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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  poosh 1 year, 9 months ago.

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  • #1811461


    Having gotten 3 baby rat boys off death row at a local pet store where they were going to be ‘feeders’, I decided to do them proud and start a Skaven army. Who knows, maybe, just maybe, WHtOW won’t suck….

    I already had a whole bunch saved up from previous shopping sprees – and am I ever so glad I bought what I bought when I bought it, in light of OOP, prices, lockups, stores disappearing, debilitatingly insane collector’s prices on Fleabay and other ever increasing unpleasantries of the 20s – I breezed through a couple of boxes of 5th/6th edition Clanrats and was mulling over what to paint next. The original plan of ordering some Black Tree Design Slaves n stuff went south – I don’t do PayEnemy – so I went looking for an alternative, finding these:

    They’re plastic, technically HO/OO scale (20mm), you get 39 (?) in a box in a good variety of poses with different weaponry ranging from glaives to different swords, bows, slings etc.

    Being slightly smaller and cheap (even in real life), they’re the perfect Slaves and they’re even fairly well sculpted for the price, the only downside being that some of the very weirdly arranged mold lines are near impossible to remove without mutilating the figures. I’m cutting 20mm bases for them out of some nice cardboard frame leftovers from the Inis board game, which are just the right thickness.


    Cult of Games Member

    The plastic Mantic rats are pretty good?

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