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Noob help wanted with 40k Space Wolves

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This topic contains 19 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  lawnor 6 years ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Oh and in a unit they are definitely not mixed, a unit or a pack stays together until the end, no reinforcements.


    Cult of Games Member

    Thank you.  Sounds about what I expected.  Keep them all the same company.  I could deviate with groups under different commanders, but its simpler just to keep everyone the same and then never have to think about it.

    I’m sure all this is all obvious to people who have been living in the game for years, but they do seem to like to make it all confusing for beginners.


    Cult of Games Member

    I’m not sure it is all obvious to people living in the game for years. The lore in 40k is vast and every race, space marine chapter or whatever has a ton of lore behind them. Most will have some knowledge about everything and know the lore of their army, race and such better and there are those that don’t care about the lore at all. Space Wolves also aren’t anything like any other Space Marine chapter, yes they have similar equipment, but the way they fight and do things is much different.

    For me Space Wolves are still my favourite faction, even though with all this Primaris being released which for me has ruined the future of them, I still love what they were and that’s what they’ll always be for me. So I know Space Wolves quite well.



    also it doesn’t help that they’re forever changing stuff and retconning the shite out of it so nothing is like it was before and will probably be different in a couple of weeks.


    Cult of Games Member

    @amachan I’m building Space Wolves because that was what was in the mystery box, but they are the chapter I was most drawn to anyway, based primarily on visual style and what little I know of the chapters.  If I can get them painted up and get some games in and still enjoy everything then I might pick up a different chapter or two some day and learn about them, although if I head down that route starting AoS might be a better idea?  I like the idea of having starter armies for all the major games painted up and ready to go.

    @avernos This is a huge problem and really offputting.  If I’d been big in to the game with 500+ painted minis and they turned round and told me to yank the bases off and replace them that might have been enough to make me quit.  Not because of cost, but for ruining all the effort I’d put in painting and basing everything.  Had they invalidated expensive parts of my army that I’d spent months painting there might have been a fire at GWHQ.  I’m still miffed that I picked up a Start Collecting Tyranids box around the release od 8th ed and built the warriors to the instructions inside the box, painted him and, and then found his weapon loadout is actually illegal even thougyh its what the instructions told me to build.  Now I either leave it, or replace his arms and try to paint them up to match without runing the existing paint work.  Grrr!  Its just one model too and I’ve been fuming inside for over a year.

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