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So why did Dropfleet Commander and Dropzone Commander just disappear……

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion So why did Dropfleet Commander and Dropzone Commander just disappear……

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This topic contains 42 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  limburger 7 months, 2 weeks ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Hah, yes. I’m very much at the bottom of the barrel for the month, so really looking forward to payday end of the week xD Also, it goes to show I should really catch up on the uHHs (as well as XLBS).


    Cult of Games Member

    Yeah I did find it odd that the Kickstarter for half tilt didn’t get any coverage officially, when there was an article covering there would be one?

    While I don’t rely on it I do use BoW as a source/reminder for news and things to keep an eye on, that one completely slipped me by despite really liking what I saw in the initial article.



    Just as a heads up, there is a lot of tabletop news and just one of me. I try and find a good mix of stories covering different genres each day/week and yes, that means some things get dropped by the wayside and projects will get covered then something else might drag me off in a different direction and I’ll quite literally forget about something as another plate needs to be spun coverage-wise.

    There is no one over my shoulder (business daddy or otherwise) saying what I should/shouldn’t cover but I do focus on covering as much as the big stuff as I can (as you’d imagine) and then whatever smaller companies I can at the same time.

    As you folks have been talking about dropzone/dropfleet and shown an interest in hearing more about it, going to see if I can pick up what I can on it going forward – does that mean I’ll get everything, nope. But will see what I can do.

    The only thing I can suggest is if something has caught your eye and you think it’s cool – just PM me and I will have a look at it. It might get covered, it might not. Depends entirely on what else I have to do – if it doesn’t get covered in the news, it might pop up as an Indie or in the Kickstarter section of a Weekender or maybe in an XLBS.

    TLDR – a lot of tabletop news, just one me – gonna keep on truckin’


    Cult of Games Member

    @brennon I think thanks are in order then for the excellent coverage in general of such a broad hobby! Do know that your work is appreciated, as this is by far my most visited website 🙂


    Cult of Games Member

    I’m pretty sure we’re all aware of who does most of the writing and that it is a full time job @brennon and I’m also sure nobody is even hinting at “do more betterer”.

    That being said maybe it’s time for this item on the bucket list (see picture) to be made “working”?




    Oh yeah – not implying (or at least didn’t want to imply) people are doing a “do more better pluz”, just making sure people are aware of the situation so there’s no mystery.

    Certainly. Something I want to have a look at @sundancer – again, just a matter of finding the time to sort out the system or what needs rebooting to make it work. Need to fire something back up and have a proper think about it after UKGE is done and dusted.

    • This reply was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by  brennon.

    Cult of Games Member

    I’d echo comments from @sundancer  @brennon certainly I no way a “do more betterer” I think we are all aware how much work is involved keeping up with things never mind then writing articles!

    Having volunteer article’s could be a great way to let the community help take some of the load, I know not everyone would be interested but I think there’s more than enough of us who are keen to help out spreading the love of the hobby.

    Also Gerry has informed us that the multi award winning moonstone Kickstarter is collecting final shipping details, I’m pretty sure that he will be writing a whole article on that one 😀

    • This reply was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by  jamescutts.

    Cult of Games Member

    I’d use that Volunteer section heavily if it were up. I used to run a game shop here in the US and got used to watching what was coming out in the hobby space and I agree with @brennon that it is impossible to cover it all. I love finding new stuff that people are interested and boosting great smaller companies there is a lot of stuff out there to try and play.


    Cult of Games Member

    if anything there has to be some way for us to make life easier for @brennon (and the rest of the OTT staff) without flooding his inbox.

    (did the site get a performance boost today or am I dreaming?)

    Maybe a generic news thread in the forum for each genre (sf / fantasy / historical / pulp ) for people to post news articles ?

    Didn’t we used to have something along those lines for kickstarter/crowdfunding ?


    Cult of Games Member

    I wonder if timing plays a part. Their emails land Friday evening just as Ben’s stinking his 6th pint after a long week. By Monday the TTCombat updates were such a long time ago ?


    Cult of Games Member

    you cracked the code! 8)



    New stuff from TTCombat – oh that’s sooo last week!

    • This reply was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by  lloyd.

    Cult of Games Member

    Shouldn’t you be building Rome for Gerry ? 😉

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