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…new tricks from old dogs!

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This topic contains 112 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  onlyonepinman 5 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #1434087

    Cult of Games Member

    @ceppie it’s a good sequel, definitely worth a shot


    Cult of Games Member

    Well, home from work, dinner is being consumed and then up to the attic for some more painting.

    If you haven’t watched Narcos, it’s worth getting netflix for





    Nothing too complex here. As I said, my hours between writing and decorating this weekend have been preparing this scatter terrain for Warcry.

    The rest of the week will be putting together Enforcers for Necromunda.


    Cult of Games Member

    I really like that terrain piece, is that one of the Warcry packs?   Also,  good choice of colours, I like the desert ruins look


    Cult of Games Member

    Well, apart from basing, I managed to finish the Barbarians. I am actually really enjoying using the contrast paints on stuff, especially on models like these where I just want to churn them out. The addition of a dark brown glaze at the end really makes a difference. _20190909_222217



    @onlyonepinman it’s not technically terrain that has rules for Warcry, but it is terrain from the Stormvault theme, and so it is thematically compatible, and for the price is some nice scatter terrain.


    Cult of Games Member

    I really like that ruined statue, I may have to get one



    @mage – it’s just like xmas! I get all excited when stuff turns up…the posties must think I am “care in the community”. Who remembers that bright idea? Our regular postman is awesome. If it rattles like toy soldiers and there is no answer he just takes it one of the neighbours rather than me having to wait 24hrs to get my minis.

    Looks like Pokemon to me! Is it? When I was in the caravan looking for something I found a stack of Pokemon cards from when Jamie was really young.

    @onlyonepinman – as soon as you have test-fit your parts that should be it! Nothing has ever fallen apart on me…even during accidents. A few strategic drops is all that you need.

    Any of what? You missed the picture. We have a few vehicles, but I do want more. We bought two of the TTCombat trucks, but the ones from AW are amazing. Very Japanese.

    @ceppie – how come your picture never appears?

    We also adopt Glasgow pub rules: NAE POLITICS & NAE RELIGION.

    I don’t mind a nice bit of Goose, but if it is cooked well and not dry as Ghandi’s flip-flop! My grandparents bought Lard (dripping) and Goose fat from a guy that used to come around every two-weeks. We also had a real “French Onion man” with a striped top, on a bike, and wearing a Beret. Mr. Davie was the Fishmonger and he was a good friend of my grandparents. He would shout from his van, “Fresh Trout 50p per pound!” My granny would say, “Aye, wait until the morning and it will be 50p for 2 pound!” (the price is an example as I cannot remember the actual price)

    There was even a travelling ‘Tinker’ (all the SJW’s will be going Bez when they see that) that came every 6-8 weeks and would sharpen knives/tools and did ‘handyman’ stuff. When I was really small my Grandmother would say that Tinkers take “bad boys” away and they have to become Tinkers too. Cruel old witch. All three of those words are true…even in isolation.

    You are right about the wash! Some of the detail I hadn’t even noticed before. When I undercoated the Foxtrot Ranger I noticed he is wearing one of the torches that clip onto your webbing – just above the breast. I have had that models since it was released and play quite a few games with it and NEVER noticed that before.

    Those ‘adverts’ are really well done. I just got the new issue of Viz yesterday. Jamie gets it for me on his way home. I’ll will have to find some more.

    That water looks real! Impressive.

    ‘Highlander’ is one of my dads favourite movies. However, never mention the sequals to him! I have never seen any of the sequals or the TV series!

    @doctorether – some very nice looking stuff there! I have a Cthulian-style pyramid that needs some attention.



    I got a new mini yesterday…Jamie ordered me a Warcor! Since they have added new ways to use them he decided to get one for himself and got me one too.



    This is the last of my new starter-set minis. Now all I have to do is learn all their little tricks.


    Cult of Games Member

    @unclejimmy I Was sure I posted a link.



    Good Morning All!

    Late night yesterday, and I’m rubbernecking today, but got the last vegetation down on those boards:


    There will be better pics of all this stuff after Oct. 18th. Two more boards to go. They’re already built. They need paint, flock, and a plasticard edge.

    @doctorether nice shading on that terrain, and again I like your colour scheme.

    @onlyonepinman Great work on those barbarians! Any chance we could see a close-up on one or two? I’d like to see the effects of that glaze.

    Antenocitis does some nice vehicles and they are reasonably priced, but nothing with that classic style. Sometimes you can find something close to the right scale at toy stores.

    We also adopt Glasgow pub rules: NAE POLITICS & NAE RELIGION.

    Those aliens look fabulous. I wish I could afford to make a combat team out of them. Right now I’m using Tau, which I also really like, but not as much as those guys. They look really dangerous and… well… alien.

    Back to the books.



    Finally got my avatar to upload. I think it’s close to how I looked a few months after I left the army. It was a novelty not having to shave or cut my hair! I’m over it now, and back to being clean cut.


    Cult of Games Member

    @ceppie if you look closely on the Kickstarter you might see a painted Happy Burger van in some of the pictures. I painted it ?

    You might also see a red hover car. I also painted that.




    Will try and catch up with thread later!



    @onlyonepinman Those paint jobs will definitely sell models! Did you use an airbrush on the canopies? They really look nice. Did you get to keep any for your trouble? I love the classic look of some of those vehicles.

    @robert OMG, man! Are you converting an entire army? Can you get that APC in nurgle flavour, or do they have to be converted?

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 113 total)

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