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No sale of GW products to US?

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This topic contains 8 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  mage 5 years, 4 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    I was just wondering why customers outside of the UK and Europe are unable to purchase GW products? Is this a GW policy? As a Backstage Member I would love or be able to purchase from the OTT store and contribute to the team with some of my hard earned money (and save some of it too).  If it is a GW policy I can certainly understand this…the pricing of GW products here have gotten ridiculous to the point that even with paying shipping there would be a savings on many of the GW products…


    Cult of Games Member

    I just went in and added a GW product to my cart and when viewing the cart it told me the price plus the shipping to my state here in the good old USA.


    I didn’t finish the process, but all looked good on my end.


    I took part in the 40k Hobby Weekend and that had a GW product in it.  That went smoothly.


    Hopefully get it figured out @templar5836



    Hi Templars! lol 🙂

    Yeah I’m very sorry but GW policies don’t allow us to ship their product to countries outside the EU.

    We are allowed to make an exception for the events as its part of an overall bundle of stuff to participate.

    I’m not sure how we can even progress to make it happen, times like these when I wish we had a rich benefactor in the US who could step in and help us setup/partnerup with a US facility to make things more streamlined. (But alas the 1900’s are long gone lol, so we have to keep trying to do it the small business way!)

    Everything else on the store is shipped worldwide though, and your support is appreciated very much!



    Cult of Games Member

    In suspect it is something to with the fact that GW have invested quite a lot of money in US operations including distribution and so they want people in the US to buy from GW USA rather than UK. This also stops people taking advantage of fluctuating exchange rates to try and get better prices abroad and cut out their in-country operations centres.  I don’t know all the ins and outs but I do know they have very strict policies controlling 3rd party distributors of which not being allowed to sell outside of certain GEO-political areas is one.  BoW aren’t the only retailer who are bound by this


    Cult of Games Member

    Well, I buy a lot of GW stuff from eBay at better prices than GW has posted.  So there is still that anyway!  ??


    Cult of Games Member

    It could also be because the list price for say the new Kill Team in the US is 130.84 pounds instead of the 95 in England.  Even the online stores then normally have 20% off list are selling it in the US for 111.21 pounds. I think that GW has been talking to the pharmaceutical companies about how to rip off people in the states.



    Cult of Games Member

    With this many Templars in one place it must be some kind of conspiracy….

    Yeah that is what I figured it had to be a way for GW to insure they could suck as much money out of the former colonies as possible….I would go throw my GW products in Boston harbor in protest, but that could get expensive….

    I will certainly keep OTT in mind when it comes to buying other products



    I buy off ebay too, the only time I but in store GW is clearance table.



    This has been a GW policy for approx ten years I believe.

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