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October 30 minute a day hobby challenge

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming October 30 minute a day hobby challenge

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This topic contains 97 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  alfonsothetraitor 2 years, 2 months ago.

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    8F917239-7728-450C-812A-9DE8B065F104C9A59FE7-CAF5-4497-8F84-9C63CF545CBDEC9A9483-1068-4FBD-8BFF-220F978B886C30 minute a day hobby challenge
    Painted up this German Jet Troopen from Pulp Figures but I’ll be using them as Hydra jet troopers ?




    30 minute a day hobby challenge update

    finished my Hydra Jet Troopers



    93FC53B9-24D4-4BB4-A8EE-F7C803B26C74Well this is it the end of the 30 minute a day hobby challenge. I was able to paint a total of 24 miniatures and assemble 24 Conquistadors mostly working 30 minutes a evenings before bed . I did have 3 days of none hobby days but I did make up for that on weekends. I hope this showed you that with just 30 minutes a day you can get quite a bit done. I hope that those of you who did the challenge continue to do it and creat some amazing armies.
    Best of Luck and remember.
    “The only poorly painted model is the one that’s not painted”.


    Cult of Games Member

    Nice work!


    Cult of Games Member

    It was an interesting experiment – and it is surprising what you can get done with a modest amount of regular work.  I will post pictures of the last models below, but in total managed to finish 25 figures for the Solomon Kane game’s first two scenarios. I need to add some final touches, but they are 95% completed.  And to be honest I didn’t manage to do 30 minutes every day (I was outwith the country for 10 days) but was fairly close with catching up. Good experience



    @applemak well done and congratulations on painting 25 that’s awesome .
    @sundancer thank you!

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