himself” that is really worrying me. Our next task will be to finish in inside of the caravan and move our gaming into there.

    Please don’t start with those jokes…remember that my dad is half jew and half scottish. He loves getting drunk, but won’t pay for it! 500pts. The best thing about Jewish humour is that you never see the punchline coming.

    Avi and Hymie are walking down the road in Glasgow. As they turn down an alley they see a dozen skinheads coming the other way. Hymie says to Avi, “There is that £300 I owe you.”

    The Rabbi I studied under at Uni told me that. Does that mean it is not racist? He is also a revisionist!

    The Tankhunter with the big gun is carrying an Autocannon. Very nasty in Infinity considering their are no vehicles. He can also be deployed in a camo state – Jamie knows he is out there, but not sure where. They all have the ability so if there is more than one on your list it keeps him sweating. They are mega-hard too.

    Cancun tends to be full of Mexicans. You must have been a para! Those shields are very impressive. Bastardos. 100pts. I can’t even do decals.

    I have got the chapter and will kepp it for my bath time if you don’t mind. Once the .303 is clean please stay away from the mall.

    The times I was away we never really talked about me coming back. I would normally know a week-or-so before hand, but usually rang from London or Manchester and took it from there. The one time heather did come and meet me the train was delayed by 40min and this was back before mobile phones.

    As for the Mukluks…it’s a very long story, but it is a joke between me and the boy. He watches these two YouTube guys and they are really funny. They run some spoof things including a thing caled the ‘Jesus Chat-Line’. I will post a sample. One of the ‘characters’ that calls in is from Norway House and complains that they stole his name for their show. I will have to think of a design. That would be amazing!

    Pity my Mowgli wasn’t still about. He was a big ginger tom that weighed 8.1kg. How will you stop him savaging pussy-cats? Is it not a seasonal thing?



    Some more ink needed before I do some undercoats…


    These guys are USAMC “Devil Dogs”. They also have an Antipode each that does what they do.

    The Infinity version of a Pug…



    …very savage!



    In for a break and a beer. Not quite noon, but if you’re going to drink all day you have to start in the morning.

    Two of my favourite live performances… wish I could have been at this one:

    Off to cut the grass in the back.

    @unclejimmy did you order your drones and remotes from Anvil Industry?



    @unclejimmy Damn those are sweet werewolf/pug mini’s!

    I’ve seen tag decals before, but can’t remember where. Anyone?

    Avi and Hymie lol.

    Leroy Sinclair: the guy doesn’t quite have the accent down. Funny, though.



    @ceppie – not yet! I need to find a real use for them. Since I have been getting rid of everything I don’t/won’t use any more I am trying to be more practical with my spending. I want to get some proper storage built in the caravan and maybe a ‘display’ style cuboard for in here. Hence, all the stuff that needs a new home.

    I am surprised nobody has claimed anything…other than the Dwarves.

    Leroy is awesome. I did look-up what Norway House is and was very surprised. I already knew a bit about those places. For once I will show some hatred…those evil creatures, and their church, should be scrubbed from the face of the planet. Hatred over.

    I remember exactly what I was doing when that Queen footage was broadcast! AC/DC are looking a bit old, but they can still rock. I play this hospital simulation game and they have some strange illnesses…one of the is called ‘Mock Star’. Those suffering look like Freddy.

    With a couple of hours all to myself I can’t decide what to do. I have Lola overnight and she is passed out on the bottom of the bed…too hot for Puggies today. Do some painting or play KSP? I need to build a Mun station, but I really want to do some more work on that bike. The new O-12 stuff is “in stock” on the 16th, but we might get it early.

    There is also a new edition next summer. Tell everyone: Infinity N4 (summer 2020)

    Stay tuned to find out. Closing time is wednesday at 2200hrs your time.

    p.s., We are going to need some designs! For merch, badges, and patches. I found a place about 50 miles away that do that sort of thing. All the shirts and material they use is high quality. Anything considered.




    @ceppie – I would have asked local neds, but they would think I was “the other!” Uncle Jimmy!


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