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Small Apocalypse 40k Demo Game AAR

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This topic contains 11 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  chaingun 5 years, 6 months ago.

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    Today my son and I thought we would try out the new Apocalypse 40k rules by Games Workshop. But instead of playing the recommended 300 power level, we would see if it could play at 60 power using a battalion detachment.


    I don’t know about you, but we like the lore behind 40k but we find the standard  game becoming over bloated as the power creep from codex to codex is getting worse. That’s not to say we don’t play it, but we are finding the current game doesn’t reflect our narrative style of play.

    So, after seeing this new edition of Apocalypse at Warhammer Fest this year, I was very excited to see they took some inspiration from the old Epic Armageddon and put this together within the current 40k lore.

    To read the full after action report and our opinion of the rules, click the link below to our blog.

    40k Apocalypse – Demo Game


    Cult of Games Member

    Nice. Is this the new way to play regular sized games of 40k?



    No, it’s meant to be for very large games of approx 300 plus power, which is around 4000 points. I’m not to sure on the power to points conversation as I don’t play points.

    But, having said that, I see no reason why you can’t play normal size games, as we have done here.


    Cult of Games Member

    I read a comment on a you tube video. I think it was one of Uncle Atoms about Apocalypse that said Welcome to 9th edition stealth  pre testing



    @torros umm maybe, there are always going to be people speculating things like that, let’s face it every time GW bring something out new that always happens.

    What I hope it is, is a playtest version for epic ?. But like I said, I will be using it to play standard 40k.


    Cult of Games Member

    @chaingun Hopefully I’m wrong but I doubt epic will return. Saying that the previous 2 versions are still well catered for by fans and there are enough proxy models out there to cover a lot of the stuff that is now too expensive to buy (at least for me) on rbay


    Cult of Games Member

    @chaingun that’s really where I was going … a more streamlined way to play “regular” sized WH40k.



    @somegeezer if you can give it a try and see what you think mate ?


    Cult of Games Member

    @torros  I’m pretty sure they’ll use any feedback on Killteam as well as this 40k variant for a next iteration of 9th edition.

    @chaingun did those movement trays help the game at this size ?

    I suspect that horde style armies like Orks and Imperial Guard have more to gain from the movement trays and this rules set as compared to the more elite focussed variants.

    And then there’s the impact of these trays on the terrain layout of the table itself.

    Is 2 detachments considered ‘large’ for regular 40k ?




    @limburger I this answers some of your questions.

    The movement trays will definitely help the more hoard style armies, but I think they will also aid the marines etc. At this level but not necessary. If playing at the recommendation then I certainly would use them.

    Buildings are abstract in the game in that it doesn’t matter where you position your models as you are deemed to control the whole building. I think some house rules are needed for very large building footprints though.

    2 detachments for a regular size 40k game  considered large, well, if your like us and think there is too much faff in standard 40k then yes it is. Of course I’m talking about using to full battalions and not the minimum selection of them. ??


    Cult of Games Member

    House rules are definitely needed if they think that one squad can ‘control’ any building at all, especially in 40k universe.

    I’m guessing that you’d ‘control’ only a single level within a multi-level building or something like that.


    Cult of Games Member

    nice battle report, my copy of apocalypse is sitting in the post office waiting for me to collect it. I did wonder if this would apply to smaller games and it looks like it does, will this mean regular 40k will be squeezed between kill team and this?



    Thanks @hairybrains

    I think in time it could well do that.

    @limburger I need to look through that a bit more mate.

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