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Skytrex has an new website (15mm WW2 and Moderns)

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  phaidknott 3 years, 9 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Well Warlord now own Skytrex, and part of this has meant that they have an updated website.

    For those that have never come across these before, they were probably THE first releases in 15mm for WWII (they were designed to accompany the Command Decision rules back in the mid 90s). Nowadays FoW and Battlefront have cornered the market, but I’d take a serious look at these miniatures.

    One of the main reasons is the sheer variety of poses (for example all nations have at least 20 different poses for the riflemen and feature nearly all heavy weapons in both moving and deployed poses). Now the range was originally sculpted by a US designer (alas I never got his name) who sadly passed away. Now he sculpted the initial releases which I personally think are still the finest 15mm sculpts out there (in both detail and animation of the poses). He did the “basic” US, British, Russian (although not the later release of the SMGs armed infantry) and German infantry. Skytrex/Old Glory then used different sculptors for the Africa Korps, German in Greatcoats, Airborne Infantry, 8th Army etc. But I never felt they were quite as good as those initial releases.

    But if you play FoW or any WW2 game in 15mm ignore these at your peril. Costing just £12 for a bag of 50 (although you can buy smaller squad bags for £3) these are a bargain compared to other ranges (and just as good if not better). Anyhow enough blathering from me, take a look…..

    Skytrex Military Models





    Are the vehicles new models or the old ones that didn’t have a complete hull? The metal infantry however are very competitively priced


    Cult of Games Member

    I know the trucks were resculpted so that the wheels were cast onto the body (the initial releases has separate wheels and axels which although made a great model didn’t withstand the rigors of the gaming table very well). On the tank front, some tank models don’t have an “underside” (construction is usually sticking the tracks to each side of the hull before adding the turret), but some models do (usually the light tanks). Although I don’t usually turn tanks upside down on the table to denote destroyed (as this will wreck ANY tank featuring a pintle mounted MG). But basically these are the same as the Command Decision releases you could obtain at Wargame Shows in the UK from Skytrex, as well as from Old Glory in the US (although reports have the Skytrex castings being a LOT better than those from Old Glory from customers)

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