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Sad news about 4Ground going into Liquidation

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Sad news about 4Ground going into Liquidation

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This topic contains 108 replies, has 39 voices, and was last updated by  ghent99 5 years, 6 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    That’s a read… but I think I understand most of it. (Legal speak is bad in ones mother tongue but in in a foreign language it’s hell XD)

    I wish you all the best for upcoming projects! 🙂

    All hail BigBen 😉



    Best wishes for the future!



    Thanks Cad, at least it’s out there now and should clear it up ?



    @4ground thanks for walking us through the processes and reasoning behind what has happened. Some of it was a bit over my head but still a fascinating read. Good luck going forward 🙂


    Cult of Games Member

    thanks Cad, best wishes for the future


    Cult of Games Member

    See … things only looked gloomy, because we didn’t have all the info and there were legal reasons for them to no disclose any details.

    It kind of sucks that this enforced secrecy creates its own problems because people start to assume lots of stuff, especially in this connected era where ‘everyone’ is an expert.

    We should be glad that they had good records of all transactions between the respective legal entities. Things can get real messy if they had not done so.

    I’m glad I’m no lawyer or business owner so I won’t have to think of this sort of stuff.


    Cult of Games Member

    I think I got the big lines of it.

    I understand why you can’t say anything about this during the procedure. Unfortunately  leading to assumptions, hear say and misinformation.


    But it very good to hear all is well with you Ben and 4Ground.

    I hope we see you soon back here on OTT.



    You most certainly will 🙂

    Happy the guys got it all sorted out!

    Onwards and upwards


    Cult of Games Member


    So it was all due to a re-organisation, which is what they said last month (and no-one should be worried). Alas “the internet” likes to stir up trouble when it’s not really there.

    ….and to be frank is even this stuff our concern (even if you back a KS by the company)? We’re not investors in the company, nor are we creditors (due to the liability agreement that we agree to when we back via KS). I doubt many that demanded to know “everything” will understand the complexities here (I know I don’t).

    But basically what we all CAN take from this is that running around crying “the sky is falling” on a companies head CAN be damaging (as this may cause customers to pause making a purchase, which does hurt the company involved). We’ve gotten so used to the “keyboard warrior” culture, that we don’t pause for thought before putting pen to paper like our forebears used to do. Some of the things typed in a forum if placed in print would easily fall foul of laws on slander AND upheld in court.

    But “we” are not a court, we do not sit in judgement. So why do we act as tho we are?

    Perhaps a few lessons to be learned here, and perhaps people that have posted should review this thread and see “if” what they posted was actually justified (now we have more information). Perhaps this will make us “pause for thought” before merrily typing away in the same way our ancestors did (who never had a thing called an “internet”)



    @phaidknott exactly mate, but I did say many times to leave them be and they will talk when they were ready, but I couldn’t tell you the reasons why, again for legal reasons and I wouldn’t betray a trust about my close friends Ben, Cad and Hellyn.



    Hi phaidnot

    Well if you think the 400 people who committed over 100K pounds should just shut up and wait while they get conflicting or no information then I guess you were right. I on the other hand demand attention when i commit to a Kickstarter and put my trust in the company to keep me informed and the project to keep going. If there are any bumps in the road well that is normal for all kickstarters but it is the obligation of the people who pledged to make sure that the people running the Kickstarter keep them informed.

    I am really happy that this project seems to be still alive. Let’s hope the information keeps coming I for one cannot wait to get the rules for what looks to be an outstanding fantasy skirmish game.




    Cult of Games Member

    Edit I deleted my first reply as it got a bit personal. Alas it’s been a confrontation that’s been long time coming (which is why I stopped posting in the KS comments page). Nothing to see here, move on.


    Cult of Games Member

    Also don’t forget that 4ground already send out all the terrain from the KS and some people only pledged for the terrain. So all those backers and all that money that is mentioned has already been fulfilled in part. The only thing that is late is the game and gaming pieces.


    Cult of Games Member

    @wkeyser there’s a huge difference between politely asking for info and demanding answers to business operations that the company could not legally provide to anyone outside of their own business.

    Both creators and backers severely underestimate the demands that communications pose upon a small team both during the kickstarter and afterwards. Especially if the business has daily operations to manage as well. Never mind the effects of things like Brexit that no one could have predicted accurately.

    As a backer you’re going to have to accept that communications from small teams is going to be spotty at best as they’re either too busy working or have nothing to report. No amount of screaming and cursing is going to change the reality of the situation they’re in. I’m even tempted to say that the black hole of negativity in those comment sections is exactly why so few updates are given as it literally sucks all the energy out of a person.




    @phaidknott & @limburger sadly people will be people and you can offer them everything they want and it will still not be good enough. Oh well this is the unfortunate times we live in I suppose.

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