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Odd and useful finds relevant to our hobby

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 5 years, 5 months ago.

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    Hey, I thought I’d open a thread where we can post stuff we find scouring the dollar stores and ebay etc that is in scale for terrain building, miniatures and all the other good stuff.

    To begin I have found this nice bike/trike from Hot Wheels that is perfectly in scale for 28/32mm minis:


    It’s called ‘Blastous Moto’ and set me back a whooping 1.60 €



    A tasty find indeed. ‘Pound’ stores are amazing for things like spray varnish and tools too. They are also superglue heaven!

    I got one of these from Ebay for less than £3…


    No, it is not for when you are hosting a BDSM evening! For those who don’t know what this is (and I didn’t) it is for getting all the stuff out of a tube. Must be a Scottish invention. Anyway, I had an idea when I saw it.

    Cut-off a bit from a drinks can and you can make this…


    If you are making some modern buildings this is a must have.



    You should bimble over to our weekend hobby hide-away!



    From Ebay you can also get a set of tea-strainers for £3.50. Three of them in graduated sizes. If you add a flying pan “splash guard” and you have your very own basing/weathering kit. When I go wandering with my Puggos I take a small backpack with those in and 3-4 empty jars. Comserve jars are good as are pate bottles. When I am out I always find interesting things that can be used for bases or to make weathering powers.

    Building sites are the best. They will give you a strange look when you tell them what you want the stuff for, but nobody has ever said ‘no’ when I ask. Maybe I have a pretty face.



    Some good stuff Jimmy, thanks. Next I have plastic plates and some discontinued miniature lines that get traded quite cheaply on ebay:


    Plastic plates provide you with grated/fluted (?) floors or walls. I got 15 for 1 €.

    I-KORE was a manufacturer from the UK that had a fantasy (CELTOS) and a sci-fi (VOID) line of minis, monsters and vehicles. They are all metal and look, with exceptions, quite beautiful. Many of them remind me of John Blanche’s and Frank Frazetta’s art. Those sandrunners scream ‘Age of Strife techno barbarians’ to me. These cost me 15 €. Single minis start around the 2 € mark.

    Excalibur Miniaturen was a German manufacturer with a fantasy (EXCALIBUR), a sci-fi (FEARLESS) and an erotic line. Minis start at 1 €, with the erotic line being the most expensive. The miniatures I got were ‘Sculler and Muldy’ with a little alien giving the finger for 7 €.




    Plastic shot glasses.  Cheap but make great paint handles with a bit of smurf poo or other tacky substances put on the bottom of them.  Just make sure they are flat bottomed.  Handy for mixing glue, paint etc as well.

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