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Request for people to keep an eye out for people selling stolen figures

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Request for people to keep an eye out for people selling stolen figures

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  bvandewalker 6 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #1286451

    Cult of Games Member


    In 2016, the members of 1066 Wargaming Club bought over 1000 miniature Saxons and Normans. Over several months an army of volunteers painstakingly built and painted all of these miniature soldiers in order to enact the Battle of Hastings as a huge boardgame. Since then, more volunteers from the club have taken this massive game to different boardgaming events and historic events; you may have seen it at Battle Abbey during their annual Battle of Hastings weekend, or at the Wyntercon gaming convention.

    Sometime during the night between Saturday 13 October 2018 and Sunday 14 October 2018 this massive army was stolen from Battle Abbey. 1066 Wargaming Club members had been planning to spend both days of the historic event running games for the public, and showing our hobby to a wider audience.

    Of course this huge number of miniature soldiers has great significance to 1066 Wargaming Club because we have all spent a long, long time making this game the massive spectacle that it was.

    The miniatures are Saxon & Norman Infantry, Archers, & Knights, mostly from Gripping Beast and Conquest Games, and are plastic minis, based in groups on wooden bases. They are all painted, but as they were painted by a large number of volunteers, the paint-jobs are not all identical.

    If anyone has any information that might lead to us getting our game back, please let us know. Also, please share this post to any groups you know, so that we can cover as much ground as possible, or at least make it hard for any thieves to sell this game.

    Thanks in advance. ? ? ?



    I assume this has been reported to the law? eBay, Gumtree and Facebook are all good places to keep an eye on.


    Cult of Games Member

    I’m not sure. Just sharing the info


    Cult of Games Member

    Shitty thing to happen.

    I’ve shared it with a few gaming mates and asked them to spread it on any forums or social media they’re on.


    Cult of Games Member

    Tell them to contact local cash converter/pawnbroker type places.



    Check ebay regularly, also does the club have any enemies?

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