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This topic contains 112 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  onlyonepinman 5 years, 1 month ago.

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    @woldenspoons – 1. Spiderman is a girl! Then again, Thor is too. I am not sure how you would fair against those women…I looked them up.

    2. What sort of people do you talk to at the bus stop, are you German? So, next time I see someone at the bus stop I will say, “Excuse me, do you want to see my prolapse…it looks like a tied-up joint of Beef!” You can visit me in the jail.

    Toilet time rules. 200pts.

    I went to use the toilet in a Burger King (you get what you deserve) and it was humming. Just as I was going into the main part a cleaner walked in. I told her that there is a man making some terrible sounds in there and that she should go and get the Mongoose. Nothing.

    If ‘something’ floats back and you find it during the night it is called “the dreaded night watchman”. If it pokes out then it is “Billy, the brown nosed bear”. Just call the Water Board and tell them to get the knives sharpened! If it floats (like an oil slick) then it is “curry slurry!”

    Should youuse cheap toilet paper and your finger goes through – “breaching the hull” and you get left with “Kermit’s collar”.

    3. Melted fingers? No, they just like the hot screwdriver at my school. My comprehensive was right in the middle of three rough areas – the perfect storm! It was sort of worth it…my resistance to interrogation skills are outstanding.

    Is the Walking Dead game any good?

    The Deftones are/were pretty good. I have the first two albums somewhere. 200pts.


    Cult of Games Member

    @unclejimmy hell yeah I am complaining! I work 8-18:30 most days which requires me to get up at 6 everyday. But now I have a toddler Saturday and most Sunday morning I can’t remember the last time I had a lie in. I really want a lie in but to get one I have to basically give up time with my daughter. But that’s a battle I need to have in the future and not something I want to sully this thread with. I know what I want, I have a plan to get there but it requires playing a long game.

    Films with numbers in the name, hmm. Not sure about that. There’s also some absolute shite that fits that bill (Fantastic 4?). But that film, and surprisingly it’s more modern remake, is an excellent piece of cinema and an absolutely fantastic theme tune, possibly one of the most iconic movie themes ever. I recently watched the Denzel Washington remake and was really pleased to find that at the end of the film they had retained the original soundtrack, I half expected some god awful rap track to poison my ears.

    We have been out for some breakfast this morning and now we’re visiting her grandparents – they love seeing her.



    I don’t have a TAG yet, I am limited to pretty much the starter sets plus the “beyond” boxes for them. I like having a variety of forces rather than buying fully into one single army.  I also have the Infinity RPG and am really looking forward to seeing Defiance in Autumn.

    I recently had a bit of a marathon session assembling infinity miniatures. Over the course of about three weeks I assembled Operation Red Veil + Beyond Red Veil, Beyond Ice Storm, Two Dire Foes boxes, two special edition miniature and the full set of Infinity RPG miniatures. That was hard work, I think there was something like 40odd miniatures and let’s face it as gorgeous as they are, assembling Infinity miniatures is not for the feint hearted.  And now I have gone and done it all again lol. I have another 19 to assemble.  I got the convention advance Pack as well.

    If you’re interested in the clear/fluorescent bases I bought them from a shop called Laserforge although you can buy something similar from (I prefer Laser Forge’s though because the patterns are better and you can have them in coloured plastic)



    Cult of Games Member

    @ceppie I recently discovered ambient music as a sleep aid and one of the soundtracks I found was Blade Runner but slowed down. It’s a really beautiful soundtrack, sometimes it’s actually hard to figure out the “tune” but the sounds and the harmonies are almost hypnotic. It’s really good stuff. It’s also a really great film.


    Cult of Games Member


    Cult of Games Member

    @oriskany I absolutely love old west stuff, I am a big fan of Great Escape games’ Dead Man’s hand game. It’s such a great setting, I always say that the “Wild West” is America’s medieval period; It’s semi lawless and full of villains and folk heroes.



    Good Morning All!
    No hobby done yesterday. Just worn out, but will put down a pot of coffee this morning and head for the garage, where hobby awaits.

    Movies with numbers you say?

    @robert thanks for all the views of that Nurgle thing. I can see where you’re going with it now. Looks like too much fun.

    @onlyonepinman Nice job on the Rohan fellows and the barbarians. From what I’ve seen, it looks like contrast paint would be good for leather, as it kind of has that irregular look to it, but still shadows nicely. What do you think?

    Also, great work on the Infinity models.

    Beautiful daughter. You won’t regret the lack of sleep-ins down the road. I see you’ve already got a paintbrush in her hand. Can a miniature be far behind?

    I have trouble sleeping as well. I don’t take it often, but sometimes I find CBD oil knocks me out for most of the night, except for an ‘old man pee’ somewhere in the middle. Do you have a link for that slowed Bladerunner track?

    @unclejimmy You’ll be pleased to know I spent most of the night in quiet reflection on the throne, but mostly because I’m on day 10 of Montezuma’s Revenge. There were a few Zen moments when I thought I was done, but I stayed ‘just in case.’ Confidence was low.

    Can you imagine the day when you take those aliens in to get ‘fixed.’ You’d need a vet with balls of steel.


    Pics later.


    Cult of Games Member

    @ceppie she’s only two so maybe a few years yet. However I am stocking up on games to play with her when she gets older,some with miniatures and some without. I bought Mice and Mystics and I also backed Gnomes and Associates on Kickstarter too.

    Contrast Paint has its uses, even for experienced painters. You really can churn out tabletop ready miniatures very quickly. It does provide a lovely brown leather effect though

    Here is the link to the bladerunner track


    Cult of Games Member

    Well. That’s it, the little bean has gone home. Normally it would be tomorrow but for whatever reason her mum said today and right now it’s simply not worth the argument. You’re right @ceppie I would happily give up the lie in



    @onlyonepinman – there is loads…Seven, 2012, The Taking of Pelham 123, 7 Days until Noon, Fahrenheit 451, 2 Minute Warning, Seven Samurai, 101 Damnations, Phase 4, 13 Ghosts, Girls & Goats 5, 3 Musketeers, to name the nes that come to mind.

    I am sure missing a few lie-ins is worth it! 5000pts. We are considering the Infinity RPG. Not sure about the new one, but it looks pretty cool.

    Dave can’t put some of the Infinity minis together because of his huge meat hands! I have to use my girly hands…no jokes please.

    Laserforge it is! I’ll wait until I can’t sleep later and buy some. Nice find. 200pts.

    Gimme Shelter…good one. 100pts.

    I haven’t seen the new Blade Runner movie yet…any good?

    @ceppie – The Dirty Dozen counts! 200pts. How about Rocky 1, 2, 3, and 4?

    There is nothing worse than making a mistake when you have the Tijuana two-step! One wrong push and you end up with a chocolate eclair and half-a-cup of tea.



    I had to go over to Heather’s mums as they couldn’t get the stairlift to come downstairs! Sorted and I got my tea out of it. Quality. Still no Traktor Muls painted. Port time…

    Jamie has been working on his O-12 since he got back from work. However, I have not seen them yet.




    Just in time for xmas!




    Just before I go and find something to watch…




    I might make it back later, but if you head off before that then sleep tight! Get a good nights sleep and you can get it on tomorrow. Thanks for taking the time to join in.



    Cult of Games Member

    I really enjoyed the Bladerunner sequel. It doesn’t leave you with the same hanging questions that the original does but it still questions and explores what it means to be human in very similar ways. As sequels go it’s a very good one.

    The Infinity RPG is really good and apart from a fairly in depth character creation system (which can be simplified by using the official, online character generation app) it is pretty easy to learn. For me Defiance has two big selling points. I love dungeon crawlers and I love Infinity so it’s already ticking loads of boxes. But even if it’s not a great game it’s a whole bunch of infinity miniatures that are usable in the skirmish and rpg games. You could also use the tiles in the RPG abd and maybe even the skirmish game if you fancied a game of infinity in a tunnel network.



    @unclejimmy Is it wrong that I think the barbie prison looks like it would work for 30mm wargames.

    Oh yes you asked about the game. Well first of all it was nearly a disaster. As I took my figures out of the case I realised all of my character cards weren’t in there. Or my equipment. Awkward.

    Luckily I had just enough ‘dregs’ to put together a team. And after a hard fought game managed a 3-3 draw. Very entertaining.

    The game is fast and relatively uncomplicated. Lots of depth and layers though.

    All the excitement of a second layer of water effect on my Vanguard bases and hopefully tomorrow there will be enough light for piccies. In the interim Aya says hi.




    Good Morning All!

    As it turns out, the wedding we were supposed to go to happened on Friday, so we missed it. Who has a wedding Friday during the day? The invite never had the day of the week on it, so a lot of people showed up Saturday afternoon for the wrong wedding. Apparently it was cheaper to rent the venue on a weekday… Mennonites.

    No tears shed, as I got a bit done on the game boards. Drybrushed the rocks, put a plasticard edge all around, and put down a dark green base colour for the flock. I had to wait for it to dry, so will start adding the veggies today, after a few chores.


    More pics later! I’ll catch up when I can.



    @onlyonepinman – so, it is just another ‘Blade Runner’? I don’t think there was too many unanswered questions at the end of the original. The folded paper and how long would she ‘live’. The rest is just for you to think about.

    I will give it a watch and report back.

    If you want to see a complicated character generation system then have a gander at ‘Aftermath’ by FGU. FGU made amazingly detailed games, but they could be a pain in the arse to play!

    I had a look at Defiance last night…I will give it a blast. Like yourself, Infinity rules. The rules rule too. It would be a great game in any setting – modern ‘Rainbow 6 Siege’ or Western gunfighters.

    The two things I would like to make for our Infinity games are an ‘indoors’ setting (underground) a bit like Space Hulk, and a multi-level set of floors and walkways. However, the speed I can actually do things is very different from the speed I want to do things! “I would have got away with it too if it wasn’t for those meddling strokes!”

    @woldenspoons -YES! It is very wrong, but I think you are right. 500pts. I have already sent in my application. I only forgot some kit once and the worst thing was that I arrived at GW to show the kiddies how to play some Battlefleet Gothic and realised I didn’t have my figure case. For about twenty minutes I was in a panic thinking I had left the case on the bus…then I realised I had left it at home! I must have lost a stone in weight…

    I have found that complicated games tend to play slow and are never great games. Force-on-Force, Infinity, and Battlegroup: Kursk are all games with huge depth and playability and yet they are not massive sets of rules. After a couple of games you will not be needing to be looking in a rule book every time someone does something.

    The games are dynamic and cinematic and are always great fun. Have you ever had a boring game of Infinity?

    looks like a bad dog to me! (that is a term of affection in our house) I have been to Eve’s then the vets this afternoon…Eve book the Puggies to the beach and some fatherless mongrel had broken a bottle and left it for Mollie to run through. She cut he paw in two places and it was bleeding so Eve arrived here freaking out a bit. However, she had applied a field dressing ffrom the kit she keeps in the car and did a good job of stopping the bleeding.

    After I had a good look, and Mollie had slobbered all over me, I wasn’t sure if it needed a stitch as the cut goes under the foot. We went through and they just used those ‘butterfly’ things. We came back and the first thing she did was chase Juno across the garden! Animals are strange things. Rufus had the front third of the left side of his jaw removed and the day after the operation we brought him hime and the first thing he did was start crunching biscuits. I’ll show you the picture when Eve sends it to me. She took it as Ernie was worried and at work until 2300hrs.

    @ceppie – wedding happen all day – every day! The world moved on and left us behind. It is what Gunny Highway’s friend says when he arrives at the Recon Platoon…”they should keep people like us with a sign saying ‘Break glass in case of war'”. They had all the meetings, but we missed them.

    You know some Mennonites? Very cool indeed. I thought they had all their own ceremonies or have they gone modern too?

    I am not very happy about the bottom picture…I thought I was your only fan? Boom-Boom. Strange than “Boom-boom!” is also the punchline to the following: Two Jihadis walk into a bar.

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