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PROUD!! Of this community

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  kommissar 4 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #1507972

    Cult of Games Member

    Following the continued lockdown and quarenteen for people world wide.

    I want to say thank you to all the community that are helping where they can.

    Army Painter …. making sanitizer

    OTT…making mask supports for nurses.

    These are just a couple that have come to my attention over the last few days.

    If you know of any others , give them a shout out.

    Keep up the good fight COGS, stay safe everyone!

    @dignity if you pm me I want to send some of those mask retainers to our local hospital, will pay cost and postage through the store? Maybe?



    Cult of Games Member

    Pendraken are making facemasks for the local hospice and carers who do visits


    Cult of Games Member

    The terrain tutor doing live terrain build *each day*. Keeping folks sane.


    Cult of Games Member

    My 79 year old mother has personally sewn over 200 cloth masks for nursing home workers that can’t get the N95 masks.


    Very proud of her.


    (wanted mention her here as she always supported my interests in hobbies) (I see her as an honorary CoG). ??


    Cult of Games Member

    Pendraken posted this


    PPE update from today: 200 face shields went off to Hartlepool & Stockton Health for their Covid care clinics and GP surgeries; 50 have been posted over to Northern Ireland for PCI’s social care housing; and finally 20 shields have gone to the Trinity Holistic Centre at our local hospital.

    Thanks to everyone who has donated to the funding campaign so far. As a result of your support, we’ve bought enough material to make 6000 face shields in total and we’ve made some adjustments to increase production rates. Today we had Rachel Austin and Jess Jordan Gelders running a ‘socially distanced’ conveyor belt producing the front shields!



    All of you helping should be very proud of yourselves. In the hospital where I work, we have been overwhelmed with kind gestures from individuals and companies. Your gestures however small, really make a difference and help us to stay positive.

    Thank you.

    #NotAllHeroesWearCapes #ClapForCarers


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