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Old Spartan COA better looking than the New Enlightened?

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  zorg 1 year, 7 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Hi everyone,

    Here are some of the older aerial ships from the Covenant of Antartica during Spartan Games’ day.  I think they look way better than the new plastic stuff that just came out.  I find the new stuff bland and even worse rather lazy in design.





    Even the old saucers looked better and had more character.  You can tell Spartan took the time to present them well. Below is a picture I found on the net with all the aerial types for COA.  I think the older stuff looked fantastic.  This is what drew me to this faction.

    CoA Air Force

    Now look at the new aerial fleets.  I don’t want to be rude or overly salty but they are a bit bland, repetitive and lazy in design and concept! Why did they not make the Sky fortress in resin like the other flagships and make it something special and unique?



    I’d love to know what everyone else in the community thinks?  Just be respectful and voice your honest opinion.  Personally I am very let down.  I have bought the Enlightened models from the starter set, but now I am thinking of either selling them or going for a different faction.



    While I do have to agree that they’re not the same as the old Covenant fleet, part of the issue with Dystopian Wars as a whole was translating its aesthetic over to a very different world. Dystopian Wars and Dystopian Legions were very immersed in steampunk with the mechanically-complex designs, an abundance of rivets and smokestacks, and classic Victorian portrayals of its factions, where Wild West Exodus despite being billed as “steampunk” was closer to “Weird West” or “Teslapunk” with a greater emphasis on mysticism and advanced tech that had a cleaner look to it. The two aesthetics didn’t really match up, which was a gripe I had with the redesigned Federated States/Union vehicles, but I look at is as more of a reimagining than an outright replacement. The Covenant models look great, and the Enlightened have their own charm in a sense, but they’re two very different beasts- no one’s saying the Enlightened will ever replace the Covenant, because they’ll always be different.


    Cult of Games Member

    I think they have a stronger influence of the manga in the first set of ship’s.

    laputa-totoro-620x465R (57)



    I think Kronos has hit the nail on the head here. The WWE aesthetic has pushed the designs away from the Victorian steampunk origins of Spartan’s which is a shame in my opinion. I’ve not picked up any of the newer models.


    Cult of Games Member

    @kronosthetraveler Thanks for commenting.  I read your post and I see your point and it is a valid one, …but I still think it does not justify the laziness in the design of this particular battlefleet.  Two saucers on top of each other!,  really.!  Instead of an original flagshipin resin like all the others!

    @zorg I’m a big, big fan of Ghibli and  Castle in the Sky is one of my favourite. Yeah, they took a lot from manga and anime – agreed.

    @bloodmoonorc and here I was about to try and sell you my stuff! ?


    Cult of Games Member

    Yes @nightrunner castle in the sky is a fabulous film I’ll need to have a look for Ghibli I don’t think I’ve seen that one before.


    Cult of Games Member

    @zorg  Ghibli is the name of the animation studio that made Castle in the Sky. Like The Lion King made by Disney so to speak.  Look them up. They have some great movies like Nausicaa and Spirited .


    Cult of Games Member

    Ooh I got you thought it was a film thanks for that.?

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