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Secret Satan 2024 – Giftmas again

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This topic contains 8 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  poentje 2 months, 2 weeks ago.

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  • #1885444

    Cult of Games Member

    It’s time again for:

    Secret Bloody Santa!

    • Yes, it’s hot outside on the northern part of the globe.
    • Yes, it’s still July.


    • This needs time to brew and grow!

    So, if you want to participate in an OTT community Secret Santa here are the rules:

    • Limit: 25€/GBP/USD
    • Needs to be finished/sent off by end of November 2024 so it has a fighting chance to arrive before Christmas.
    • People will be paired within countries/continents/trade zones to avoid horrible shipping rates and VAT surprises for the recipient.

    Should you send “painted minis or anything hobby related”? I’d say send what ever you feel you’re happy with and think the receiving end would enjoy. (maybe look at their projects and comments for ideas?)

    If you want to take part please DM me with your email address and your location (country). I’ll collect your names for the list up until August. After that I’ll do the pairing and send you your “target” with it’s address.

    Did I forget anything? Please add anything I might have missed. Will try to push this post once a week until August.

    Can we get some exposure for this on the XLBS or Weekender? @warzan @lloyd @avernos @brennon

    And why am I doing this? Again?! At least this time it’s early enough to get done!


    *busily hums Christmas carols as he works at his bench to look up in a moment of distraction* We’re making the announcement? Hmm… we need to rent a billboard for these kinds of things. Maybe we can send out messenger pigeons if the “Big Announcement” doesn’t make it to the running order.

    Anywho, you lot know I’m already in *goes back to making merry mischief in miniature form*



    I believe I shall participate this year.

    Ho. Ho. Ho.



    Cult of Games Member

    I’m game


    Cult of Games Member

    Aye why not


    • This reply was modified 2 months, 4 weeks ago by  jamescutts.

    Ok,  I’m in this year….


    Cult of Games Member

    BUMP! Bump it up!


    Cult of Games Member

    Sweating for Secret Satan! Get on board you lot!


    Cult of Games Member

    I’m in, had a lot of fun last year painting minis from an other range.

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