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This topic contains 78 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  mage 5 years, 4 months ago.

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    Another weekend rolls around and we can all relax for a while…

    Relax over. Now we can get back to work. Having spent the best part of two days not being able to go further than the dunny and having to lay in bed watching the horrors of SoyTube. If you sit watching this for more than 5-6 hours then you could easily be convinced the world is coming to an end. It is, but watching some of this stuff I just wish it would hurry up.

    I want some new meat in here so I you know any vulnerable people then heard them is way. If you have always wanted to join-in, but have never then do it today! No excuses. It is easy. Just read this and off you go.

    First, make your “pledge“. Anything gaming related will do. Paint, play, or stick yourself to some bits of plastic – do it all, but you have to report your work to us. We need pictures as proof. You don’t even have to finish what you start. No, in here we like the journey and not the destination…”happiness is the road”. See, how easy is that?

    We like it to be conversational in here. No text chat and no use of the word ‘basically’. You even get some questions to get you started.

    1. Can someone explain to me what is the thing with people hauling about huge bunches of keys and always wearing those stupid bloody lanyards? I must have missed something. I also see loads of idiots driving with those Vape machines clutched in the hands…is this just another sign of the end times?

    2. Tell me what ‘triggers’ you? I have been learning all about being ‘triggered’ from the SJW’s on YouTube. Learn and grow…learn and grow!

    3. Climate change and ‘global warming’ – fact or fiction? I have seen this 16 year-old girl who has been telling everyone “the world is on fire!” and holding court with all the politicians. She is now on a 60ft yacht heading to the USA to avoid any carbon footprint hee-haw. However, it turns out that they have to fly a crew to America from Sweden to bring the boat back! This young girls is also supposed to be autistic and a selective mute. Hmmmm, what is that I smell…

    A few other things to note: Glasgow pub rules are in effect here – NO RELIGION & NO POLITICS. However, if you have a point to make and you have to mention such things to make a better point then it is allowed, but don’t take the piss. Please take this into consideration…


    Clear? Excellent. While you are here feel free to boast, brag, post a picture, give out some advice, tell a story of love or woe, but have fun while you are here. While you are here you can do all the things you cannot do ‘out there’. Be polite and act like a gentleman, or lady, and you will be fine.

    There is one rule that cannot be changed or transmuted in any way: NO DICKS! Firms.

    If I have missed anything out then it is your fault if you make a mistake. Did you really expect it to be that easy?

    This week I would like lots of activity and lots of pages of crap. Go to it.



    Let’s see my pledge is getting my last Death Guard models done and starting some Primaris Marines.

    1. No world isn’t coming to the end. What you talked about is harmless thing that shouldn’t bother anyone. If they want to do that then I say let them. It’s not our business to judge them.

    2. I don’t like way people on internet use word trigger because I think that it undermines those with PTSD that have that very real condition triggered. So in other words I don’t get triggered like idiots like “anti-SJW” idiots like to put it. I am better than that.

    3. Oh it’s fact alright. It has been proven to be real by scientist not under payroll of big corporations and there has been far more natural disasters than before that speaks for those being real.




    Pledges – Running Kult 4e this weekend, playing some Warcry, putting together and priming the Shattered Stormvault terrain kit for Warcry.

    1. No idea. Also Vape….. errr. See I get Vape machines as a means towards an end (getting free of smoking in general) but as a lifestyle choice, they are perhaps more dangerous than cigs, because we just don’t have the scientific studies on vapes to prove they are healthy, and in fact there are things vapes do to people, like Popcorn Lung, and other forms of respistory disease.

    2. So when I talk about Triggers I mean in the classic form – something that causes a post-traumatic syndrome disorder response. For me needles are a bit of a trigger. I however do not like people claiming things are “triggering them” because a) they find something in poor taste or b) it offends their faith/political mindset and so just want to censor and keep a happy little echo chamber.

    3. The bulk of evidence points to climate change. It is happening. We are losing glaciers, and the Artic is almost free of ice. I am tired of the “both sides” crap when it comes to things based on lots and lots of fact. Journalism has done the world a disservice trying to present “both sides” when one side is full of shit. Doing so lets in the thin edge of the wedge for politicians to lie more than ever. Should we be berating a child for setting a good example? We already had Aaron Banks suggest she might die at sea. So I tend to give the girl the benefit of the doubt.

    Here enjoy a few things;


    Plus the new cover for Wrath and Gory revised that I am writing for.




    Pledge – Everyday I’m Nurgling and I still need to paint 4 Panzer IVs.  I also pledge to post more music, the world needs more of the awesome music I like.

    1. Don’t give a shit what other people do unless it is directly effecting me.  If the world ends, we will be dead so why worry?

    2. See @doctorether‘s answer apart from the needles bit.  I always tell the nurse when they say about looking away that I am checking that it is still red… “Triggered” and “Meme” are two words I prefer the traditional meaning, not what “cool” kids on the internet think they mean.

    3. I’m not going to comment on the motivations of a 16 year old girl I know nothing about.   Also debating climate change on a toy soldier message board is something I won’t be doing either.

    Anyway, onto music.

    As @unclejimmy is such a big fan of John Peel and I love Bolt Thrower

    Something a bit more mellow

    Continuing the mellow theme

    And Randy Rhodes died too young…



    I’ve also been building some armour…

    ECpqYQCWkAAzQc0<br data-mce-bogus=”1″>



    Greetings all. Busy week. Ill be in and out the odd time with my hobby posts when I can steal away a few hours here and there.

    My pledge, basically:

    Assemble and convert 2x Space Marine Landspeeders
    Complete my Mantis Warriors Chapter biker squad
    Try to finish four terrain small sized terrain pieces
    Get my Forgefiend up to the Wash Stage
    Work on my Charcarodons from the Shadowspear set
    Continue basecoating my iron warriors

    1. Can someone explain to me what is the thing with people hauling about huge bunches of keys and always wearing those stupid bloody lanyards? I must have missed something. I also see loads of idiots driving with those Vape machines clutched in the hands…is this just another sign of the end times?

    You really don’t know why they do it? I could tell you, but you might not like the answer… It might even disturb you.

    2. Tell me what ‘triggers’ you? I have been learning all about being ‘triggered’ from the SJW’s on YouTube. Learn and grow…learn and grow!

    Nothing triggers me.

    Being triggered is for people who have genuine life affecting problems like veterans with PTSD or people who have had horrendous things happen to them in their life either at a young or early age, or not, which causes it. I count myself lucky not to be affected by such things.

    Do I like onions in curry? No. Do I like it when I make a poo that is more liquid than solid? No. Do I like it when I see tragic death, destruction, terrorism or the like on TV? No. Im not ‘triggered’ though. I just get pi$$ed off like the rest of us and either repress my anger, or do something creative and turn the negativity into something positive.

    3. Climate change and ‘global warming’ – fact or fiction? I have seen this 16 year-old girl who has been telling everyone “the world is on fire!” and holding court with all the politicians. She is now on a 60ft yacht heading to the USA to avoid any carbon footprint hee-haw. However, it turns out that they have to fly a crew to America from Sweden to bring the boat back! This young girls is also supposed to be autistic and a selective mute. Hmmmm, what is that I smell…

    Fact. It is affecting coastal villages and towns not half an hour from me and places that were fishing grounds for decades have moved. I do not think it is coincidence that certain political parties across the world (using politics to prove a point here) dismiss it when they are the more conservative branch of a political system who also happen to be the ones who have links to big oil and corporations (for example, the Bushes were Chummy business partners with a family you may not have heard of called the Bin Ladens, up until about the early 2000s).

    Anyone ever see the politician proving in Australia that a river was polluted by throwing a match in and having it catch fire?

    Ill be back later.


    Some music



    Cult of Games Member

    Howdy folks.

    I’m on a 96-hour pass here from the office, but yes, it’s already spent … triple stacked on projects.


    • Complete at least one of the Poland 1939 gameplay videos for Sitrep Podcast YouTube Channel.
    • Finish sound mixing for Ops Center Episode 11 (Vietnam Part 3)
    • At least half the storyboard for Ops Center Episode 11 (Vietnam Part 3)
    • Build, run, record Poland 1939 Panzer Leader with @yavasa tomorrow.
    • Build, run, record Gulf War 1991 Panzer Leader (playtest 2) with @rasmus and @damon Sunday.
    • More progress on my Knuckleduster Minis – Old West 40mm for a birthday gift for my Dad (his train set is in 1:48 scale)

    You read that right folks, for the first time since early February, I have picked up a paint brush.

    Works in progress (3 Gunfighters, 3 Lawmen, 3 Saloon Gals)

    Old West Minis 01
    Old West Minis 02
    Old West Minis 03

    The idea is to get these at least CLOSE to done before next Saturday when I drive up to see him.  I can finish them there over the weekend (we work in his workshop, me on minis, him on his carpentry, beer on the table and his golf on the TV, it’s good father-son quality time).


    1. Keys and Lanyards:  I see what you mean.  Sometimes it’s legitimate (facilities managers, etc), but many times it’s a badge of importance and projected self-worth.  “Ooo, look at all the places I’m responsible for!  Look at all the secret hidden places I can go that you can’t!”

    I’m with you on the vape machines.  I get it.  Look, I smoke cigars.  You’re either a smoker or you’re not.  Pick one.  Shit or get off the pot.

    2. Triggers – a lot on this site lately, honestly.  And I’m not talking about the team, I’m talking about the community.  whole threads set up to trash-talk historical wargamers, while community members strut around with the hypocrisy that “all are welcome here.”  If you don’t understand it, don’t comment on it.  You only make yourself look like a jackass.  And of course the second you check someone on this … they immediately step back with their hands in the air in mock conciliation … spouting “didn’t mean to offend” … “just sayin’ …” and other passive-aggressive catch phrases.

    In other news … sooo many historical wargamers who in fact really only want to play 40K with different uniforms.  The whole “Finns vs. Gurkhas” dynamic as others have described it.    If you don’t want to play historical, fine.  Don’t play historical.

    3. Climate change and ‘global warming’ – fact or fiction? Yeah, I’m with @robert on that one.  Not going there.

    Not really a fan of rock music, so for YouTube offerings:

    Gianna also had her live stream last night, where she speed-painted “Hawkeye” from the M*A*S*H as seen in the recent Warlord Korean War release.  😀



    @mecha82 – you need a girl/boy/animal friend! Way too early. Either that or you just can’t bare to be apart from me. 100pts for being first.

    Death Guard are certainly good enough for your pledge. Nurgle rules. 100pts. I am also looking forward to seeing these super Marines! Do they still belong to Chapters?

    1. Of course the world is coming to an end. Do you not listen to 16 year-old autistic girls that are being manipulated by vile parents? The world lost it’s way a long time ago, but we are just clinging, like barnicles to a hull.

    You can see all the things happening that came before the fall of every other major civilisation. In the ‘last days’ you see things fall into avericious jealousy, hatred, depravity, and decadence. Should we have a game of “spot the end”? I like to imagine that we are not totally doomed and that we might see the errors of our ways before it is too late.

    Every morning I get more of a feeling we won’t even notice. Nero didn’t notice either. Fiddle on…

    So, “what I talked about” is harmless? I think not. Do you know what plantation slaves had to wear when they went outside the fence? The same is true of your business attire. Collar and cuffs. Where do you usually see such items? Why do companies refer to their personnel departments as “human resources” and do you realise what that implies? Slavery never ended they just changed the perception of it. I mean western slavery and not middle-eastern slavery which, I hear, is still a good business investment.

    2. that is not what it sounds like to me! You couldn’t resist having a little snipe, could you? 200pts. Do you have PTSD?

    3. Global warning is just another made-up thing to frighten people who are hard of thinking. The world does this from time-to-time and it has nothing to do with people being here. Termites produce more CO2 the humans, but we are not culling them. Why? The biggest producer of CO2 is the ocean. Did you never hear of/see that brilliant movie by Al Gore? I just couldn’t stop laughing. What a dildo that guy is and so are all the chumps that fell for it. There is a sucker born every minute.

    They are caled ‘natural disasters’ for a reason…it is in the name. 500pts.

    @doctorether – I am going to need a ‘sick note’ for last week! 50pts. Been having too much fun doing science. I am a bit jealous if you have.

    (just for you)

    Their is a Kult 4th Edition? I have the first two version and a few of the suppliments. Amazing game. Maybe one of the best backgrounds for any RPG outside of the Cthulhu Mythos. 500pts for such good taste.

    1. Vape machines have Nicotine which means you might as well smoke! Also the amout of steam that comes out…they look like the Flying Scotsman pulling a full load of coaches up to Aberdeen. Wait until the cases of Popcorn Lung explode in a few years.

    2. Well, the responses I see on YouTube are nothing I am familiar with if it is PTSD. No, I mean these pissy little pinkos that burst out crying if you say the wrong word/wear the wrong t-shirt/look at them. It used to be called ‘Hysterics’ when I was a teenager and you got a good slap for it!

    Maybe that is where we are going wrong?

    You also cannot get PTSD if someone uses the wrong pronoun either. What nonsense. I wish these people could be sent to places that will give you PTSD, just for an hour, and see how they feel then. I look at these people and just think they just have nothing better to do. They are, for the most part, young adults and have more time on their hands than other generations. They’ll grow out of it when they need a mortgage!

    I love your comment, “do not like people claiming things are “triggering them” because a) they find something in poor taste or b) it offends their faith/political mindset and so just want to censor and keep a happy little echo chamber.” Well put. 500pts.

    3. The Arctic is far from ice-free! That young girl is being pushed into this. One report about her said she has severe autism and is a selective mute. Really? Yet, I have seen her talking in front of a room with hundreds of people watching. Autistic my sack.

    They even tried to make her look Pipi Longstocking. I have even heard mention of her being nominated for the Nobel peace prize. That is worthless after they gave it to “the Drone Ranger”.

    I love the big doggie in the middle picture…the yellow one. Stunning paint jobs too. Are they yours?

    What are you writing?

    @robert – then you can be as Nurgle as you want in here! Wash your hands on the way in…100pts. The Hoover has trials tires on it.

    Joke: what do you get if you have two Nurglings in a sink of warm water? Soup! Boom-boom.

    1. When it ends what makes you think you will be dead? If you are on the Irish east coast then just paddle across to the west coast of Scotia and you can hold up with me. All stocked up and there is plenty of gaming stuff up there too.

    2. Needles have never bothered me. I have even put my own IV in before. You should have seen the size of the bruise…it was like a dinner plate.

    Spiders indoors really freak me out.

    3. It isn’t a debate. I was just mentioning stuff I have seen this week. A ‘good’ or ‘bad’ would been good enough.

    “The Earache Peel Sessions” – I love it! 200pts. Now I have to look them up.

    RR certainly did. Then again you should dive-bomb tour buses is little Cessnas. Ozzy is just a joke today. Have you seen him staggering around the stage and singing ‘Paranoid’ from an autoque! Pathetic. I think it is his evil wife that keeps him going.

    Nice armour. 200pts.



    @mage – just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water! 500pts. Doing good?

    So, pledge wise, you are just not going to bother? I look forward to seeing the Land-Speeders. I always like those.

    1. No, tell me. I am already quite disturbed so a bit more is not going to make a difference.

    2. Awesome answer! 10000pts.

    3. Everyone knows about the business dealings between the Bush family and the Bin Ladens. When the US Embassy in Lebanon was blown-up the government gave the rebuilding contract to a company owned by one of Bin Ladens brothers. You couldn’t make it up! All of the Bin Laden family that were in the US when 9/11 happened were secretly given passage from the country when all air travel was stopped. My favourite is that when Bin Laden was supposed to be in hiding, somewhere the CIA and Special Forces couldn’t find him, but a reporter did and even got an interview! Nah, someone is taking the piss…

    The river on fire thing was due to fracking…if it is the story I am thinking of. In the US you could do the same to tap water!

    The Jam. Nice. 100pts. I’ll have to listen to some.

    @oriskany – have you nothing better to do than lurk about here when you could be out on the loose?

    Those cowboy models are awesome. 200pts. So, your dad is still playing with his train set? It must be genetic. 100pts.

    1. “Ooo, look at all the places I’m responsible for! Look at all the secret hidden places I can go that you can’t!” – I never thought of that! Can it be that simple? 500pts.

    2. I noticed it during the week on a Dust post. Some cock-rocket moaning about the minis being sexist and not a good image for his daughter. It is a game with toy soldiers! That’s all.

    What do you mean by “Finns Vs. Gurkha”?

    Now, go and have a rest…if you know how.



    My pledge is more scatter terrain bits, a game of Infinity on sunday, and get some paint on those Traktor Muls! There are also a few bits kicking aroung to be getting on with while I am waiting for paint to dry.


    Scones - Officer Bobby




    Cult of Games Member

    Glasgow Rules. No religion. No politics.

    Posts a picture of Jebus and tears into a 16-year-old girl who is worried about the future of our planet, while calling climate change “just another made-up thing to frighten people who are hard of thinking” then bangs on about Bin Laden.

    Stick to your own rules @unclejimmy.

    You know what “triggers” me? Gobshites trying to be clever on the internet, ruining my online fun. I came here to paint minis and chat with like-minded people. Can someone please let me know when this forum has been purged of this drivel and returned to more palatable subjects?



    @blinky465 – you came in here! You missed the whole point…as usual. I love the use of the words “purged” and “drivel” and that things have the be “returned to more palatable subjects”. I remember other people who were like you, but I forget what they were called.

    I don’t have to try and be ‘clever’, but spend most of my time trying to be simple enough so people can get it. Most fail, but a few brave souls make it through the fire and brimstone.

    If you don’t like it then I will change it just for you. JUST FOR YOU!



    What is the point?



    At 52 I didn’t think I would be raising children again! As I always say, “Nil desperandum!”

    Question: why don’t compressors have a ‘thing’ on them that tells you they are about to start up again? I almost did a Shepard’s pie in my knickers. Still, I can turn them inside out. Again.

    I put a thin (experimental) base coat on those Traktor Muls. Getting the consistency with airbrushes is a pain and I never want it to be too thick, then again, not too thin that it is just slightly coloured water. This time I got it almost right. Good pressure, but not enough paint. Must try harder.


    They will get another pass and then some ink to deepen the deep bits. Then toast and walk my Puggies. They have been out in the garden with Heather (I have heard them barking) after being fed. I wish I was a Puggo.

    @blinky465 – I thought you would be an expert on dicatorships. Since when do the rules apply to the rule-makers? How else do I get around the NO DICKS rule? Get out of that one, Rommel.




    More nonsense in a minute, but first some serious notices and information…

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