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Painting with children

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    I have been showing my nine year old daughter how to paint minis and she has a lot fun doing it. She also did quite a good job for a young first time painter I think. The proper tools and paints as well as a little bit of coaching to avoid the common first mistakes, like how to get the right consistency of paint so it does not go on too thick, have helped a lot in getting her started.

    I started a project for her work as I hope that we will be doing this more often. Painting with Louisa

    I would like to ask the community if anyone else has been painting with children, how it went and if you have any tips or suggestions. Also I would like to ask for suggestions on beginner friendly minis she could try her hand on next. Things that are not too detailed, but would also appeal to a young girl.


    Cult of Games Member

    Welcome @drtortenkopf 😉 I did the same with my daughter but some time ago. (Project here) If possible got to your FLGS and look for reaper bones minis. Those are relatively cheap and ready to paint. Or you could, like I did the first times, buy bulks of old minis on ebay (old wizkids heroclix are very cheap.) Get her her own set of brushes, pallet and some basic paints and see what happens 😉



    I started my daughter at 4 or 5yo.  I have lotsa minis from way back, which is the key to staying alive as we all know.  She is now 8yo, and loves to paint minis.  We have also moved on to building some terrain.

    1. Reaper minis or others that are easy to wash, need no or mini primer works best.  I wouldnt worry about the details, since they will work it out…and by the looks, your daughter is doing great

    2. Youtubes – short youtube videos are great to get them aware of technique, which is very helpful for myself as well.

    3. Keep the minis in line with what your daughter is interested in.  My daughter is really wanting to paint some mythic battle minis, but I think I will wait for her to get a bit more skilled first.  I do let her paint Shadow of Brimstone characters, esp as she loves to play the game.

    4. Lastly – be as open and willing to allow her to make choices that she likes. It may not be what you want, but you have to live with it.  My guess is you are fine, but not all my friends are that way.  So not all my minis look like I want, they are worth more for the knowledge that i have hooked my daugther into the gaming world.

    My biggest concern is the day that she is more skilled than me….at which time she will have to buy all her own supplies and minis….or maybe paint my armies.

    Oh I almost forgot, getting a mini holder helps too – as well as a good brush or two.  I also alway try to get her to do 3 minis at a time, so she lets them dry and she can add what paint is left of a color to another mini before moving on.

    Best of luck,

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