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Room for a sci-fi arena sports Game?

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This topic contains 71 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  razordisc-2 6 years, 6 months ago.

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    Hey guys,

    Working an a sci-fi sports game set in a dystopian earth.

    With only a few board games of this kind, think 1 more has room for growth? if anyone wants to check us out and if you like, come say hello on our Facebook page too!



    Cult of Games Member

    Why does it have to be a dystopian vision of earth ? 😉

    It kind of reads like a Sci Fi version of Blood bowl with alternative victory conditions.
    Art is interesting (sci fi ice hockey … ).
    As a game it is kind of lacking in any info on what makes it different/better from the rest .

    Don’t assume that similar games in a different setting are no competition.

    I think you’ll find the competition to be tough, because you’re going up against the big boys with seemingly infinite marketing resources & established media presence.

    Questions :

    1. what makes this game unique besides setting ?
    2. Any interesting mechanics no one else has ?


    Movement is unique from existing board games that I know.

    It’s a build your team and play, statted points cost so you make what you want within the 5 player types.

    The background is huge, not key to the game but a ton of fluff for those who want to delve in  🙂

    It’s a tron meet rollerball me salute of the jugger type game (all our fav things)

    Combat is non-dice fest and simple but very effective  🙂

    It’ set on earth and non high space fantasy like most other games of this type.

    Last but not the least (there is a lot of other cool stuff) who wouldn’t want to play samurai / Russian/ American etc warriors of the arena on inline Skates!

    Oh, and it plays like a sports Game, not just a combat game  🙂


    Thank you for the feedback though!!!




    Aristea has struggled to find a foothold even with the support of the infinity community behind it.  everybody loves  Bloodbowl as it’s a classic and most have played it at one time or other. Guildball got its break while GW was sleeping. it’s a real class act and a very strong game but even so needed its window of opportunity.  not saying it’s impossible but it’s a real tall order at the moment.



    I agree most are going to compair with Bloodbowl and I too have played this since being a kid!

    We are a nobody in this field and hope that people don’ dismiss it due to this BUT the best thing is I get to create a game that I can show my lad when he’s older and say I did this  🙂

    We are a group of long time friends that have been playing these games for 30 plus years so it’ certainly a passion  🙂

    4 other games are in development around the same background so if this becomes popular, an RPG, table top skirmish and racing game will hopefully follow.



    Oh and clear plastic visors will hopefully make our models stand out too!


    Cult of Games Member

    @simon :

    salute of the jugger … with Rutger Hauer.

    That was a really weird mad max style sports movie.
    I didn’t know anyone had even watched that movie 😉
    I’ve seen Rollerball (original of course, not the remake) and Tron too.

    There was another b-movie about some kind of weird streetsport, but I can’t remember the name.

    I think the best games are the ones where the creators have passion for the game.
    So if you set realistic goals for yourself and the game then you will create something to be proud of.

    Don’t let me (or anyone else) talk you out of trying to create something you like.

    btw :
    Your website lists some of the teams as ‘[country] team’. It wasn’t until I visited the pages that I saw the team had a better name.



    The named teams are high lvl teams that you can play but they are upper league. Starting teams are 575pts and upper 1000.

    3 leagues dependant on what you fancy.

    You make your team as you want using a points to stat build. The name team players add cool minis to the generic vanilla we will provide.

    If you want hard hitting you take blunts and the genetically altered Walls (beasts of combat!)

    Razors are fast and well armoured and the Jack of all trades.

    Slicks are fastest and low armour. They are the throwers and catchers.

    Bikes are the fastest on the field and can take two players holding on the back.

    Play tests are really good to date and lots of specific skills for player positions.

    Equipment is cracking too! Snakky stuff!



    Cult of Games Member

    I’m up for any type of game like this. However I don’t play BB anymore as it’s just soooooooo slow to play (got spoilt by Dreadball, a sci-fi version of Basketball if you like).

    These days I think for a game to catch on, it’s got to be fast and fluid. Although the minis do help, it’s all down to the game (and if I can be play as a pickup and play (but with some complexity).

    Somethings that always seem to mess up previous “sports” games are the temptation to add more teams. With different stats, abilities etc, this always brings balance problems (Dreadball’s up to over something like 30 now). Try and keep it simple, or even try the “heresy” of keeping the teams basically similar (even if the models are aesthetically different). Individual named models with their own stats and abilities again is starting to get too complex (a bit like Guildball….sorry chaps), you just need stats for positions (Keeper, Striker etc). Let the players design their own team, and they’ll feel more of a connection to it (and thus the game).

    Now Ice Hockey hasn’t been done (I do remember playing something from Tabletop Games WAYYYYY back when, it used a card turning arc similar to Car Wars and was played on a plain surface (no hexes or squares)) in recent years. So that might garner some interest (particularly in N.America).

    I’ll keep an eye out on this one, it will probably end up on my collection should you bring it to fruition 🙂



    Our teams are for flavour, not to force you to play what we want you to play!

    Rogue trader was by far the most powerful inspiration we had to the game.

    You play what you want to play!

    Have a bunch of orcs, sure cost them and play!

    Have a bunch of sci fi abstract models, cost the stats and play them!

    We give our background but your imagination makes your team.

    Our vanilla teams and models are not cannon, your imagination is.

    Our world is imersivereceived_2340397582853256and use it if you like but the game is really fun, fast and addictive, we don’ want to be part of a collection, we want to be on your table played and thought about when you yearn for escapism  🙂











    Cult of Games Member

    Certainly a good looking game models wise, a very tough area to break into games wise but with the right marketing you could definitely get it done. You need to give the game a feel of “this is why we’re different/better” as opposed to “those other guys are dull” in my opinion, give people a reason to look at you.


    Cult of Games Member

    Was wondering what was happening with this one. Checked out the FB page and they still seem to be getting the mini’s sculpted (although the main site hasn’t changed since July). Hopefully we’ll see some videos on the game itself soon (I assume it’s going to kickstarter)

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