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This topic contains 110 replies, has 22 voices, and was last updated by blinky465 3 years, 7 months ago.
July 26, 2021 at 9:40 am #1665587
I was in a conversation with an anti-vax and anti pandemic believer, when I asked for some of their sources of information.
I was directed to three medical people
One was a chiropractor
One was a gynecologist
and the third was an alternative health practitioner.
I was stunned, yes I agreed with the person that those doctors had a better understanding of medical matters than me, but they certainly didn’t know more than the virology and epidimologists doctors/scientists, along with those medical staff/researchers who specialised in respiratory diseases.
When you start to question where their information is coming from their belief system starts to fall apart and then many will start to get abusive, other will stop talking to you.
The misinformation is a rabbit hole many have fallen down and can’t or won’t climb back out of. They’re the same people that would fall for QAnon nonsense.
July 26, 2021 at 9:56 am #1665590I agree that misinformation is out of control, which fuels the conspiracy theorists. This though is usually easy to dismiss with known facts, but what doesn’t help is the news networks pushing excessive fear mongering and interpreting data as more negative than it is. Also, the likes of Neil Ferguson not adhering to rules they themselves have recommended is never going help settle the naysayers.
July 26, 2021 at 10:03 am #1665593Yeah, I always find it interesting here in the states at how many people quote Tucker Carlson as a source to not conform with health guidelines. Especially considering that his own legal team’s defense in multiple lawsuits has been that his show is entertainment, not news, and that no rational person would take his show as fact. And the judges have agreed with that defense. I’ve seen the judge opinion statements. It just baffles the mind.
Call…your…own…doctor. It’s that simple.
July 26, 2021 at 10:07 am #1665600They are going around as if this disease is 95+% fatal instead of 95+% survival rate so what is the real reason for all the scare mongering an the fact all the politicians are agreeing with the story is a big red flag I mean politicians can’t agree on anything the restof the time.
July 26, 2021 at 10:37 am #1665619Because 5% of 68 million people is still a lot of dead people.
July 26, 2021 at 10:45 am #1665625Yes but theirs diseases around more deadly than that an nothing is being done to cure them it’s all Corona corona corona.
July 26, 2021 at 10:46 am #1665626@darthcheese – this, this, and this again. 5% of the population of the UK is 3.4 million. Polio killed about 300 people in the 1950s when it became mandatory to vaccinate against it, because it’s not just about deaths – it’s about preventing illness, it’s about helping people avoid a horrible, debilitating disease.
July 26, 2021 at 10:46 am #1665628Not to mention that even those that survive might go through hell first. Just had that with a client and their family. Husband and wife, both in their late 50’s, and their 19 year old, otherwise fit and healthy, son just spent more than a month in the hospital each. It was dicey for a bit. A couple months later now after getting home they are still fighting to get back to full strength. I’ve heard/seen a lot of those cases. No need to help put people through that if we can avoid it.
July 26, 2021 at 10:51 am #1665630@zorg – the reason for the high degrees of concern is that it’s *an airborne virus* and roughly one in three people spreading it have no symptoms (so have no idea they are spreading it). You can catch it just by breathing the same air as other people. So people either need to keep apart, or mitigate against being close by being vaccinated and wearing masks.
It’s not scaremongering to say “guys, you might be spreading the virus because you don’t even know if you’ve got it”. There *are* plenty of other diseases (plenty that kill a higher proportion of people who catch them) but they are less transmissible – i.e. you can’t catch them by simply walking into the same room as someone with the disease.
Researchers *are* working on other diseases too – just not at the same rate as they did with covid *because of the urgency due to it spreading as an airborne virus*. In fact, the two women who came up with the Oxford/Astrazenica vaccine were on the radio last week, explaining how it isn’t a “fully new vaccine” invented “in a rush” – but they had been studying SARS since 2004 and working on ebola for the last few years; this vaccine was built on the back of years of work on trying to cure other diseases.
Seriously, where do these ridiculous ideas come from? Not working on anything else….
July 26, 2021 at 11:11 am #1665635While covid isn’t as likely to kill you as Ebola. The trouble is you spread covid without knowing it as you might not feel I’ll, also before you get symptoms. While Ebola will probably kill you you can’t spread it until you’re suffering from it so people’s exposure is less.
July 26, 2021 at 11:25 am #1665644@midnightblue irony is that all of the presenters on Fox News have received both vaccinations, yet are still peddling anti-pandemic and anti-vaccine nonsense.
July 26, 2021 at 11:51 am #1665651Thankfully there are bodies that do take it seriously even if though there are tragically significant numbers of irrational people who don’t.
covid denying nurse news article
nursing professional body disciplinary results
49 page report for fitness to nurse
However although they are struck off and their ability to practice ceases in one country they can still publish dangerous and misleading information online and are able to move to a different country and re-register. in this case the individual still uses the title that has been stripped from her which shows her intent to do harm.
Prime example of this is the anti-vaxer in chief Andrew Wakefield. completely discredited in the UK, struck off and forced out. America welcomed him and gave him a platform to continue to mislead and now sadly there are great swathes of the country that have suffered from his preachings.
July 26, 2021 at 11:56 am #1665652Is Andrew Wakefield the Doctor, who falsified his results on the research around the MMR vaccine regarding whether or not it caused Autism.
If I remember rightly he hypnosised that the vaccine caused Autism and carried out research into it. When the results showed it didn’t he falsified them to prove his theory it did.
He was found out when other researchers couldn’t replicate his results and he admitted he falsified the research. This hasn’t stopped the anti-vax brigade using this as evidence for vaccines causing illness.
July 26, 2021 at 11:56 am #1665653Funny that you shared a link about Kate Shemirani. I was just reading that she’s been upto it again a quote from the Times
“Get their names. Email them to me. With a group of lawyers, we are collecting all that,” she said. At the Nuremberg Trials, the doctors and nurses stood trial and they hung. If you are a doctor or a nurse, now is the time to get off that bus . . . and stand with us the people,”
July 26, 2021 at 12:01 pm #1665654Her son has been on the news talking about how his mother has fallen down the anti-pandemic rabbit hole and that he’s worried about the state of her mental health.
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