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Sitrep Podcast: Historical Gaming (and Register for Upcoming Gaming Event)!

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This topic contains 484 replies, has 35 voices, and was last updated by  madman1960 5 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #1352026

    Cult of Games Member

    @limburger @stvitusdancern is creating an Arma 3 server for people to play on as part of the additional content we offer under the SITREP content.



    @oriskany – the view point I’ve had was reinforced by the name of the club I’ve been a member of for quite a while – Otago Miniature Tacticians Society.

    Why it was named that way, apart from the name Otago, the region Dunedin is in, has probably been lost to the winds of time.

    I think way more thought is probably put into the way of naming something in this day and age, especially for the reasons you give above.


    Cult of Games Member

    Thanks for swinging by, @buggeroff – do you still have that Team Yankee army?  You might have to teach @brucelea and his VVS Soviets a lesson one of these days.  😀

    Actually yes, @grimwolfuk – someone sent me a .pdf of Fistful of TOWs.  Definitely an in-depth rule set, and richly detailed.

    Awesome Leopard, @bloodstrike – right, I forgot this was the newer A5s, one of the variants with new moduklar “arrowhead” armor fittings.  Damn, at 28mm this thing is gonna be a BEAST!!  I swear I put my 15mm Leopard 2s for Team Yankee on the table and they almost look like 1:72 models.  Thanks very much for swinging by the stream and sticking with us the whole way.  😀  That was a helluva game.

    @gladesrunner – just the good ones.  (Awww, just kidding) 😀 😀 😀

    @suetoniuspaullinus – well, if that matt varnish works for you, I’ll give it a shot.  Sometimes my Vallejo washes come out very shiny.  I have Vallejo matt but sometimes it clouds up (might be a humidity thing).

    And on man!  Dien Bien Phu!  I hope you don’t start making Viet Minh for this battle, you’ll be at it for years!  😀


    Hey, if you’re a fan of ASL but a little hung up on the rules or can’t find people who are interested, I seriously suggest Barry S. Doyle’s Valor & Victory.

    This guys was a huge ASL fan back in the day, and came up with his own game that tries to capture the spirit of ASL, but is much easier to get into.

    The game is free, print and play, available here.

    Download some documents, print some maps, cut a few dozen counters, and you could be playing later that same day.

    It’s actually a great little system, perhaps best characterized as “ASL-lite.”


    Cult of Games Member

    @oriskany I do, must finish it off, dunno about playing against Brucie’s @brucelea though, from what I remember we spent most of the time blowing up Lloyds lovely tables and trying to wreck Johns pylons 😉 good fun though 😀


    Cult of Games Member

    Cult of Games Member

    Useful link to for cold war vehicles but also useful to add armour to your middle east / African forces (support by Russian armour).


    Cult of Games Member

    Here a thought folks for a multi-level style game.

    I will use a modern setting more but could work in other 20th century settings.

    Its three levels, the first level is below the water (Submarine), the second level is for the naval combat (Ships) and the final level is aircraft.

    If each side could them have a plot of the area to do hidden submarine movement and the naval vessels would have to use sonar and buoys to locate the subs and once located a mini would be placed on the lower level.

    Just an idea for a naval game they could even be a participation game.


    Cult of Games Member

    Good afternoon, everyone ~

    I am sending this announcement / query to anyone who might be interested in either playing in or spectating a live wargaming web conference this weekend.

    I’m also be spending some time building Episode 03 of the Ops Center this weekend, so if we don’t game both days (or either day), that’s totally cool, I could use the time.

    In related news, I’d like to focus at least one day on modern wargaming content, preferably Sunday, in order to support SITREP.


    • Darkstar (anyone who’s interested, please let me know what faction, and what day works better for you).
    • Valor & Victory Vietnam
    • Valor & Victory Lebanon 1982 (playtesting)
    • Arab Israeli Wars (Focusing on 1973 just for the moment)
    • TCME (Panzer Leader in 1991 / 2003 Iraq Wars)

    Saturday 5PM GMT
    Sunday 5PM GMT

    IF INTERESTED – either in playing or in spectating, just drop me a PM or e-mail.  I’ll send another e-mail later this week top confirm what games are on, with who, and when.

    Thanks, and I hope to see some of you this weekend.



    Viet Minh ?



    Cult of Games Member

    So here is the wrap up for the epic game of The Arab Israeli Wars between myself and @damon .

    Golan Heights, Israel v. Syria, October 7, 1973.

    As always, I suggest OPEN IN NEW TAB for best resolution


    More Israeli reinforcements have arrived (Damon makes a roll at the beginning of each movement phase, a 1-2 on d6 indicates one of his four Centurion reserve platoons arrives from Yanosh’s brigade HQ back at the Golan Customs House). He’s effectively sealed off my planned northern escape route (I don’t have an image ready for it, but note the burning wrecks along the north, this was the last six of his IAF air strikes blowing the spearhead clean off 81st Armored Brigade / 3rd Armored Division). Therefore, I’m turning south. and going for a new escape path clean over the north shoulder of Tel Hermonit. Believe it or not, some of these guys might actually make it off the west end of the board and behind Israeli lines. There are just so FEW Israeli units left, even knocking out three of them (note the Sagger ATGWsand T-55s of 78th Brigade have picked off another Centurion reinforcement platoon the apex of Tel Hermonit) has had a disastrous effect on Damon’s line.

    The first BTR-60s of 85th Mechanized have now escaped through the deserted ruins of El Rom. A battalion+ sized column of T-62s has now mounted Tel Hermonit, ready to follow and secure the breakthrough. Meanwhile, my 82mm mortar battery has been re-positioned after a laborious process, and now lays down smoke to blind some of the Israeli firing positions.

    Turn 10, and the game is finally winding down. Most of that column from the 81st Armored has broken clear. Some units were left behind, and now have no real chance of following off the west edge of the table with Damon redeploying three Centurion platoons in and around El Rom to seal the breach. Some of my infantry survivors, meanwhile, have also fortified themselves in Israeli IPs on the north shoulder of Tel Hermonit.

    The grim score sheet. Okay, I know this game was announced at the live stream as a Syrian win (a full battalion – 45 AFVs and 50+ infantry broke through Israeli defenses here and are now probably overrunning Brigade HQ), but that’s because the I didn’t count the Israeli points correctly. Monday morning I reached out to Damon and told him he in fact WON this game, although only by one point. Long story short, I forgot Israeli units get TWO points per kill, not ONE. So what’s happened instead here is that yes, a large Syrian battlegroup broke through and is currently driving hell-for-heather for the Jordan River and the Galilee river crossings. But … with this corps-area breakthrough zone basically smashed behind them, and 7th Infantry and 3rd Armored more or less powerless to sustain the breakthrough or send support, the Syrians will eventually be pinned down and forced to surrender by Israeli operational reserves (probably Peled’s Division). In the end, the points tell the story and define the narrative. But DAMN, this was a close one!

    The field of battle after the fight … 225 Syrian tanks and AFVs are wrecked on the table, along with 25 Israeli Centurions. (A kill ratio of almost 10:1, exactly what we see at the Golan historically). Also, an Israeli fighter jet burns to the north. Some Syrian bridges have been thrown over the Purple Line’s antitank ditch, along with wrecked armor IN the trench itself. The Israeli line remains more or less intact, but badly weakened, and again, a reinforced Syrian battalion+ DID get through.


    Cult of Games Member

    @suetoniuspaullinus are those plastic minis?


    Cult of Games Member

    @suetoniuspaullinus you are crazy …


    Cult of Games Member

    Okay, a few responses for our Sitrep Modern Military Gaming fans.  😀

    @limburger – “IMHO at the 28mm scale there isn’t really any use for vehicles, except as mobile cover. It gets very silly in 40k.”

    Okay, this is me resisting the opportunity to take a shot at 40K … (calm down, calm down … *phew that was tough …) but only because I think you’re right, 28mm vehicles can be a little silly really in any genre, depending on how their handled.  Chris in our podcasts and others who are 3d printing 28mm vehicles in this thread I think have the right idea, there is ONE vehicle, or only ONE SIDE has them, and maybe it’s more of an objective or terrain feature, as you suggest.

    But the idea of 28mm vehicles fighting each other on any kind of practical gaming table (again, assuming these tables aren’t 12-20 feet across) it gets a little weird.  Tanks in, say … WW2 on one side if you’re creating some kind of breakthrough or overrun table  … yeah … challenging, but possible.

    But tank duels on tables that represent a battle space smaller than most commercial parking lots  … eh … yeah, not my jam.

    Also, I’m no expert, but from what I’ve seen the vehicles in 40K are much bigger than WW2 or even moderns, so 28mm there would pose an even bigger problem.  But again, from what I’ve seen, realism (or design aesthetic … or plausibility … or science … or military tactics … or, or or …) don’t seem to really be the big thing in that ‘verse.  (*damn it, I was doing so well, too!)

    @hobbyhub – I understand where you’re coming from, for too many gamers, “miniatures” is the synonymous with the hobby, there just is nothing else.  Hell, BoW was like that for the longest time, which is why I tried to be hopeful when they switched to “OnTableTop.”  There are people who think “gaming” means video games, or gambling.

    We’re just trying to be inclusive, is all.

    @buggeroff – We can’t forget @dignity ‘s Soviet-style block buildings, complete with those awful curtains, or the flags of @lloyd that @panzerkaput made.  😀

    Great links, @grimwolfuk – gotta say that  T-62 looks pretty badass at 28mm.  And great idea on the Naval Wargame.  Is this an idea you’re thinking of producing on CQB?

    And damn it, @suetoniuspaullinus – now you’re just being cheeky.  I specifically said no Viet Minh, didn’t I?  Just kidding, of course. And it certainly looks like you’re getting the numbers right.  Four French and.or pro-government colonials followed by … what is that … 100 Viet Minh?  I especially like, what is that … a sapper detachment in there?  With bangalores, ladders, shovels, etc?


    Cult of Games Member

    very much agree with you @oriskany on the 28mm tanks. They look cool but from a practical perspective they do not work on a 6×4 table at that scale correctly, plan here is to go 6mm for any decent tank combat for modern. already planning on recreating my Team Yankee East Germans in 6mm as currently at 50 points of 15mm T-55’s there is no room on the table to actually do anything tactical.

    This does look cool though 20190221_152447


    Cult of Games Member

    Epic work @bloodstrike !  Good God, do I even want to know how long that took top print?  I would alos post this on the “What Are You Printing Now” thread if I were you.

    I still maintain a big 28mm tank like this can work on the battlefield, if it’s the only one, or at least if only one side has tanks or vehicles.  I mean a Leopard engages at 180 feet at 28mm … and even leaving aside gunnery ranges, it moves at 45 mph.  That’s 66 feet a second, crossing a 4-foot 28mm table in 3.5 seconds.  😀

    But put this baby on the table as an objective (maybe he’s thrown a track or has to be recovered), or slowly crunching down a street in an urban setting, surrounded by Russian paratroopers with Kornets or RPG-22s …

    Okay, announcement time …  

    I am going to TRY to stream tonight on the Sitrep Channel.  I say TRY because I only installed OBS today and I’ve never actually used it before.  So I’m hoping for 8:00 PM EST, where I might be putting some touches on 20mm US and Russian 20mm (1/72) moderns.  Wish me luck!  And stop by if you can!

    Wish me luck, and I hope to see some of you there!  😀

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