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Printable litter request for scifi bases

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Printable litter request for scifi bases

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This topic contains 21 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 2 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #1737940

    Cult of Games Member

    The pizza boxes grabbed me too (mmm pizza). Smothering in PVA or Mod Podge should stiffen them up.



    Found some better pizza printables, although I don’t know about the scale. Search on “dollhouse pizza printables”. :

    For litter, I just print out the boxes, fold them over, and trash ’em! (:

    For actual boxes, you could cut out and fold the printout, put some putty (or cut up some greenstuff) in the box to keep its shape, then fold the box around the putty?




    Cult of Games Member

    ….And then replace every weapon in your army with a pizza box and fight alongside the forces of Deliveroo in the war on hunger


    Cult of Games Member

    Why does this thread suddenly remind me of “The franchise wars” mentioned in Demolition Man? XD


    Cult of Games Member

    Demolition Man got more right than we thought.  The war is coming!


    Cult of Games Member

    Next basing question then: How would you make a tile effect?  I’ve one model only I want to do this for so buying a roller is a waste of money.  I could sit down and cut squares out of a sheet of plastic, but I know I’d never get them uniform and I expect the edges to not be smooth and flat enough.  I could score through some green stuff, but I expect similar issues.  I was wondering if there was any household items or trash that might either be useable as tiles, or for imprinting on green stuff?  The model is a Morticia Adams type lady at a larger scale (54-72 ish).  Square tiles will do, but I’m open to other patterns.

    I just had a memory!  I think I saw Januinevision score a grid part way through some plasticard to make a tile effect.  I could then take a round file and run it through the scores to smooth off the corners.  I’ve some old plastic business card things I could possibly use.  Still no sure I trust myself to cut perfectly round, or score parallel though, so I’m definitely interested to hear alternatives.


    Cult of Games Member

    Maybe you have some kind of “wire-mesh” for fences lying around? For small tiles the “granny grating” would work.

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