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OTT Bolt Action Korea Weekend

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This topic contains 10 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  avernos 5 years, 3 months ago.

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    With the weekend rapidly approaching I felt the easiest way to let people know the format for the tournament was to post it here and direct people towards it.




    4th October Friday Night will be opening gaming, a chance to meet some of the other players and blow off some cobwebs before grabbing a pint or three. There will also be space available if anyone needs to repair or fancies throwing a lick of paint on some minis.

    5th October Saturday tournament games will be played throughout the day the itinerary for the day is as follows;

    11:00 – 12:30 GAME 1

    12:30 – 13:00 BREAK

    13:00 – 15:00 GAME 2

    15:30 – 17:30 GAME 3

    17:30 – 18:30 DINNER

    18:30 – 20:30 GAME 4


    6th October Sunday Open Gaming, Korea specific Scenario for fun and (no) profit!



    Players participating are expected to bring the following:
    • Two copies of your army lists (750pts or 1000pts games will be played during this event)
    • Bolt Action second edition rulebook
    • Campaign book listing rules for your force (Korea book).
    • Models (Painting not required but encouraged)
    • Order dice and bag
    • Dice, tape measure and pin marker

    1. Armies must be built from the Korea Book with a dice cap limit of 9 dice for the 750 point game and 12 dice for the 1000 point games. If Easy Army is updated prior to the Friday army lists can be emailed to [email protected] and I will check and print them out for the day.
    2. Game 1 is to be played at 750 points, Games 2 – 4 are 1000 point games. Once the game time has elapsed the current turn is finished and the game automatically ends regardless of how many turns have been played.
    3. First round pairings will be based on a random draw, subsequent rounds will be paired on swiss-system based on tournament points, and then casualty points inflicted in the case of draws. If players have met in previous rounds one player randomly chosen will be moved by one table to create a new pairing except in the final round.
    4. Tournament points are awarded based on the scenario victory conditions,3 points for a win, 1 point for a draw,0 points for a loss and 1 Bonus point being awarded to all players that FUBAR at least once in every game.
    5. Scenarios will be randomly selected from the below table after the round has been drawn.
    6. Any rules queries should be discussed between players first, if they are unable to come to an agreement bother Gerry, he will be carrying a rulebook amended with the current FAQ. If it goes to a Gerry decision no discussion will be entered into, no fighting during the wargame, we’re here for fun.


    • Game 1 – Meeting Engagement or No Mans Land with Flare 
    • Game 2 – Top Secret or Key Positions (5 objectives)
    • Game 3 – Demolitions or Point Defense
    • Game 4 – Hold Until Relieved or Manhunt

    The Winner of the Tournament will be the player with the most Tournament Points after Game 4, in the case of a draw it will be based on Casualties inflicted. If the players are still drawing after that it will come down to survival points and finally a fist fight in the car park.

    See you all at the weekend. Any questions let me know below.



    Cheers Gerry, I’m really looking forward to this.



    New FAQ available

    Worth checking out



    Will the event be vblogged?






    @darthcheese this is going to be more of an unplugged style event, so not really 🙂



    I plan on finishing my list on Thursday and will get it to you then Gerry. Thanks



    Hi every one, I just wanted to say thanks for a great weekend. My fist bolt action tournament, and It was great fun. The tables was fun, and different to play on (to be honest i have never seen a boring table at ott) . Loved the different missions, the most difficult was demolish the enemy HQ. So a great thumps up for Gerry and ott for making this little event. And it was a pleasure to meet all of you players, always nice to meet new and old friends on the british isles 😉

    Hope to see you all again in the future, im trying to convince christian, that star wars legion is something he need to play ;D

    And a little extra thanks to Gerry for showing us a game of black seas, and Saga ;D both battles where crazy bloody!

    Oh and I hope we did scare the rest of ott with the little fish we brought 😉



    no one wanted your fish @svboel so I took it home and had it. #sadpanda

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