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Saucer War One – blogging building a saucy simulation

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  templar007 3 years, 10 months ago.

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    Greetings, fellow keyboard jockeys and vector-pushers!

    Martin here from Miniature Martin inviting you to come take a peek at the blog I’m writing about the gradual development of my game Saucer War One.

    SW1 Logo 04 500px

    According to what’s written on the tin, Saucer War One is a tabletop miniatures game of flying saucer combat, set in the 1950s. Against a background of B-grade Sci-Fi films, Cold War paranoia, Bebop Jazz and Rock n’ Roll, Saucer War One takes you to an alternate history in which alien civilisations challenged Humanity for dominance of the Earth.

    Players field squadrons of beautifully detailed miniature saucers, maneuvering to bring machine-cannons, missiles, and exotic super-science weapons to bear. But victory is not decided by combat alone; Saucer War One is a fight for the hearts and minds of Earthlings. Can you gain the most believers for your cause, and ultimately triumph?

    Right, that’s the pitch. Of course, if you’re designing your own game, you probably don’t give a Venusian’s kidneys about that, so come gain some insights into the mechanics I’m developing to make these saucers fly. I hope you may find some stuff that inspires you, or at least gives you a giggle.

    Saucer War One is still a while away, launch-wise. I was shooting for a KS campaign in July, but I think that’ll prove unrealistic, and I’m a little worried about the states of the US and UK economies at present.

    Work in Progress

    There’s still a lot of details to hammer out, too. I’m particularly concerned about resin production for the 1/200 miniatures that are at the heart of the game. Here in Australia, there’s virtually no-one offering a professional casting service with the quality and capacity I’m contemplating. I suspect I will need to find casters in the US and UK who can then ship product to the KS fulfilment service for packing into the game. Has anyone tried that route, or can you suggest alternatives?

    How are others proceeding with their KS plans? Any of you altering your schedules?

    Thanks for looking, and stay safe.


    Cult of Games Member

    Will there be cake? I mean, martians?



    Not Martians in the Wellsian style, but definitely something on Mars…

    And now I think of it, there ought to be cake, too.


    Cult of Games Member

    And a can of beans!



    Cult of Games Member

    Hopefully Dan Dare might be there with the faithful Digby fighting the evil Mekon



    Dan Dare: Thrilling Space Battles in the Future

    Yes. I want to write that game. Damn, but I want to write that game.

    Quips aside, I do have concepts for a game set in a Dare-esque universe, with evil Venusians, clipped English accents, and tea. It might become a thing, once the Saucer Wars are off the launch pad.

    Zetra-7RSF Invincible… but that is, appropriately, for the future! 😀


    Cult of Games Member

    Looking forward to seeing your saucer game progress. ?

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