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Orktober 2019 WAAAAAGH!

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This topic contains 141 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  kiranamida 5 years, 2 months ago.

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    F3B23B3B-F677-473E-9EA6-9F22170C34D49908D4E8-FD31-4F57-A341-053D027E70721AA8197B-2C33-45E8-AE7B-4B457D2B9CA89242B7B4-4C6A-4E50-A7B8-6B31642BE3BD12CD8F4A-ECD4-45CB-A8A4-8F07B662286FOrkacron is on his base. Yes I soldered it to a rok. Over 40 guns glued on, and got more coming in the post, needs more dakka! Added more propulsion units to the rear.


    Cult of Games Member

    @deaddave it definitely needs more dakka … more dakka is good dakka

    And if he needs to turn or maneuvre in any way other than forward he’s got to have rockets everywhere too.


    WaaaghCry Mercs and Monsters lists more units for the green horde, including those big spider monsters.

    Also got the new Ork book for Age of Sigmar today. It looks like GW ran out of ideas for their ork clans, because there’s only 2 of them : Ironjawz and savage orks ( the latter not making much sense in a fantasy setting … ). Even the flockin Sigmarines had more paint schemes 🙁

    Anyways … need to spend time on my 40k Ork project first. Then it’s on to WaaaghCry with the remainder of the horde.




    @limburger already thought of that. if you look at the rear view pics you can make out four individual manoeuvring thrusters with little fins on the top and bottom .


    Cult of Games Member

    @deaddave those three tiny rockets ?
    Isn’t that too little for an Ork spaceship ?
    It’s a bit too conservative and sane if you ask me



    I’ve got a good basecoat of paint for my figure so I’m going looking forward to having it done soon. After this, my Halloween competition piece. A good kick in the butt and I can actually paint stuff.

    @evilstu Sweet deal seeing your work. I’m not one for large forces yet, an Epic army notwithstanding, but that is encouraging to see.

    @deaddave THAT is Orky tech at its killiest. I salute you and your sharp ball of pokey dakka death.


    Cult of Games Member

    That is one cool Ork Kaptin 🙂



    @horati0nosebl0wer you Kaptain looks like he could sail Orkacron!


    Cult of Games Member


    Detail view of the base for my figure. So far so good. I’ve just tested out the Tamiya Panel Line Accent Color on the area between boards on the base after glosscoat sealing it and I report to you that it is alot thinner than the GW shade washes. Nuln Oil has a higher surface tension and pools in recesses more than this stuff leaving the ever irritating tide mark of shades area. The panel liner wicks quickly into recesses and flows readily, if you put on enough, from one channel to the next. It is petroleum based as you can smell the product readily after putting it on. If you want to remove the excess use mineral spirits (white spirits for you Euro type persons; A/NZ no idea what you call it). I plan on using it after sealing the figure once I’m done detailing as the details are intricate. I believe that this will become a staple of my materials as it not only works well for fine detailing but there’s a metric butt ton in the bottle that will last for some time.



    93E24421-91E0-4E5E-A1EF-CB3D12CEBFE6709562AC-62F5-48F7-BDC5-770D1A8552D4E791182D-3A32-4839-A44E-AAD501266BE2So begins the drilling and fitting of 175 individual 1mm rivets to the plating… fuuuun.


    Cult of Games Member


    I didn’t know Orks knew how to count up to 175 … 😉

    Are you sure that’s enough nails ?


    Cult of Games Member

    one, two, three, many, more than many, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!  XD

    Can’t ever have enough nails XD



    Not actually sure if it’s going to be enough, I’ll fit these, and then decide if I need more!


    @deaddave Damn. Here I had been cutting off around 1mm lengths of plastic hex rod from Plastruct and cementing them onto my work. Good job on utilizing that OCD to keep count. I agree on the orky counting though.

    I’m getting the highlighting done on Kaptain my kaptain, Horatio Noseblower. It seems that the panel liner really knocks down the color. I’ll grab some mineral spirits and some of those pointed makeup cotton swabs (only one more reason to enjoy when women do interesting eye makeup) to get into the small detail and remove the liner.

    I’m glad to see some progress here on the Orktober thread. I believe that life catches most of us up and the hobby gets a sideline. Then again, maybe as popularity of this topic isn’t as grand we have a fine tight group tossing their bits here and there.


    Cult of Games Member

    I found a box of gretchin …or rather a local toy shop had them for sale at 7 Euro for a pack of 10 with 1 runtherd.

    I was originally planning to use them as ‘flavour’ for a few of my vehicle units, but I do wonder if they’re any good as a unit.

    What does the average Ork player think of them ?
    The codex suggests a unit of 20 paired with a runtherd as that nets them a tiny bonus, but then I’d have duplicate models of the little *beeps* which doesn’t feel right.

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