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October 30 minute a day hobby challenge

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This topic contains 97 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  alfonsothetraitor 2 years, 2 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member


    Ok, so today’s 30 minutes were snuck in during my lunch hour from work (alright, more like forty – but absolutely definitely  not one minute more than an hour, because that would be abusing the trust in working from home, right?). But it was nice to do something that wasn’t painting – namely fixing static grass to some bases, for when the minis are (finally) painted. The chap on the right is very nearly ready for his base….


    @blinky465 looking good!


    Cult of Games Member

    Thank you! Yours too. I love the skin tones you’ve been getting!

    I stole another 45 minutes to myself this evening and cleaned up a couple of 3d prints (plus some cheerleaders for my Blood Bowl high elf team). Yep, this month, UGNI miniatures ( have created Jim and Bob minis for Blood Bowl (of course, they’re called James and Robert, but you get the idea!)


    I’m really looking forward to painting these two and adding a bit of “set dressing” to the board. Since I’m trying the “slap chop” method for my elves (although with the additional highlights, it’s not really much faster than “traditional” base wash and edge lining) I thought I might give it go for these guys and see how quickly I can get them done.

    I find Contrast Paints a little hit-and-miss (consistency wise) so I bought the Army Painter Speed Paints Mega Set from a local wargamer who had given up on them. So this Thursday, before going along to the Hove Park Tavern Rock And Blues Jam, I called in on none other than a certain Mr Henry Hyde (for you Warhammer-heads, you might wang on about about Henry Cavill being in “your tribe” but for us old-school gamers, it’s a different Henry who was our wargaming hero, growing up!). I’ll be giving his (now my) Speed Paints a run out with these two over the weekend.

    Loving this 30-minutes-a-day approach – will be boring you all with more updates soon…..




    Finished washes for all the red and have started on bringing the brightness back up with some Mephiston Red. She is starting to look like something…



    Thanks alfonsothetraitor for the kind words. Your models look great!


    30 min hobby challenge
    Sorry about yesterday I dropped the ball ? didn’t get any hobby stuff done but today I was able to get my basic basing on and painted the shields.B0ED56B7-3B93-468A-83FF-5F9C1D406598


    Cult of Games Member

    My wife’s getting ready to go out but the Archers is on the radio. So I had at least half an hour to squeeze in a little dry brushing, ready to hit these goons with the new fangled slap chop, and try out my new Speed Paints.



    Cult of Games Member


    Snuck in another 40-minutes or so (however long it took for my wife to watch the end of LegoMasters Australia). The Speed Paints seem to be quite a bit “stronger” than Contrast (Bob’s face was done with Contrast, the rest in Speed Paint, and I think the highlights in his trousers, for example, are going to need a little help to bring them back out). But I discovered that Humbrol Coloro paintbrushes (size 2 to be exact) are just brilliant for applying Speed Paint. Best brush for slap-chopping by far!

    That’s the block colouring for Bob done, anyway. On to the highlights and details – it’s quite possible this big old boy will be finished by the end of the night…. (unless something good comes on the telly).


    @blinky465 I’m glad to see your going strong and I am enjoying your work. ?


    Cult of Games Member

    Not Vic and Bob…. Jim and Bob. After a couple of hours total. Started with some slapchop, then highlights – need to finish the feet and legs for Jim and get the table dressing (microphones etc) done and glued down. Great fun, painting these two.



    Got a little done today not much .A2CF075A-A76F-41DB-B0B7-07CD6507356E129248D9-FFD5-490F-9700-7BD3CE4E9BFD


    Cult of Games Member

    Ooooh nice freehand!


    @blinky465 thank you .


    Cult of Games Member


    Another thirty minutes slapping and chopping. This time, entirely using the Speed Paints I got from wargaming legend Henry Hyde. I can see what he means about issues with re-activation. -although not so visible IRL, you can see in the photo there appear to be smudges of turquoise throughout the skin tones.

    I think I prefer Contrast Paints.

    Which is a real shame. Given I’ve just bought the full set of Speed Paints, I’ll have to go out and get a set of Contrast Paints now too, won’t I? What a pity (if Mrs Blinky asks, I got them all at half-price, ok?)




    So, a little bit of real life stuff, my Grandpa died over the weekend. That kept me from the painting desk the last couple of days but I got some work done tonight. She is getting close to being done.

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 98 total)

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