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Online Gettysburg Game NEEDS Umpires! Can You Help?

Home Forums Historical Tabletop Game Discussions Online Gettysburg Game NEEDS Umpires! Can You Help?

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 3 years, 4 months ago.

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    Urgent call for assistant umpires for GRAND GETTYSBURG 2021 on August 28, 6 AM PDT / 9 AM EDT / 2 PM GMT / 3 PM CEST, a 30+ players alternative Kriegsspiel scenario, scheduled for about 8 hours. All you need is Discord and Tabletop Simulator. We need more assistant umpires to run the game as smoothly as possible.

    It will be live-streamed on various channels and might be the biggest civilian online live Kriegsspiel session ever. As an assistant umpire, you are reporting to players and take their orders. You don’t need to know the system rules or anything else, all that will be handled by lead and master umpires from Army University and other professional institutions.

    On Saturday 21 will be an Open Game at 8 AM PDT / 11 AM EDT / 4 PM GMT / 5 PM CEST, where you can learn the basics of assistant umpiring. Umpiring is a hell of a lot of fun, as you can watch players who are totally unaware of the big picture march into their demise, as Kriegsspiel is all about the absolute fog of war, communications and manoeuvres.

    The International Kriegsspiel Society is a quickly growing community of experienced and new Kriegsspiel enthusiasts playing live games each Saturday and organizing various campaigns, play by e-mail/Discord games and other cool stuff around Kriegsspiel, TTS development, map creation and so on.



    Cult of Games Member

    Oh you should have mentioned that on the uHH…

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