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    Cult of Games Member

    Part three of the Valor & Victory: Vietnam live game between @oriskany and @stvitusdancern is now posted.


    If you’re interested in this game, check out the original game (free to download and print / play) at:


    Cult of Games Member

    Okay, everyone … I’ll try to upload some kind of video highlights of this recorded game this week, but for now, here is a traditional battle report for the game of AirWar C21 my friend @elessar2590 and I had last Sunday.

    AirWar C21 is a great system by Wessex Games, available on Wargames Vault, recreating jet air combat in the modern age.  Think X-Wing except real.  For this game, I used the Data Annex supplement for slightly older aircraft to create a game set during “Operation Rolling Thunder,” the American tactical bombing effort against North Vietnam during 1965-68.

    Elessar590 will wind up playing the Americans here.  These are US Navy F-4 Phantoms in 1968 Vietnam, so just for fun we decided they were from Squadron VF-51, based aboard the carrier USS Oriskany.  Movie buffs might know this is the squadron of “Duke” Mitchell, father of Tom Cruise’s “Maverick” Pete Mitchell in TOP GUN.

    So let’s see how Maverick’s dad does today!

    The scenario will be a simple fighter sweep / interception just north of the DMZ, near Dong Hai, North Vietnam, set near the end of 1968.  Two US Navy F-4J Phantoms (Squadron VF-51, based off the Essex class carrier USS Oriskany) will penetrate North Vietnamese airspace, where they will be intercepted by four MiG-17 “Fresco” (and/or Chinese Shenyang J-5 knockoffs) fighters of Fighter Regiment 921, the first and premiere jet-powered formation of the VPAF (Vietnamese People’s Air Force) at this time.

    So here’s the equipment featured in this game.  Obviously we have the MiG-17, each with one Nu-37mm autocannon and twin 23mm autocannon.  Now MiG-17s carry NO MISSILES, so I decided to gun them up with ADDITIONAL 37mm guns, one on each wing, via external hardpoints.

    The North Vietnamese will have support from a battery of SA-2 “Gainful” surface-to-air missiles, the “flying telephone pole” B-52 killers.  Not the most accurate things in the world, but against these Phantoms, if even one of them hits …

    Please note this is the “pre-Top Gun” era Phantom, a “J” variant (flares, ECM pod, and chaff) but NO GUNS.  This was the era when the US was just realizing that missiles aren’t in fact ALL THAT COUNTS in air-to-air combat in the latter half of the 20th Century, but they have a fleet of fighters without internal gunnery weapons. Future variants of the Phantom and new aircraft will ALWAYS gave guns (usually the M61 20mm Vulcan rotary cannon) but for now, quick-fix measures are the best available.  Hence these Phantoms have Mk 4 external gun pod, with twin Mk 12 20mm single barrel cannon.  By no means the best … but give the North Vietnamese guns …

    Also, each Phantom will carry x2 AIM-9G Sidewinder SRAAMs and x2 AIM-7E Sparrow MRAAMs.  This is a half missile load, but those gun pods are heavy.   These variants of the Phantom, Sidewinder, and Sparrow are the most advanced I can “legally” use given the timeline of the scenario.

    Here comes the initial approach.  I didn’t know which side Elessar2590 would want to play.  In the live stream he said he was cool with either side.  So I rolled a dice and I wound up with the Socialist Heroes of the People of Vietnam.  Death to the Yankee Imperialists!  The Phantoms are MUCH faster than my  poor little MiG-17s … but my MiGs are much more maneuverable, I have twice as many, and of course I have missile support from the ground.  Then again, Elessar’s Navy pilots have missiles as well.

    For now, Elessar’s Sidewinders cannot get a lock (these are the G variant, they have to be BEHIND me).  The Sparrows can lock on from any TARGET angle (semi-active radar homing) but they are too far away.  Not so with my SAMs, which can try three locks in a turn.  I get two (my radar rating is 5+ on a d10), so two SA-2s are off the rails and tracking.  Now they will be hitting the Phantoms from the front … and deflection IS a major factor here.  Elessar dumps chaff, but maybe I’ll get lucky …


    My missiles miss.  Elessar chooses the “Unload” maneuver, going into a powered dive and basically dumping altitude for what the Phantom does best, raw speed.  Two more SA-2s are off the rails (I have six in all), and these are approaching from the tail … easier to hit.  MiG “Pair One” cuts inside the Phantoms for a gunnery burst.  It’s not great, again note the high angle of deflection, and the range could be better … but I hold the hammer down and put a SUSTAINED BURST from all five guns on two planes (ten autocannon in all).

    Yes, I get some hits, but Phantoms are big and Phantom 02 survives for now … damaged but still in the fight.  MiG Pair 02 could had sealed the deal but they lost initiative, and one of them fluffed their Immelmann roll to boot (almost stalled out … MiG-17s are only “medium” powered aircraft) .


    Again my SAMs miss, and will spend the next 6-7 phases trying to get a lock for my last two missile launches.  Man, I need some new SAM operators.  Meanwhile, Phantom 02 has previously launched a Sidewinder from behind MiG 04, while Phantom 01 has launched a Sparrow from the front.  I have selected a “BREAK” maneuver to avoid these warheads, and made the roll, giving me a nice bonus to evade incoming fire.  I dodge the Sparrow but not the sidewinder, which rolls “6” on the d10 damage, blowing the MiG-17 out  of the sky.  SPLASH THAT SUCKER, YEAH!

    Another missile is then launched at MiG 03.  Meanwhile, I seem to have forgotten how to roll well at initiative, or maneuver checks for that matter.  COME ON, GUYS!  UNCLE HO IS COUNTING ON YOU!


    My last two SA-2s finally launch.  Do you think they hit?  Oh, of course not.  MiG 03, meanwhile, has been but by those Phantom gun pods, I have lost a maneuver class (control surfaces hit) and all guns … so he’s now a flying clay pigeon whose best move is to dump altitude for speed and bug out to the southwest.

    Damaged or not, Phantom 02 is now TAILING the SIX of MiG 02.  Elessar is in position and makes the tailing roll (this rule allows you to stay behind an eligible target and move with him regardless of initiative) … but my airbrakes, slower stall speed, and much tighter turn radius will fly the bird to the Yankee dog’s efforts to stay on my six.  If only my wingman (MiG 01) hadn’t failed his Split-S roll …


    Yes, this game gets desperate at the end.  After cutting to within 400 feet of me at one point, Phantom 02 overshoots.  I pull a Split-S, rolling on my back and curling down, pulling out and rolling back over with pretty  much any facing I choose … Right at the Phantom.  Unfortunately for me, Elessar’s declared the same maneuver (yes, declarations like this are made blind).   Long story short, we wind up 1000 feet lower, screaming toward each other at 12” a turn (each 1” of movement = 50 knots, each grid on this map is ¼ mile).

    So again we’re at 400 feet or so (blue dot designates actual position  of the aircraft) … each doing 600 knots for 1200 knots closure.  ALL GUNS FIRE!  He only nicks me but I clobber the Phantom, doing another three points of manage.  He’s now at 5 damage, over half, so he’s now “Crippled.”  Crippled aircraft have half speed, which he’s now exceeding by 2.  That’s two MORE damage points.  He’s out of ammo, and his missile system is basically ripped out of the plane, and his damage is now 7.  He has ONE DAMAGE POINT LEFT … completely unarmed, and crippled. I CAME SO CLOSE!


    Well, the game ends on Turn 6 with merciful speed.  As Phantom 02 bugs out, Phantom 01’s Sidewinder missile from last turn hits MiG 01 despite his successful Break Turn … and a half-deflection gunnery shot from Phantom 01 also hits damaged MiG 02.  That’s three MiGs shot down and one bugged out (all MiG pilots made successful bail out checks but one), after which Phantom 01 will be escorting his limping, smoking, crippled, unarmed wingman back to the carrier.


    CONGRATS ON THE VICTORY @elessar2590!  You’re warned, though!  I’ll get you next time!  😀


    Cult of Games Member

    I’m trying to learn Photoshop so Decided to try making some Valour & Victory Tokens for the Rhodesian Bush War. Project

    No real intention of Gaming with them just wanted to see if it was possible and it was tricky but I think I’ve got the hang of it. I’m using Open Source GIMPY.

    Got to say big props to @oriskany for having made so many different tokens for so many different games it’s not an easy thing to do.

    Some Examples



    Cult of Games Member

    @elessar2590 – Dude, do you have any idea how much it warms my heart to see someone else making modern Valor & Victory counters?  How awesome is that?

    I know you said you weren’t that serious about gaming with these, but just in case …

    Consider muting the contrast / saturation of the background camouflage.  This is the classic bane of camouflage in wargaming – by the time it’s “accurate” … it’s actually  doing it’s job of making it hard to see the actual object.

    Does the GIMPY free source have some kind of “stroke” option?  This is the white outline you see around the figures on all my counters and also the original V&V counters by Barry Doyle.  Again, it helps the figures stand out more.

    If you want, we can take a look at designing these one weekend in Photoshop in a live stream or a web conference, or even use them in a battle one of these days.

    Great work!


    Cult of Games Member

    Season Three is officially underway!

    Welcome Back Operators! SITREP Podcast Returns!

    Please support Sitrep with a like, a watch, a comment, or a subscription!


    Cult of Games Member

    Why I have done no hobby in seven months, and my goal for the weekend – clean up this mess.

    Somewhere in that rubble you’ll find the new 20mm UH-60 Blackhawk, 20mm T-72M, M41 Walker, M42 Duster in 15mm, etc.

    Again, it’s a train wreck … but you gotta start somewhere.




    Completed an American Soldier for Ultracombat Modern from Dishdash FB_IMG_1564253184786Publishing.


    Cult of Games Member

    Looks great!


    Which unit is he apart of?


    Something new, or is he a new recruit for an existing unit?


    Cult of Games Member

    Sitrep Podcast is live NOW with @stvitusdancern !

    😀 😀 😀

    Sitrep Live Stream


    Cult of Games Member

    Epic work on the UltraCombat Modern!  😀


    Cult of Games Member

    New gameplay video on the Sitrep YouTube Channel!

    1968, Operation “Rolling Thunder”

    Dylan and Jim face off in the skies above North Vietnam, where two US Navy F-4 Phantoms tangle with four MiG-17 “Fresco” interceptors of the Vietnamese People’s Air Force. The game is AirWar C21 by Wessex Games.

    Will the US Navy strike a blow for freedom?

    Or will the Yankee imperialists be taught a lesson in humility?


    Cult of Games Member

    This was a fun one to watch and learn from.


    Jim does a good job as always playing the game and also teaching aspects of how and why things are done in the game.


    Cult of Games Member

    Thanks very much @templar007 – very much appreciate the kind words!  Part 2 will be up probably early Tuesday.  I hope you’ll like it as much!  We’re also getting ready to stream later this afternoon at 9PM UK Time / 4PM EST … should be 3PM Kansas?  😀


    Cult of Games Member

    I have a reminder set on my phone so hopefully I’ll be able to catch it!


    Cult of Games Member

    Our Sitrep Live Stream kicks off in about an hour, where we’ll be featuring Australian forces, including new units, in an expanded rules set for Valor & Victory set in Vietnam.  In this game we’ll be seeing how the corrected helicopter rules work, along with polished anti-aircraft rules, antitank fire rules, new Centurion tanks of the Royal Australian Armoured Regiment, and so on.

    The basic scenario:

    1969, II Corps Sector, Phuouc Tuy Province, Southeast of Saigon – an Australian UH-1 Iroquois “Huey” on its way back to base camp has been shot down by a National Liberation Front (VC) RPG.  The bird has crashed in a former Michelin rubber plantation just a few hundred yards outside the perimeter of 9th Battalion, RAR.  There are casualties, but also survivors.  Now, a hasty armored force is sortied out of 9/RAR’s base camp to secure the crash site and rescue the casualties before they are overrun by elements of a Viet Cong main force battalion.

    The game will be played between myself and @elessar2590 – so we’ll see what happens!

    9PM UK Time, 4PM East US time, 6AM Monday AEST


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