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[NEWS] Pegasus Spiele GmbH ceases to import US games.

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion [NEWS] Pegasus Spiele GmbH ceases to import US games.

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  dawfydd 2 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #1785042

    Cult of Games Member

    From a newsletter (translation below):

    Wichtige Information zu US-Importen

    Sehr geehrte*r Geschäftspartner*in,

    mit großem Bedauern müssen wir Ihnen mitteilen, dass wir *künftig keine
    Importprodukte aus den USA mehr anbieten werden*.

    Die Situation am Logistik-Markt mit partiell immer noch steigenden
    Preisen, der Wechselkurs USD/EUR und die weiter hohen zollrechtlichen
    Anforderungen bei gleichzeitig sinkender Nachfrage nach
    USA-Importprodukten haben uns dazu bewogen diesen Bereich bei uns im
    Haus einzustellen. Wir bitten dafür um Verständnis.

    Wir werden stattdessen unsere Energien im Bereich europäischer
    Distribution verstärken. Dazu gehören auch US-Verlage mit europäischem
    Lager (wie z.B. Chaosium), die wir natürlich weiterhin anbieten werden.

    Viele Grüße,
    Ihr Pegasus Spiele Team

    Diese Verlage verlassen unser Sortiment

    * Catalyst Games
    * Cephalofair Games
    * Flying Frog Productions
    * Floodgate Games
    * Greater Than Games
    * Steve Jackson Games

    Important information on US imports

    Dear Business Partner,

    It is with great regret that we have to inform you that we *will no longer be offering
    will no longer offer imported products from the USA*.

    The situation on the logistics market with still partially rising
    prices, the USD/EUR exchange rate and the continuing high customs
    requirements with a simultaneous decline in demand for
    USA import products have prompted us to discontinue this area of our
    to discontinue this area. We ask for your understanding.

    Instead, we will strengthen our energies in the area of
    distribution. This includes US publishers with European
    stock (such as Chaosium), which we will of course continue to offer.

    Best regards,
    Your Pegasus Games Team

    These publishers are leaving our range

    * Catalyst Games
    * Cephalofair Games
    * Flying Frog Productions
    * Floodgate Games
    * Greater Than Games
    * Steve Jackson Games

    Personally Catalyst Games is the biggest problem for me. I’m not sure if there is another wholesaler but if not BT will be hard to get in old Germany.



    OUCH! Fingers crossed that CGL pull their finger out with that European distribution hub they’ve been talking about for the last year and a bit.


    Cult of Games Member

    CGL is still listed with but I don’t know if that’s just another German hub or if it will take on the bulk of it. IIRC has been acquired by Asmodee so…. here’s hoping?

    Edit: removed links to blackfire since PC now calls those spam.

    *** Forbidden. Message seems to be spam. ***

    Dang it!



    Hasn’t Catalyst Games said that they want to setup a warehouse/distribution hub within the EU?


    Cult of Games Member

    I don’t know. Could be. But until that happens….  :S



    Yeah, they made specific mention of it during the closing stages of fulfilling the Clan Invasion Kickstarter, as well as in several of the news & update posts on their main website since then. They’ve been talking about UK & European hubs but no indication if they will be 2 desperate entities of integrated in some way. It’d be great to have some more word from CGL as to what is going on though. Given how Germany has been a bastion of Battletech over the years I feel for @sundancer and his uncertainty about sourcing BT product going forward. Hells, it’s only just reached a point here in the UK where I can throw a dart at the list of online retailers and be 90% certain they will have some stock of Battletech, instead of having to go trawling through their archives….

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